Las Vegas Attack 2017


How are eye-witness accounts of personal experiences conspiracy theories?
(Sure, those accounts can be USED to support various conspiracy theories, but in and of themselves are simply claims as to what certain individuals say they heard & saw.)
Ok how about they are mistaken accounts (and yes Im sure they are ALREADY being used to promote conspiracy theories all over the deep web). Most are easily explained (yes they were taking injured and dying people to nearby hotels to get them medical attention and out of the line of fire. Doesnt mean they were shot there). And a few wacky and/or exaggerations ("fronts of hotels blasted apart by gunfire"). Most of those "eyewitness" statements can be explained away as human perception errors during a chaotic panic. I personally spoke to a couple myself who were at the concert and they were absolutely sure that the shooter was on the grounds of the concert itself maybe feet away not in some building a quarter mile away. They thought this because they couldnt get a fix on where the shots were coming from in all the bedlam and panic and they simply assumed they were close by based on the sound. Once they left the location and got home are were safe and had time to look at video footage and hear interviews from other people it became clear to them that the shooter was not on the grounds like they had first assumed.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

You really shouldn't watch Fox news. Just sayin. Most of that stuff you're talking about Steel are leads. You really think the conspiracy runs so deep that the police aren't running those things down? Pretty sure they already have. I bet they even still have press conferences that you could actually watch and get it from the detectives themselves. I've watched a few of them myself. They are dry and pretty boring. Its much more exciting to engage in conspiracy theories. Hence FOX news and their never ending BS.

I think there's a chance that we get to see some video from inside the casino... I think there's a better chance we'll see Trump's tax return first... maybe. But it's probably not gonna happen. Even if there were some kind of court order I doubt you'd see the real tapes. This was a massive blow for that casino and its gonna take some serious sh*t to get them to help out with the investigation. In a way, the conspiracy theory guys might be a little right. I think there's a pretty good chance that not just Campos was helping this guy. But not the way the theorists think. I think they helped him bring all that sh*t to his room because they always helped him bring sh*t to his room. He was a relative high roller and seemingly had the run of the place. But the hotel can't just come out and say that. So... conspiracy theory.
It's fine to have issues with Fox. I only mentioned it because that's the station the story was on (as you may know, other networks pretty much went silent on even mentions of "the single largest shooting massacre in U.S. history" a month after it occurred). Fox is the only network I know of that has continued to even mention it.

And the report was all of a minute long - as I said: a survivor asking why there isn't more info after 7 weeks in the face of so many unaddressed questions, the reporter saying the authorities state they are still going through mountains of evidence, reviewing security footage and that all conspiracy theories are false. But that they reiterate that "we may never know."

(I still have to question why restating that over and over to the public is SO important - sure, with some cases we will never know, that's commonly understood... but to keep saying again and again, after starting off saying it from almost day one, while at the same time they claim they are digging through mountains of evidence? Sounds like either some very pessimistic thinking or some sort of agenda - and if it's just pessimism or pragmatism, why keep stating it over and over to the public like a mantra? Just keep it to yourself. Very strange.)

As far as hotels or authorities just coming out and saying... that's what I'm seeking.

So many things I listed could be addressed right now (even if the answer is "we don't know yet" that's still better than nothing - and simple things like the room numbers, the bullet holes in the hotel room doors, where was Paddock last filmed on a security camera? Who were the hotel staff that had contact with Paddock and what did they observe? What were the cops who were responding to the Campos shooting outside the room doing while Paddock was shooting at the crowd? Was Hooters simply an ambulance staging area? What was up with the airport radar and reports of shooters by Air Traffic Controllers? Why did they jump to the immediate conclusion that Paddock had no contacts if they couldn't find his hard drive? Did witnesses cell phones get scrubbed? etc., etc. All these things had answers early on and could easily be addressed.)

Ok how about they are mistaken accounts (and yes Im sure they are ALREADY being used to promote conspiracy theories all over the deep web). Most are easily explained (yes they were taking injured and dying people to nearby hotels to get them medical attention and out of the line of fire. Doesnt mean they were shot there). And a few wacky and/or exaggerations ("fronts of hotels blasted apart by gunfire"). Most of those "eyewitness" statements can be explained away as human perception errors during a chaotic panic. I personally spoke to a couple myself who were at the concert and they were absolutely sure that the shooter was on the grounds of the concert itself maybe feet away not in some building a quarter mile away. They thought this because they couldnt get a fix on where the shots were coming from in all the bedlam and panic and they simply assumed they were close by based on the sound. Once they left the location and got home are were safe and had time to look at video footage and hear interviews from other people it became clear to them that the shooter was not on the grounds like they had first assumed.
Okay. Good.
Mistaken accounts: echoes, ricochets, shrapnel, fleeing victims running onto the airport tarmac, nearby hotels filling up with the bleeding and injured as they sought refuge and medical aid, panicked rumors spreading like wildfire, unrelated events being interpreted as connected, misperception. Those are some reasonable explanations for some things.

Now, why don't the authorities step up to the mic and offer them as explanations to specific claims? Go down the list of claims and explain how they were misperceptions. Offer an updated timeline SO FAR including all the new elements (like cops outside Paddock's room before the massacre and what they were doing) with the understanding that it could change again with new evidence.

SAY whether they identified who the people were filmed on top of the trailers at the concert or that they still don't know who they were... but to just ignore it all and say nothing as if none of this stuff even exists?

That's what the survivor lady on the news report was frustrated about - how they are acting as if these questions aren't still on the table and are treating this like it never even happened.

But that's what we do here. Get in a twist all you like, but these shootings are so common place now that the media has no choice but to go silent. I'd be willing to place a small wager that there's so little coverage now simply because most of the media has already moved on to the next several horrible things that have happened in this country since the shooting. Seriously. Who's left to even cover this? Its not a story anymore because we've made it okay in this country to just "move on" and get to the next thing.

Do you really need a person of law enforcement to come out publicly and say: "We think this guy was batsh*t nuts, but don't really Know cuz he hid his hd sooo.... we don't know sh*t." Is that really gonna help the victims?
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

But that's what we do here. Get in a twist all you like, but these shootings are so common place now that the media has no choice but to go silent. I'd be willing to place a small wager that there's so little coverage now simply because most of the media has already moved on to the next several horrible things that have happened in this country since the shooting. Seriously. Who's left to even cover this? Its not a story anymore because we've made it okay in this country to just "move on" and get to the next thing.

Do you really need a person of law enforcement to come out publicly and say: "We think this guy was batsh*t nuts, but don't really Know cuz he hid his hd sooo.... we don't know sh*t." Is that really gonna help the victims?
I'm not in a twist. We're having some good conversation here.

If your point about the media is true, why can't they just go silent over Trump for an hour?
Can't they just move on (or at least give it a small rest) from that crap? How about just one day without "Russian collusion"? Yet, MSNBC and CNN are wall to wall with this, 24/7. Geez, it's like non-stop, repeating the same stuff over and over for months on end!

So, my point is, the media focuses on what it wants to focus on (to the point of ad infinitum in some cases)! But for some reason, they've chosen not to focus on the largest shooting massacre in American history.

What we need from law enforcement is not to go silent on such a major event that cost so many lives and has so many unaddressed questions surrounding it (including many about future public safety).

The point's been made that we need this because the silence leaves a void that creates a sense of vulnerability, distrust and skepticism for those entrusted to protect us. And that void only gets filled with misperceptions and conspiracy theories. The authorities appear so concerned with conspiracies theories that they publicly decry them whenever they DO speak, yet they won't fill in a single one of those many very easily answerable questions or gaps (that make up the aforementioned void) that would keep conspiracies from filling those spots.

Well, if by definition anything that Trump says is news. Then the media has to talk about it. I mean, I'm with ya. I'd love a break. But is he capable of taking a break?

I mean, I'd like to think that there's a silent majority of folks in this country that would love to talk gun control or something more related to this shooting. But we literally are told we can't talk about it from almost every news source out there. How do we fight that, exactly?

Well, if by definition anything that Trump says is news. Then the media has to talk about it. I mean, I'm with ya. I'd love a break. But is he capable of taking a break?

I mean, I'd like to think that there's a silent majority of folks in this country that would love to talk gun control or something more related to this shooting. But we literally are told we can't talk about it from almost every news source out there. How do we fight that, exactly?
I don't know. But I feel we found some common ground in agreeing that the media (from an overall perspective) is often somewhat skewed.

I don't know. But I feel we found some common ground in agreeing that the media (from an overall perspective) is often somewhat skewed.
Ha, yeah, well that's not really a stretch tho is it? Are you trying to unplug from the machine?

As far as some of your other points go. Growing up reading from great crime authors and yes, watching shows like CSI, you pick up one or two things. One thing is... these types of crime scenes can never be processed properly so there will be a large degree of human error all over the place. And two, the time it really takes to do this stuff is a lot longer than they make it out in TV, as I'm sure you know. It could take months just collecting statements. Much less categorizing them and working with them. Its a tedious process.

So, perhaps your point about them just coming out and telling us that they may never even come close to putting all these pieces together is valid. Maybe some of us could handle that. Maybe not.

What if tomorrow they come out and say this story is as good as its gonna get. I've already accepted that this was the work of one man. I believe he was a sad lonely depressed individual that snapped under the weight of his own mental instability and had the means and the guns to carry out a horrible act of violence like no other we've seen to date. That's truly a horrible thing, but I believe it.

If there is a real conspiracy of some sort involved with this on top of it? Wow, then whoever came up with that idea may be worse than Hitler.

Trouble with a capital "T"
... I'd be willing to place a small wager that there's so little coverage now simply because most of the media has already moved on to the next several horrible things that have happened in this country since the shooting....
I can only speak for myself: But I've nearly forgotten about the Vegas shooting. It made an impact on me at the time, but now I've nearly forgotten about it.

I'd venture to guess that the majority of Americans aren't actively thinking about it or seeking news information. There forth the media might seem to be ignoring it, when in reality there's not enough interest in the news story to warrant coverage. Remember today's news is largely for profit and most of us have short attention spans.

And that explains why the Vegas shooting is not being covered.

Here's a huge problem I have with the relative silence. Powdered Water brought up crime scene investigations and such...

With crime scenes, especially unsolved ones, there's a lot to consider and there are many good reasons to keep information under wraps until such time as arrests can be made and a case may be taken to court: first, you don't want to tip-off those involved, then there's allegations, lawsuits, potential counter lawsuits for false allegations or arrests, accomplices, crime scene contamination, witness protection, witness statements, admissible evidence, police involvement, who will represent the prosecution, what the defense for the accused is going to use in court, discovery, disclosure, potential jury pool contamination due to leaked information or rumors, and on and on - much of it relating to proving the case against the accused, the prosecution of the case, avoiding counter suits, and the ultimate court judgement.

But this is different. The authorities basically declared the case solved on day 1 as far as who was responsible and he can't be tried because he's dead!

They declared Paddock acted alone and had no contacts, affiliations, causes or accomplices - therefore there are no accusations of others to consider, no rights of "people of interest" left to worry about, no witnesses to protect, no groups to involve over the influence they had on the accused, etc. This case was wrapped as far as "Who dunnit" and how on day one.

So that leads me to really question the silence regarding the investigation. According to the FBI, they now only need to look at the particulars as to "why" Paddock committed this crime (which they keep telling us we may never know), but the "who" is already solved.

There are no witnesses to worry about protecting from retaliation, there are no other parties to worry about, there are no jury pools to worry about being contaminated, there's no case or lawyers to worry about in regards to the crime because the ONLY person involved in committing it is accounted for and dead.

This, of course, is all according to the authorities account of what happened and who was responsible.

So then why the big lack of disclosure toward many of the questions and details I outlined and the many more I didn't? What is the NEED to be silent over so many of the unaddressed issues? What do they need to "protect" by remaining silent if the only person responsible is dead? Do you see what I'm saying?

Staying mum might be more "normal" for cases where you have alleged suspects being defended by lawyers that will be making a plea in a court of law involving examination of evidence and witnesses to determine guilt, but this is different. And it's why we usually get a ton of information on lone killers who are killed during their rampage along with many of the circumstances surrounding it - there's no NEED to be silent when the ONLY person responsible is dead.

The silence here doesn't make sense.

I get what your saying but I feel your post in some ways answers your own questions. Perhaps all this silence you speak of may be misinterpreted. Is there even an active investigation going anymore? It seems you want some sort of public statement about this. Have you tried the LVPD website? Send them an email. You'd probably get a response.

We may have had the last public statement we're gonna get over a month ago.

I get what your saying but I feel your post in some ways answers your own questions. Perhaps all this silence you speak of may be misinterpreted. Is there even an active investigation going anymore? It seems you want some sort of public statement about this. Have you tried the LVPD website? Send them an email. You'd probably get a response.

We may have had the last public statement we're gonna get over a month ago.
Investigation: going by the report I heard on the news this morning, they said the authorities state that they are still combing through tons of security footage and evidence. So, that sounds like there's an ongoing investigation.

And the last public statement over a month ago sounds like a sad possibility, especially in the face of all the unaddressed issues I stated previously. As I said, so many of these things we know have been answered by now and would have no bearing on guilt, innocence or rights of one dead alleged mass-murderer who will most assuredly never have a day in court (if the FBI's account is accurate), so what are they hiding or who are they protecting by withholding such information?

And regarding contacting the authorities for info: some of those eye-witnesses who were in Las Vegas that night and came under fire, who claim multiple shooters or shootings at other areas have said that when they call they are hung up on, refused to be spoken to or are never given a call back. Isn't that a bit odd when the authorities posted a helpline for people who have information to call into?

Serious question and I'm not changing the subject. Why do you think "these people" are capable of hiding something from us? Have you seen our government function lately?

Now to change the topic just a bit... When was the last update from the really horrible shooting from like a week later at that church? I don't even know that guy's name. Do you without googling it? Is there some kind of conspiracy there too? They lost quite a few people. If I were them I'd be pissed that my town wasn't getting more coverage. Mass shooter's are really gonna have to get their numbers up from now on if they even wanna make the news in the future.

To bring me back to my original thought: Don't watch FOX or any of those news channels for that matter. Especially if its "news agencies" like that one, that are trying to tell you that people are being hung up on at the police station. If the police were trying to cover something up, wouldn't it raise a few eyebrows if the helpline that's dedicated to this thing just hangs up on people? I'm no detective but that would smell a bit off, wouldn't it?

There is no doubt that both the FBI and the media are keeping a tight lid on this.
Fox is the only one still asking questions, CNN and others, not a peep.
There is probably also some behind the scenes influence from Mandalay Bay, against whom more and more law suits are being filed by both dead victim's families and live survivors.
The only technicality that keeps this from being a class action law suit is the different circumstances of the victims.

Serious question and I'm not changing the subject. Why do you think "these people" are capable of hiding something from us? Have you seen our government function lately?

Now to change the topic just a bit... When was the last update from the really horrible shooting from like a week later at that church? I don't even know that guy's name. Do you without googling it? Is there some kind of conspiracy there too? They lost quite a few people. If I were them I'd be pissed that my town wasn't getting more coverage. Mass shooter's are really gonna have to get their numbers up from now on if they even wanna make the news in the future.

To bring me back to my original thought: Don't watch FOX or any of those news channels for that matter. Especially if its "news agencies" like that one, that are trying to tell you that people are being hung up on at the police station. If the police were trying to cover something up, wouldn't it raise a few eyebrows if the helpline that's dedicated to this thing just hangs up on people? I'm no detective but that would smell a bit off, wouldn't it?
To address one of your points here, PW (sorry, all of this typing is exhausting!... I know, I'm choosing to do it... but I'm Internet addicted!) with the other recent massacres / attacks (the Texas shooting, the NYC vehicular terrorist attack) some pertinent things are different:

These were up close, one on one attacks (not a hidden sniper attack as in LV). Thus, there are still plenty of living witnesses who saw the killer first hand carry out the attack (no one in LV saw anything in regards to the shooter, except for maybe Campos and the two cops who arrived in response to what authorities claim was the shooting at Campos before the massacre).

And in these recent attacks (sure, conspiracy theorists like to call everything a "false flag") there aren't hundreds of unanswered questions, discrepancies, counterclaims to the official reports, unanswered money trials and weapons records, burgled crime scenes, eight different conflicting timelines, human figures caught running across trailer tops in cell phone videos, audio records of gunfire followed by echoes... then just echoes with no preceding gunfire (!!!), claims by ISIS, appearances on ELLEN (!!!) - you don't have people in Texas saying there were simultaneously shootings at up to 10 different churches in the area over an hour later and such.

And (man I do go on...) Paddock doesn't fit any profile we have in these other cases: in Texas a red flag poster boy who never should have been able to get a gun if laws had been correctly applied, who was dishonorably discharged from the Air Force, was a spouse, child and animal abuser... an all around psycho with a record of violence. And in NYC, another ISIS inspired lone wolf carrying out the edicts of his religion of peace against the infidel using what has globally become a very standard style of attack.

You keep saying hundreds of unanswered questions, but most of what your talking about is just people talking on youtube. Those people would be better served to actually contact the police if they have information. Des touched on something I alluded to earlier. The only way we will ever see footage from the Madalay Bay will be after a lengthy trial or court order of some kind. You want a conspiracy? Why doesn't our POTUS sign an executive order telling Mandalay Bay to turn over their video?

You keep saying hundreds of unanswered questions, but most of what your talking about is just people talking on youtube. Those people would be better served to actually contact the police if they have information. Des touched on something I alluded to earlier. The only way we will ever see footage from the Madalay Bay will be after a lengthy trial or court order of some kind. You want a conspiracy? Why doesn't our POTUS sign an executive order telling Mandalay Bay to turn over their video?
Why not indeed?
Could it be he's in bed with the Saudis who own the top five floors of the hotel?

It's fine to have or listen to conspiracy theories, but I'm with the lady on the news report - (to the authorities) you've had 7 weeks now, make with some info.

The power of a photo. Air Force One leaving Las Vegas.

I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

It's fine to have or listen to conspiracy theories, but I'm with the lady on the news report - (to the authorities) you've had 7 weeks now, make with some info.
Not sure if this will answer any of your questions Cap. I was talking to some friends that basically said the same things you were saying. The New York Times put out this video. I'm shocked they were able to get it without a major lawsuit but maybe someone at the hotel just thought it was the right thing to do?

Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo discusses the final report on the 2017 mass shooting

So I guess if you want to do something terrible just make sure you destroy your computer and cell phone. They have absolutely no idea why he did this thing.