Suggestion: Reviewer Rank Icons?


We're getting awful close to a few people hitting a whopping 1000 cataloged movie reviews on here.

I'm starting to think it'd be cool to see a little star (or something) next to, or colored border around, people's avatars indicating how many reviews they've done.

I mean, of all the optional things people can hover over to get an impression of a user, their favorite movies... what movies they've seen... why not movies reviewed?

Plus, I think it'd be neat to see a little acknowledgment from the website that you've logged oh so many reviews into the searchable database. There's not much else besides the Top 5 leaderboard.
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Movie Reviews | Anime Reviews
Top 100 Action Movie Countdown (2015): List | Thread
"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

That's a solid idea, yeah. I've been toying with the idea of little trophies or badges for awhile now, and a former(ish) MoFo did some nice mockups that I'm just sitting on.

One of the reasons I've hesitated is that I'm always a little concerned with the "gamification" of community, since it can get people to interact out of compulsion, which might be good in the short-term but probably has long-term detrimental effects that I'd rather not be party to. But I do think there's a sweet spot in there that allows for things like this.

So, this is a nice little kick in the butt. Hopefully after Oscar season I can sit down and come up with something workable and elegant.

if my bollywood reviews are included and my initial hollywood reviews ( which i did not flag as reviews because i was new and didnt know ) are included then i could move rapidly into bracket of top reviewers

I'm always a little concerned with the "gamification" of community, since it can get people to interact out of compulsion, which might be good in the short-term but probably has long-term detrimental effects
Yeah, I was thinkin' that. You could inadvertently encourage people to mass submit crap reviews for example.

But if you make it less of a cow-clicker type of deal and more of milestone thing, that'd be cool. I've always been partial towards the little medals you see in games which show little progressions:

Each one took a mountain of effort to get and that's why the really elaborate looking badges were pretty reliable testaments to how much someone had put into the game.

I can imagine different combinations of movie reels, laurels, and ribbons.
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Wait, there is a place here to log your movie watching similar to Letterboxd? I got over 2000 logged there but seen close to 5000...hell I will go through every year to make sure I get caught up.

Wait, there is a place here to log your movie watching similar to Letterboxd? I got over 2000 logged there but seen close to 5000...hell I will go through every year to make sure I get caught up.
No this is about reviews members have written.

No this is about reviews members have written.
You can log your movie watching though, albeit I don't think there's a tally (which I think I also suggested some time back).

No this is about reviews members have written.
If I wrote a review of a movie ..I would give the whole plot...thats why I dont

(Cam, you following me?)

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
You already got rid of most all the ways people ranked in various categories which was fine. I don't see any reason to somehow reintroduce something which most people won't understand or have to look up what it means. But if that's what people want, so be it. If you have plans, go for it. I recommend against anything militaristic-looking. I've got problems. I don't want to contaminate the site.

Sergeant Swan reporting for duty.

Opinion: None at all.


I whole heartily agree with Mark!

I don't want a badge or icon by my avatar for writing a bunch of reviews. It would set me apart and scream LOOK AT ME, I hate that!

It would feel snobbish like someone who wrote a bunch of reviews is 'extra special' and 'better' than the rest of the MoFos. That's not a good thing for a community.

The Review board is enough of a 'reward' for writing reviews. Anything more would be elitism. As someone who's wrote a lot of reviews, please opt me out of this idea.

I recommend against anything militaristic-looking.
Oh sure, it should fit with the site.

It would feel snobbish like someone who wrote a bunch of reviews is 'extra special' and 'better' than the rest of the MoFos. That's not a good thing for a community.
Alternatively, consider the fact that if someone liked your opinion on movies, there'd be little icon that could conveniently link them to all the reviews you've created.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Yeah, I was thinkin' that. You could inadvertently encourage people to mass submit crap reviews for example.

But if you make it less of a cow-clicker type of deal and more of milestone thing, that'd be cool. I've always been partial towards the little medals you see in games which show little progressions:

Each one took a mountain of effort to get and that's why the really elaborate looking badges were pretty reliable testaments to how much someone had put into the game.

I can imagine different combinations of movie reels, laurels, and ribbons.
That first one looks a bit too Rahhh Rahhh lets go and blow the sht out of a country to rape it's mineral resources to me.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I whole heartily agree with Mark!

I don't want a badge or icon by my avatar for writing a bunch of reviews. It would set me apart and scream LOOK AT ME, I hate that!
So why did you make one for me and tell me to add it to my avatar on my hanniversary? Seems a bit disingenuous, Rules? I thought we were friends I even pretended not to have my PC feels hurtie so Cap E. Ville wouldnt jump to the defence of your golden locks and beating chest.

Quick answers to general stuff throughout the thread:

Wait, there is a place here to log your movie watching similar to Letterboxd?
Yes and no. The "Yes" is that any of the movie pages have a "Seen" button you can hit to log that you've seen it. It'll be reflected on the Lists.

The "No" is that there is not currently any page that displays all of these logged films together...but there will be soonish, I hope. It's actually very simple to code up something basic for this (I've already done it), but I'm trying to come up with a way to do it that isn't just one big long list. I'd like to integrate it into the profile more, maybe have some interesting stats...stuff like that.

So, basically, if you keep logging them on here, it'll pay off once I figure out how to display it. It'll all be saved and be reflected on whatever page or tab I eventually settle on.

I don't see any reason to somehow reintroduce something which most people won't understand or have to look up what it means. But if that's what people want, so be it. If you have plans, go for it. I recommend against anything militaristic-looking. I've got problems. I don't want to contaminate the site.
No worries, I appreciate the opinion. For what it's worth, it wouldn't be militaristic; just like a little badge, in the same color scheme and style as the rest of the site. And it would be fairly self-explanatory, if done at all.

I don't want a badge or icon by my avatar for writing a bunch of reviews. It would set me apart and scream LOOK AT ME, I hate that!

It would feel snobbish like someone who wrote a bunch of reviews is 'extra special' and 'better' than the rest of the MoFos. That's not a good thing for a community.
It's a fair point. I do think there are ways to do this that minimize this element a little, like something on the profile and not right on the posts, for example.

That's been my compromise, for the most part: keep the focus on what people say on the posts themselves, and tuck away the "extra" stuff on their profile so it can be found and seen, but not detract from the posts. If we do anything with badges or awards, it'd be a lot like that, I think.

That first one looks a bit too Rahhh Rahhh lets go and blow the sht out of a country to rape it's mineral resources to me.
More like, "let's pick up a mobile turret instead of using the one on the back of the warthog and stand on the hood for no reason firing wildly into the breach at terminal velocity".

It'll be reflected on the Lists.

Originally Posted by Yoda
I'm trying to come up with a way to do it that isn't just one big long list. I'd like to integrate it into the profile more, maybe have some interesting stats...stuff like that.
Stuff like what genres you mostly cover would be cool.