Ask A Stupid Question, Get A Stupid Answer


anything but Zombies & vampires
To give them something to name Atlanta after.

What is the real reasom they changed New Amsterdam to New York?

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
"New Amsterdam" = 4 syllables
"New York" = 2 syllables
Do the math. Americans prefer shorter names, easier to spell and remember.

Do you agree with yourself? How so?

Not unless they are both gay

Why does Trump marry women from countries he’s never set foot in?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Women who meet him all turn him down.

Why are all my ex-girlfriends dating women now?
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."

anything but Zombies & vampires
Only once a month.

If Americans only like short names what about Mississipi, Massachusetts and San Francisco?

anything but Zombies & vampires
To visit Sea World, why else would you go to San Diego?

Why is it so hard to sell Ice to Eskimos?

It was, until a hoarder caveman decided it was a good place to store rocks.

Why don't fish have legs?

_____ is the most important thing in my life…
They saw what people did to the frog's.

Who is responsible for the worst holiday food ever, turkey?

_____ is the most important thing in my life…

Why do my shoelaces hate each other?

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
That hatred you're pointing the finger at actually is quite yours. Things cannot hate.
Find the root causes of your hatred then find curative and preventive solutions.

Whose mask do you prefer to wear?