Why do some of you just quit watching a Movie?


My argument: try and watch this movie
The man w/ iron fist
I actually made it through that one, somehow. I hated everything about it, but made it through.

Tyler isn't here! Tyler went away! Tyler's gone!
My argument: try and watch this movie
The man w/ iron fist
I actually made it through that one, somehow. I hated everything about it, but made it through.
I did as well, I wanted to leave the theater but the person who drove liked it....

My argument: try and watch this movie
The man w/ iron fist
I actually made it through that one, somehow. I hated everything about it, but made it through.
I did as well, I wanted to leave the theater but the person who drove liked it....
I blind bought the DVD and forced my way through. Still have it because I hoard movies, but I don't think I could ever make it through a second time.

That said, I've never walked out of a movie at a theater because I didn't like it. I've always suffered through.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Amazingly enough I shut off yet another movie tonight and after only 13 minutes.
Moontrap: Target Earth (2017)

Actually I knew it sucked after only 3 minutes. I should have researched it better before getting the DVD from Netflix
But it sounded kind of cool in the mini synopsis....So I just now looked at IMDB and I see it has an appalling 2.6 rating!

Maybe the OP will watch it for me

Welcome to the human race...
Trying to remember the last movie I bailed on within fifteen minutes of starting it. Nothing comes to mind.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Kubrick, Lynch, Scorsese, Tarkovsky, Klimov, Haneke, Nolan, Iñárritu, Tarantino, Jeunet.

My Favorites
That's a nice list, but to my knowledge, I only know Kubrick (ok I saw almost all by him, even though there are only 9 or what?), Lynch (Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks etc.) Scorcese (many), Nolan and Tarantino.

How does anyone feel about Lean, Polanski, Godard, Brennagh, Scott? Don't answer if it's too off topic.

Amazingly enough I shut off yet another movie tonight and after only 13 minutes.
Moontrap: Target Earth (2017)

Actually I knew it sucked after only 3 minutes. I should have researched it better before getting the DVD from Netflix
But it sounded kind of cool in the mini synopsis....So I just now looked at IMDB and I see it has an appalling 2.6 rating!

Maybe the OP will watch it for me

It's hillarious when one can tell movie probably sucks just by hearing the title.

You have my empathy Rules, coming from the satan thread.

I blind bought the DVD and forced my way through. Still have it because I hoard movies, but I don't think I could ever make it through a second time.

That said, I've never walked out of a movie at a theater because I didn't like it. I've always suffered through.
I did once. Me and this girl were watching Another You in a Viennise English-speaking theatre (everything alse was dubbed in German, as is on TV) in 1991., when I was there as a refugee because of the war here. Utter rubish. Or at least I didn't get the message. So, I proposed to her after half an hour "let's get out of here". We did, entschuldigung, verzeichnung, but mostly we had the entire night ahead in Vienna, and I didn't wanna spend it on this crap. Shame, because I love Wilder.

P. S. Christ! I just found out he died last year!

I don't have one. I guess Bergman might be the closest. He is one of the very few directors whose movies I've watched solely because he directed them.
I still have to watch even The Seventh Seal, but it looks very appealing, knowing the plot and seeing some images from it. I think I only saw Fanny and Alexander, as a kid.

What a very odd question. Why would I - or anyone else - continue to sit through something I'm not enjoying? If a movie hasn't gripped, interested, or at least appealed on some level within half an hour, I'm not sitting there for another 60-90 minutes. Life is too short.

What a very odd question. Why would I - or anyone else - continue to sit through something I'm not enjoying? If a movie hasn't gripped, interested, or at least appealed on some level within half an hour, I'm not sitting there for another 60-90 minutes. Life is too short.
If it's unbearable, painful, and ungodly. I can understand why you would do turn it off. But I can't remember the last time I just turned off a film just because "I wasn't interested," or "I wasn't engaged." Life is more stretched out than you give it credit for.

Well, if you get a kick out of wasting your time watching things that do nothing for you, go for your life. Some of us have better things to do with our time.

Well, if you get a kick out of wasting your time watching things that do nothing for you, go for your life. Some of us have better things to do with our time.
CONGRATS! You totally got the point of my post while being reasonable and mature.

WARNING: spoilers below
Just kidding, you didn't. In all honestly, I don't think you read mine nor anyone else's posts on this thread. You can take a hike now.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I guess I should add that I think we're all adult enough to know what we are walking into, for the most part, when it comes to viewing a film as art. I would imagine most do not walk out in that context, but if so I imagine such times are few and far between. I can only remember doing it twice. Granted, both were movies for entertainment, but still I expect a minimum base level of technical skill for anything I watch. The moment something obviously ridiculous happens that for all rights should have been called out very early in development, that thing then becomes a distraction, and I have a difficult time respecting what remains. Again, that is contextual though to the skill and design of the creator. I can appreciate what remains, but I can't help but then question that if the remaining of the film is acceptable, then why was this one element overlooked? The creator has demonstrated capability enough that surely this would have been noticed. If not, then why? Was it intentional? If so, then why? If not, then why wasn't it adjusted or removed?

I still may not literally walk out, but at the very least my thoughts are potentially distracted enough at that point that I find it difficult to enjoy the film. Or event respect it, worst case. It may still be that I enjoy it, assuming that whatever is left is adequate enough to overcome its flaw(s), but still with marks against.

I do not believe it is all or nothing as a link earlier suggests. It can be for me if the quality is consistently poor, but I do not experience that often at all. Or if it is, then I probably expected something less to begin with and adjusted my expectations for it.

I'm still not sure the point of all this though because as posters post their subjective opinions on the matter, those opinions are pushed back against based on OP's own subjective opinions as some form of standard.

I mean I had to turn off spongbob 2015 because it was giving me a headache. I also left when we went to see a horror movie forgot what it was, something about a little boy going to the sprit world the only part I really remember is the ghost dancing to an old record.
But yeah you never turned a movie off? Even if it was really annoying?

I mean I had to turn off spongbob 2015 because it was giving me a headache. I also left when we went to see a horror movie forgot what it was, something about a little boy going to the sprit world the only part I really remember is the ghost dancing to an old record.
But yeah you never turned a movie off? Even if it was really annoying?
I don't waste my time with annoying films. I check out what's highly recommended, and If it doesn't "interest me" in the first 30 minutes, I continue watching.