Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio


Love your bizarre posts!!
We totally have to babysit together some day!
If there were no women left in the world, which man would you choose to be your man biatch?
If there were no women left in the world, humanity would all die in this century. Anyway, I wouldn't want to dabble in homosexualism even if women were no longer an option.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Oh c'Mon Mr Kinky. That's no fun. Just tell me your #1 man crush. Everyone has one.

You are asking wrong:

Who would you like as your boyfriend if you were a girl? I'm asking generally, actors and all that stuff too, and then I'm asking in the forum, though it's kind of weird since nobody knows for sure everyone's gender

You can't win an argument just by being right!
No that's not my question. Who would he have a bromance with if there were no wiminz left.

He can also answer your question. 2 very different ?

I'd like to engage in oral relationship with Michael Fassbender and Anton Walbrook and my dream is to be sucked off by both of them simultaneously in bathtubs full of luke-warm jello. Here you go, is it kinky enough?

I had a hard time typing this. Well, swap these two guys with any two of my favourite actresses and you got it right. Minus the jello part. Water is enough.
Why are you so mini, Mr. Minio?
I'm not mini. I'm huge!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
There was a guy on ahs board who was madly inlove with Fassbender. Is that you?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
He was really funny. Every thread he posted was about Fassbender.

Have you seen Eden Lake? I think it's the first of his films I saw him in.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Check it out. Fassbender is great and that movie really freaked me out. One of the best horror/thrillers I've seen for a long time.

An outstanding thread, and the Hotseat! threads idea is great. I think we should resurrect it and grill more MoFos - a lot of newcomers since we stopped doing this!.

I'll answer some of the originals:

Describe what you look like.
The studliest stud in Studland
Describe your personality.
Quietly passionate
Where were you born?
Do you have any sibling?

Name your top 5 favorite TV show?
Doctor Who (classic)
The X Files
Person of Interest
That 70s Show
Too many to list

Name your top 5 favorite actors.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Roger Moore
Sean Connery
Bill Murray
Emma Watson

Name your favorite horror movie villain.
Michael Myers
Name your favorite movie hero.
James Bond (Moore version)

Name the movie you hate the most.
Probably something from the 2000s
Name the oldest movie you've seen.
Probably Rope
What is your favorite movie genre?
What is your favorite decade of movies?
What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .

Horror? Black Christmas (1974)
Sci-fi? The Terminator
Suspense Thriller? Silence of the Lambs
Comedy? The Naked Gun
Action? The Spy Who Loved Me
Drama? Show Me Love/The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Musicals? Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Westerns? Tombstone

@iank It doesn't work that way! You need a separate thread just for yourself!