Avatars & Profile Banners: The Making of . . .


OK, I've resized these, so they now work like they should. I'm still borrowing member's profiles who haven't been here in like forever . . .


I'm also going to make several from my Halloween movies, as well as some classic horror.

I've borrowed another profile, to test this banner out. Just so you know, I won't be using any of these avatars and/or banners, so help yourselves.


Now, I have always wanted too much of a scene in my avatars, which usually made them too big to use. I'm doing it again, but with some practice, I'll decide on something smaller. Bummers! . . .

I keep removing stills, as much as I can, without taking too much from it. Well, it's gone from 544 KB, to 521 KB, to 496 KB. It can't be any larger than 341.8 KB. This ain't happening!

Powdered WaWa, didn't you ask me where these Brandon Lee avatars were, way back when? I found them, if you still want them.

I am trying to find all my better avatars. Especially the ones that might be liked during Halloween. My favorite holiday.

I have The Bride, as well. I haven't found her, just yet. It's a good one, though.

Also, I never brought the size of this one down, so that it would work here. It will now work . . .

I actually made Frankenstein and Young Frankenstein, from the DVD, as well as The Bride, if I ever find her. An American Werewolf in London, and Nosferatu, were large video clips from the net. I made those from that. The rest are just pictures I added color to, etc . . .

The one I lost is that cool one from The Crow. The one where he makes a picture of A crow out of lighter fluid and then lights it. I lost it and haven't been able to track it back down yet. You worked your magic and made a really nice for me and I can't find it for the life of me.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yup thats it. You rock!
Destiny spends a lot of her time helping other people, she does nice work too on those banners and avatars.

It might be nice to give her a nomination in the:
The 2015 MoFies... The Categories

#13. Most Helpful MoFo (up to 5 nominations)

Thanks a lot, Citz. I appreciate it. I'll admit, without any hesitation, that I am a lot slower than I used to be, when it came to getting things done. Just ask poor Powdered WaWa. I was just going to put that avatar off until this early morning, but I couldn't sleep when I needed to, so I went into a coma today. Powdered WaWa, if you come by here tonight, I promise that right after my swim, I will make this baby immediately. So sorry, I be so slow.

If I remember correctly, I blacked out everything except the fire/crow, from every last still. I'll probably do that again.

I will need to alter the original post, because there is now a much easier way . . . a still free way, to get any Youtube videos saved to your computer. You no longer have to send them off to that site.

I'm working on it, dear.

OK, I've taken the last two stills, and repeated them a couple more times each. The scene went right from the crow lighting up, to right back to a blank screen. I hate when scenes jump like that, and end fast. Now, if you do not like the way this is, or if you would like the background all black (By the way, I was wrong, I've never done that before.), or anything else you would like changed or added, please let me know.

I can even make those final flames last longer, if you would like. The file size is only at 165 KB, which surprised me, so there's plenty of room.