Italian movie.. help..


I need help with finding out the name of an Italian movie that I've watched as a kid and now I can't remember the name..
But I remember a lot of details..

Movie is about a man who is successful football (soccer) manager in Italy, and his son is young player with bright future in front of him.
Father is very ambitious about his son's career and he is pushing him to hard, but when son brakes under his father's hard coaching he starts to use drugs which will help him to endure physically.
One day father catches him in room taking the drugs.
He starts to run outside the hotel, jumps on the motorcycle and few meters away from hotel he crashes with injured knee as consequence.
After that father quits his job and starts to manage much smaller club in much weaker league...

Please, if anyone knows even the name of one actor from the movie it would be very helpful.. I think that son's character name in Nicola, but that's not enough information..