Anime appreciation thread


Arresting your development
You have some Anime that you like to share with the other MoFos then pile it up in this thread.

Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

Registered User
Hmm... you actually started an ‘appreciation thread‘. Nice collection, it yours? And I wouldn't call my self and admirer or collector of anime, I just don't have a strong opinion on it one way or another. I do enjoy watching the cartoons/films though.
We are the future, the 21st. century dyslexic, glue sniffing, cybersluts with homicidal minds and handguns... we are the same.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Diablo
Hmm... you actually started an ‘appreciation thread‘. Nice collection, it yours?
No. It's a picture from a video store in Japan.
I own...


And this is my BOOMstick!
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Some favorite wallpapers.



Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

Eh, go read some Manga, people. There are already plenty of good ones available in english.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I've never actually read any Manga, but I don't have any real reason not to have read any, I just haven't. From what I've heard from my friends who are Anime gods, there really aren't any series that are anywhere near as good as their Manga counterparts. I hate to beat my trump card to death, but apparently the Manga for Berserk is phenomenal.

Speaking of such, I'd like to read the Manga of Oldboy. God damn I love that movie.

The Berserk manga is okay. Personally I thought the story arc told in the anime was far and away the best part of the Berserk storyline so that's one where I'd say the comic doesn't really offer that much over the show (other than being twice as long and offering a bit more closure on the cliffhanger ending of the anime.) The whole concept is pretty much derivative of the action subgenre started in Fist of the Northstar, though, so you might give that manga a try too (it's pretty good. Lots of exploding heads.)

I haven't heard anything on the Oldboy manga, but with the millions of other untranslated manga series out there I wouldn't hold my breath for a licensed translation. Still, it's not unheard of for something like that to be picked up by some fly-by-night online fan group, and if I hear anything I'll let you know.

Really one of the main things I like about manga is is that it varies much more in terms of style and subject matter (than anime does.) That's not to say there's not plenty of cliche'd manga out there too but anime has a pretty much narrowly defined audience in Japan (mostly kids and social outcasts), so it's very rare for anything new or groundbreaking. So while I think Berserk is a pretty okay example of anime, I wouldn't recommend the manga; there's just so much more to choose from.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Nice to see theres someone on the boards who knows their stuff (I admittedly aren't anything close to an expert on Anime, but I still like it). Just curious, what would be your most recommended series or film?

For anime?

The best OAV series is definitely Giant Robo. Weird show. Very melodramatic. Interesting Anachronistic style, clever writing, and the animation quality rivals anything on film.

My favorite t.v. anime was Miyazaki's Future Boy Conan series from the seventies. Sort of a more slapstick precursor to Laputa and Nausicaa. The best one might actually be the adaptation of the classic Sanpei Shirato manga, Ninja Bugeicho. It's unfortunately very old and obscure and nearly impossible to find, but the one episod I've seen was very interesting.

I really like Katsuhiro Otomo's stuff and my favorite movie is Akira. He's aldo done some shorts in a handful of interesting anthology films, like Robot Carnival, Neo Tokyo, and most noteably, Memories. I'm really looking forward to seeing Steam Boy. Isao Takahata's films are all worth seeing too, starting with a very early (late sixties) fantasy/adventure called Horus: Prince of the Sun, but also his later Studio Ghibli films like Grave of the Fireflies, Only Yesterday, Pom Poko, and My Neighbors the Yamadas.

I also really enjoyed Ninja Scroll, Dagger of Kamui, Wings of Honneamise and Jin Roh, and Arcadia of My Youth.

Some favorites that are just fun, competant genre entries are the Gundam 0079 movies (also the Z Gundam t.v. series), Miyazaki's Sherlock Hound, Gunbuster, Dragonball (all the story arcs before Dragonball Z), 8-Man, and Macross. I'm sure there are plenty that I'm forgetting too.

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by Anonymous Last
You have some Anime that you like to share with the other MoFos then pile it up in this thread.
Alrighty...let me add a little to your piles.

Inuyasha is the current favorite in my I said in the ‘anime hate’ thread...I tape it for my daughter (adult swim) and have bought the first two movies. It’s just fun (and funny) fantasy. I’ve heard the third movie is really good and has more of my favorite character in it, so I’m buying whenever it comes out.

The first anime I got into was the Sailor Moon I said (a long time ago) in that ‘hate thread’, my daughter really liked it, and at a time when there weren’t any strong girl figures on we’d watch it and talk about things afterwards. It will always be a sentimental favorite for me.

Here are some favorites...
Spirited Away
Millennium Actress
Tokyo Godfathers
Grave of the Fireflies
Ah My Goddess – The Movie
Inuyasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time
InuYasha the Movie 2: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass
Sailor Moon R and S - The Movie’s
Castle in the Sky
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Cardcaptor Sakura - The Movie
Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust

Rurouni Kenshin
Cardcaptor Sakura
Gundam Wing
Outlaw Star
Tenchi Muyo
Ronin Warriors

My daughter also likes Case Closed.

Has anyone seen Record of Lodoss War and what did you think of it?

I like chobits, where everybody owns persocons which are like androids.
It's about a loser collage kid who finds a persocon which has been thrown onto a rubbish pile, it's really funny.
Click image for larger version

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Being a big Studio ghibli fan, id like to mention 3 new dvd's just came out on the american market. Porco Rosso, Nausicaa and the valley of the wind, and The Cat Returns. I bought and watched them and can say they are all quite enjoyable to fans of high quality Manga.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
most of my avatars are anime. i just wanted to post in this thread to say i support it, and do not support anyone that is anti anyone.

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by archaeopteryx
Being a big Studio ghibli fan, id like to mention 3 new dvd's just came out on the american market. Porco Rosso, Nausicaa and the valley of the wind, and The Cat Returns. I bought and watched them and can say they are all quite enjoyable to fans of high quality Manga.
Thanks for the update. We watched The Cat Returns a couple of weeks ago and really liked it. We'll have to look out for the other two. Since linespalsy also mentioned Nausicaa, I'll have to look for it in the manga section.

Along with InuYasha, another manga my daugther likes is Magic Knight Rayearth and MKR 2. I put a stop to her reading Ceres though...maybe in a couple of years she'll be mature enough, but right way.

trotskyist's Avatar
motivationally deficient
Originally Posted by linespalsy

I also really enjoyed Ninja Scroll
yes! ninja scroll is great.
did you know that teflon comes from spiders feet?

Put me in your pocket...

Just got the latest Inu-Yasha Movie (3) and I loved it! The animation isn't as sophisticated as Steamboyor Spirited Away...but it's story is solid, interesting, has alot of action/sword play and strong characters that also drive the story. Both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are two of the coolest characters written. I could easily see this being made as a live action/CGI (ala..Star Wars) movie.

Fruits Basket has become a favorite lately also. There's only 4 DVD's, which both my daughter and I LOVE (great characters, and it's funny, sweet and touching)...and my daughter is now hooked on the manga.

I got for good luck my black tooth.
I agree with linespalsy. I'm not much into anime, but I like manga pretty well.

Battle Angel Alita

Quite dark, mature and well written without any of the annoying campiness that ruins a lot of manga/anime for me. Anyone interested in cyberpunk (such as tendercare) should check it out.

One Piece

Campy adventurous fun done right. I don't mind the camp factor here because there is never anything serious about the tone of this manga so nothing cheesy can interupt it. It all flows together and sucks you into its world.


Ok this one is just friggin' wierd, yet it's impossible not to like it and impossible to explain why you do like it. The anime version is excellent as well and it's easier/cheaper to read/watch than most because their are only 2 graphic novels/4 episodes.
"Like all dreamers, Steven mistook disenchantment for truth."

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by Strummer521
One Piece

Campy adventurous fun done right. I don't mind the camp factor here because there is never anything serious about the tone of this manga so nothing cheesy can interupt it. It all flows together and sucks you into its world.
My son gets the manga and I record the anime for him every saturday night. It took me awhile to like the drawing style...sort of remiinded me a little of Dragonball Z's chunky style....but I love imitating Luffy now. I tell my kids I want them to approach their homework the same way Luffy embraces life. Of course I get a "MOoooom!".