The MoFo Top 100 Action Movie Countdown

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Trouble with a capital "T"
I haven't had a chance to read all the posts, but when I said it was a great idea, it didn't occur to me that it'd be right away. The fairest way for everyone is to wait until after the 50's and Rodent's countdown. I wouldn't participate until then because it wouldn't be right. It's still very nice of you to take care of all the work that being a host entails, Omni.

Omni, I would like to see your Action Countdown would enjoy it if it's successful, and we would enjoy it if it's successful. But I don't see many people joining because they feel the timing of your countdown encroaches on Raul's 50s countdown.

Like Cricket said, I'd like to send a list but I feel it would not be right for me to do so. I don't think many MoFos will cross the 'picket line' to send you a list.

I know you're resolved in doing the Countdown now, so how about a small change that might accompany all parties?

You have a long watch period for action movies with your deadline as deadline for lists is October 1st....It's safe to say most people don't need time to watch action movies and could send a list ASAP.
So a solution is: why not change your deadline to something much sooner and run this countdown more like what Sexy Celebrity does, for fun!

How about a deadline of 4th of July? This way no one can say your countdown interferes with the 50s countdown. Then people can feel OK about sending in a list... AND you can have a successful countdown. What do you think?

So a solution is: why not change your deadline to something much sooner and run this countdown more like what Sexy Celebrity does, for fun!
That was originally the idea...

Yeah, I'm not going to lie I'm a little upset, mainly because of all the work I have prepared for the 50s list for another list to just up and come about before that one.
And consensus seemed to be people wanted more time too. To share suggestions and stuff.
Movie Reviews | Anime Reviews
Top 100 Action Movie Countdown (2015): List | Thread
"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Omni, I would like to see your Action Countdown would enjoy it if it's successful, and we would enjoy it if it's successful. But I don't see many people joining because they feel the timing of your countdown encroaches on Raul's 50s countdown.

Like Cricket said, I'd like to send a list but I feel it would not be right for me to do so. I don't think many MoFos will cross the 'picket line' to send you a list.

I know you're resolved in doing the Countdown now, so how about a small change that might accompany all parties?

You have a long watch period for action movies with your deadline as deadline for lists is October 1st....It's safe to say most people don't need time to watch action movies and could send a list ASAP.
So a solution is: why not change your deadline to something much sooner and run this countdown more like what Sexy Celebrity does, for fun!

How about a deadline of 4th of July? This way no one can say your countdown interferes with the 50s countdown. Then people can feel OK about sending in a list... AND you can have a successful countdown. What do you think?

Rather than do this quicker, I would prefer to push this back until after the 50s countdown. Omni already agreed to push this back until after the 50s countdown, so I don't see any reason to change it and rush to get it done now. I would actually prefer to push it back even later than October, so those of us who are working on watching movies for the 50s countdown will have time to watch action movies after the 50s countdown starts, but before we have to submit our action movies lists.

The fun part of these countdowns is getting to watch a bunch of movies that I might not have watched without them. By pushing it back, Omni could start an Action Movies Recommendation thread, and people can suggest movies to watch before sending in their lists. Then after the 50s countdown is over, we can start sending in lists for the Action Movies countdown.

Sexy Celebrity's countdowns were fun because we each only had to send in one or two favorite movies, not a whole list, so our favorite movies got noticed and maybe a few extra watches. But if we have to send in a list of our top 25 action movies, it would be better if we had the time to watch other movies that were recommended, so we might find some new favorites for our lists before submitting them. Otherwise, some of us might not care about following a countdown with a bunch of movies that we've never seen, (or possibly even heard of).
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

My Guilty Pleasures countdown wasn't meant to just be "fun." I wanted it taken seriously and I wanted everybody to just send me one movie and it could become an Official MoFo list.

That did not happen. So if you guys are just gonna let Omnizoa start up a Top 100 Action Countdown and you're gonna take him seriously, but not me.... after all the effort I put into my "fun" countdown..... well, I'm not taking part in this Action Countdown. And maybe not even any other countdown, including the '50s one (not that you guys will miss me, anyway).

I may send in a list here if Omni goes back to making this just a "fun" and fast countdown. But I can't blame him if he wants it to be taken more seriously and become an official list, 'cause that's what I wanted, too.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
My Guilty Pleasures countdown wasn't meant to just be "fun." I wanted it taken seriously and I wanted everybody to just send me one movie and it could become an Official MoFo list.

That did not happen. So if you guys are just gonna let Omnizoa start up a Top 100 Action Countdown and you're gonna take him seriously, but not me.... after all the effort I put into my "fun" countdown..... well, I'm not taking part in this Action Countdown. And maybe not even any other countdown, including the '50s one (not that you guys will miss me, anyway).

I may send in a list here if Omni goes back to making this just a "fun" and fast countdown. But I can't blame him if he wants it to be taken more seriously and become an official list, 'cause that's what I wanted, too.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I participate in these countdowns for fun, regardless of whether or not they become an official MoFo list. But just like with your countdown, it's up to Yoda what becomes an official MoFo list.

Rushing through these lists in only a few days doesn't really do much for accuracy with these lists. I could submit a list of my top 25 Action Movies right now, but the movies I could choose from would be limited because I don't watch a lot of action movies. But with some time and discussion, and recommendations from everyone here on MoFo, I could watch a bunch of action movies and compile a more accurate list of favorites.

If you ever decide to do your Guilty Pleasure Movies as a countdown where everyone has to submit a list of their top 25 Guilty Pleasure Movies, I'd be willing to participate in that too, but again, I think most people would want more time to discuss their favorites and watch movies before submitting a list.

If you ever decide to do your Guilty Pleasure Movies as a countdown where everyone has to submit a list of their top 25 Guilty Pleasure Movies, I'd be willing to participate in that too, but again, I think most people would want more time to discuss their favorites and watch movies before submitting a list.
That wasn't the deal with my countdown. I'm like Omni -- I wanted to organize something new and different. My idea was the Guilty Pleasures Countdown, where everyone sends me one movie that's their guilty pleasure. I collect 100, it becomes the Guilty Pleasures movie list. It wasn't a countdown where everyone sent me 25 movies. It wasn't meant to work that way -- I was trying something new and I thought it was a good idea. It was turning out great, but not enough people took it seriously, not everybody sent me a movie. Yoda knew about its existence, yet he didn't say anything to me about it. So I put in a lot of work for nothing. So if you guys are just gonna take Omni more seriously than me, forget it, I'm no longer interested in these stupid countdowns.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
That wasn't the deal with my countdown. I'm like Omni -- I wanted to organize something new and different. My idea was the Guilty Pleasures Countdown, where everyone sends me one movie that's their guilty pleasure. I collect 100, it becomes the Guilty Pleasures movie list. It wasn't a countdown where everyone sent me 25 movies. It wasn't meant to work that way -- I was trying something new and I thought it was a good idea. It was turning out great, but not enough people took it seriously, not everybody sent me a movie. Yoda knew about its existence, yet he didn't say anything to me about it. So I put in a lot of work for nothing. So if you guys are just gonna take Omni more seriously than me, forget it, I'm no longer interested in these stupid countdowns.

I thought you did a great job with your countdown, and your work wasn't for nothing. A lot of us enjoyed your countdown, and I added a bunch of those movies to my watchlist.

But your list and Omni's list are very different types of lists, and they shouldn't be compared to each other. It's like comparing apples and oranges. The difference between your list and Omni's list is that your list was done quickly, and without as much thought per person. In other words, we all only submitted one or two movies, not 25 movies each, so we each had less say in what ended up on the final list.

If Omni did the Action Movies list the way that you did your Guilty Pleasure Movies list, I would be more than happy to submit one or two of my favorite action movies. But it takes a lot more time and effort to submit a list of 25 movies versus only a couple of movies.

The fun part of these countdowns is getting to watch a bunch of movies that I might not have watched without them. By pushing it back, Omni could start an Action Movies Recommendation thread, and people can suggest movies to watch before sending in their lists. Then after the 50s countdown is over, we can start sending in lists for the Action Movies countdown.
Is another thread really necessary? There are already 2. I'm not against suggestions in this thread, I mean it's not like there haven't already been several pages of NOT COUNTING DOWN.

I think a forum thread is an imperfect medium for organizing these kinds of things anyway.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
My Guilty Pleasures countdown wasn't meant to just be "fun." I wanted it taken seriously and I wanted everybody to just send me one movie and it could become an Official MoFo list.

That did not happen. So if you guys are just gonna let Omnizoa start up a Top 100 Action Countdown and you're gonna take him seriously, but not me.... after all the effort I put into my "fun" countdown..... well, I'm not taking part in this Action Countdown. And maybe not even any other countdown, including the '50s one (not that you guys will miss me, anyway).
I'm with ya, Sexy, I just think it's the scope/genre that's sticking people.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
I may send in a list here if Omni goes back to making this just a "fun" and fast countdown. But I can't blame him if he wants it to be taken more seriously and become an official list, 'cause that's what I wanted, too.
I'm not Yoda, but I don't see any reason a "fun fast countdown" couldn't be made into an official list if it sampled enough regular members.

Others want to take their time on it though, so... just facilitating that.

Originally Posted by gbgoodies
Rushing through these lists in only a few days doesn't really do much for accuracy with these lists. I could submit a list of my top 25 Action Movies right now, but the movies I could choose from would be limited because I don't watch a lot of action movies. But with some time and discussion, and recommendations from everyone here on MoFo, I could watch a bunch of action movies and compile a more accurate list of favorites.
That's the eternal conflict. Everyone seeing every movie is practically impossible, so the desire for "accuracy" is being juggled with "how much do I want to commit"?

Evidently there's a few people who're cool with what they've seen. I for one have a few milestones on my watchlist I want to cross before I make a final decision, but again, I was willing to suspend that if everyone just wanted to get it done before the 50s.

If Omni did the Action Movies list the way that you did your Guilty Pleasure Movies list, I would be more than happy to submit one or two of my favorite action movies. But it takes a lot more time and effort to submit a list of 25 movies versus only a couple of movies.
"Serious" is probably the wrong word to use, they're just two varying levels of input/commitment.

I thought you did a great job with your countdown, and your work wasn't for nothing.
No, it was for nothing, because not everybody took it seriously and it didn't turn out exactly the way I wanted it and then it couldn't become an official MoFo list.

Most of the crap on this forum is FOR NOTHING. Every song tournament, every Hall of Fame, every countdown, every review being written -- a total waste of time. The whole forum's a piece of crap and a waste of time. Everything we slave over on this forum -- it's pointless. It's all gonna be garbage eventually. It won't all live forever, or even for many years. Some people spent a lot of time on here doing and writing stuff and they can even wind up banned. The forum sucks. The forum's a big waste of time. All of these countdowns and everything we do is a joke. It was better when we didn't have all this crap, I think. You wanna know why I make stupid threads all the time? 'Cause they're no different than all the more "serious" threads. All the serious stuff that goes around here is JUNK too. All of it. You're all contributing garbage.

Of course it's for nothing but the entertainment of the forum. Not like the director gets an award or prize money for winning a HOF
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Of course it's for nothing but the entertainment of the forum. Not like the director gets an award or prize money for winning a HOF
Yeah, I know. Two minutes of pleasure if you win a Hall of Fame or something. You could go get laid and it'd probably be more enjoyable. People laugh at me for trying to win Song Tournaments around here by always picking winning songs -- look at you all. Writing lengthy reviews nobody reads. Watching endless amounts of movies you don't really care to watch just so you can participate in these Hall of Fames and countdowns. Hoping to win something. It's ridiculous. I feel like I'm in an even more sad, pathetic version of Las Vegas around here these days.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Is another thread really necessary? There are already 2. I'm not against suggestions in this thread, I mean it's not like there haven't already been several pages of NOT COUNTING DOWN.

I think a forum thread is an imperfect medium for organizing these kinds of things anyway.
If you don't want to start another thread, you could just ask a mod to change the title of one of the existing threads so that it could be used as a discussion thread for recommendations.

That's the eternal conflict. Everyone seeing every movie is practically impossible, so the desire for "accuracy" is being juggled with "how much do I want to commit"?

Evidently there's a few people who're cool with what they've seen. I for one have a few milestones on my watchlist I want to cross before I make a final decision, but again, I was willing to suspend that if everyone just wanted to get it done before the 50s.
I'm not talking about seeing "every movie". I'm just talking about people recommending their favorites in the hopes that more people will watch them so they have a better chance to make the final list.

No, it was for nothing, because not everybody took it seriously and it didn't turn out exactly the way I wanted it and then it couldn't become an official MoFo list.
I believe part of the reason for submitting lists is to appropriate a mean across all movies submitted. The larger number submitted, the closer to a consensus you have, and I believe "Official MoFo Lists" are intended to represent a consensus among the forums users. A 1-2-movies-from-everyone strategy may not have warranted a list regardless of what it was about or how many people participated because each entry only represent approximately 1 person and everyone could disagree with them.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Most of the crap on this forum is FOR NOTHING. Every song tournament, every Hall of Fame, every countdown, every review being written -- a total waste of time. The whole forum's a piece of crap and a waste of time. Everything we slave over on this forum -- it's pointless. It's all gonna be garbage eventually. It won't all live forever, or even for many years. Some people spent a lot of time on here doing and writing stuff and they can even wind up banned. The forum sucks. The forum's a big waste of time. All of these countdowns and everything we do is a joke. It was better when we didn't have all this crap, I think. You wanna know why I make stupid threads all the time? 'Cause they're no different than all the more "serious" threads. All the serious stuff that goes around here is JUNK too. All of it. You're all contributing garbage.
HEY! Your Guilty Pleasures Countdown may've stuck me with Wild Zero, but the Strong Emotions Countdown pushed me to see Schindler's List. Don't get all fatalistic on us.

look at you all. Writing lengthy reviews nobody reads. Watching endless amounts of movies you don't really care to watch just so you can participate in these Hall of Fames and countdowns. Hoping to win something. It's ridiculous. I feel like I'm in an even more sad, pathetic version of Las Vegas around here these days.
I used to write reviews before this site just because I wanted to get my thoughts out. I find it therapeutic.

Originally Posted by gbgoodies
If you don't want to start another thread, you could just ask a mod to change the title of one of the existing threads so that it could be used as a discussion thread for recommendations.
I could but, why don't you want to do it in this one?

Originally Posted by gbgoodies
I'm not talking about seeing "every movie". I'm just talking about people recommending their favorites in the hopes that more people will watch them so they have a better chance to make the final list.
No, I know, I was agreeing with you.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
No, it was for nothing, because not everybody took it seriously and it didn't turn out exactly the way I wanted it and then it couldn't become an official MoFo list.

Most of the crap on this forum is FOR NOTHING. Every song tournament, every Hall of Fame, every countdown, every review being written -- a total waste of time. The whole forum's a piece of crap and a waste of time. Everything we slave over on this forum -- it's pointless. It's all gonna be garbage eventually. It won't all live forever, or even for many years. Some people spent a lot of time on here doing and writing stuff and they can even wind up banned. The forum sucks. The forum's a big waste of time. All of these countdowns and everything we do is a joke. It was better when we didn't have all this crap, I think. You wanna know why I make stupid threads all the time? 'Cause they're no different than all the more "serious" threads. All the serious stuff that goes around here is JUNK too. All of it. You're all contributing garbage.

This is a forum. It's not an awards show. There are no prizes here. With all your wins in the song tournaments, you should know that better than anyone. Or do you have a shelf with all your tournament trophies on it?

The prize is getting more people to watch your favorite movies, and enjoying the discussions about them. If you're not getting any enjoyment out of the threads that you read and post in, then maybe you're on the wrong forum. (And no, that's not a suggestion for you to leave. It's just a comment that hopefully will make you realize that you do belong here if you enjoy talking to people here.)

I believe part of the reason for submitting lists is to appropriate a mean across all movies submitted. The larger number submitted, the closer to a consensus you have, and I believe "Official MoFo Lists" are intended to represent a consensus among the forums users. A 1-2-movies-from-everyone strategy may not have warranted a list regardless of what it was about or how many people participated because each entry only represent approximately 1 person and everyone could disagree with them.
The original plan was 100 different Guilty Pleasure movies from 100 different MoFos. It didn't turn out that way because I gave up after WAITING for new people to give me more movies. But I liked the idea. I thought it could work alright. And screw the "consensus." I was letting 100 different MoFos give the list a movie of their choice. It's not really that drastically different, actually, from 90 or so different MoFos just sending in a Top 25 and the ones picked the most get on the Top 100.

Originally Posted by Omnizoa
HEY! Your Guilty Pleasures Countdown may've stuck me with Wild Zero, but the Strong Emotions Countdown pushed me to see Schindler's List. Don't get all fatalistic on us.
I'm just saying what I feel like saying without censor. You may not see a difference. It feels good! The forum sucks and is a waste of time. I'm not trying to be rude or trollish. I'm saying my truth after years of experience and thought.

Either that or Nostromo87 found a way to enter my body and he's speaking through me.