Sex and the City 2?


I'm going to see it this weekend, albeit not because I want to.

Can't imagine anyone would wanna pay good money to see this voluntarily. You'd have to be lobotomized to enjoy this.

Although I was wary, given that the first one was such a departure from the programme, I was willing to give this sequel a go in the hope they'd get it right. However, everything I've read and seen has convinced me that it's, at least, as bad as the first, so I've decided not to bother. I'll see it at some point, I'm sure, but I won't be going out of my way.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I didn't like what little I saw of the TV show. Sequels to TV sitcom movies usually tank at the box office.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I'm going to see it this weekend, albeit not because I want to.

Can't imagine anyone would wanna pay good money to see this voluntarily. You'd have to be lobotomized to enjoy this.
I had to watch Sleepless in Seattle when it came out. She didn't like it.

I'm gonna be pissed if she doesn't like it. I have been telling her for like a year that this sequel would be probably be even worse than the first one. Since my opinion and the opinion of every movie critic does not matter to her, I assume she is going to like. Now, if we come out of that theatre and she says "what a **** movie", then I won't even say "told you so" but more like "I'm picking the next 10 movies we see for sitting through this one".