Identify a killer movie


So, I remember watching a killer movie on TV like 9 or 10 years ago.

In the film, the killer took cigarette butts from an ashtray and used the ash to make his face black, so people won't recognize him so well or something, I guess. In one scene, the killer is hiding on a roof of some building, it looked like an office building or something. There was a man inside the building and the killer watched him as the roof had a part that was made of glass(or maybe the whole roof was glass, can't remember). Then the man went outside to urinate(may have understood the scene wrong as it was also raining in the scene) and the killer comes behind him with an axe or some sort of a weapon like that. The killer kills the man.

This is the only thing I remember well, but I think the movie also had a scene with a cornfield or some other field.

It could be, I don't know.

You're looking for The Weekend It Lives (also known as Ax 'Em).