Damn the torpedoes. I may get through this, I may not, but I'm going to attempt it.
I have issues with making lists. I really do, it's painstakingly difficult for me, because I'm a bit bipolar and my mood changes, I change, and so do my tastes in films from time to time.
However I'm going to try to narrow it down to a top 100 films of all time, but I'm not going to rank them.
The reason why is because I really wonder if a person can say with any objectivity the difference between their 58th favorite film and their 70th favorite film.
Also I wonder if a person didn't have their list with them or moFo handy, could you walk up to them on the street and ask, "Hey what's your 61st favorite film?" and have them give you a direct answer why with the reasons why it's below 60 and slightly ahead of 62?
Likely not.
This is why I haven't really made a list in about 10 years. But I'm going to try again not ranking them, but just giving you 100 of my favorite films and reasons I like them. Some I have watched recently and some I haven't watched in years for whatever reasons.
Here it goes and pray I get throught it.
*On going top 100 list, un-ranked, organizing chronologically by release date*
The Rover (2014, David Michod)
City Slickers (1991, Ron Underwood)
Do the Right Thing (1989, Spike Lee)
Blue Velvet (1986, David Lynch)
Veronika Voss (1982, Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
The Empire Strikes Back (1980, Irvin Kershner)
Gates of Heaven (1978, Errol Morris)
Cabaret (1972, Bob Fosse)
Le Boucher (1970, Claude Chabrol)
Little Big Man (1970, Arthur Penn)
La dolce vita (1960 Federico Fellini)
Floating Weeds (1959, Yasujirō Ozu)
Hobson's Choice (1954, David Lean)
Odd Man Out (1947, Carol Reed)
The Maltese Falcon (1941, John Huston)
It's a Gift (1934, Norman Z. McLeod)
Steamboat Bill Jr. (1928, Buster Keaton)
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927, F. W. Murnau)
I have issues with making lists. I really do, it's painstakingly difficult for me, because I'm a bit bipolar and my mood changes, I change, and so do my tastes in films from time to time.
However I'm going to try to narrow it down to a top 100 films of all time, but I'm not going to rank them.
The reason why is because I really wonder if a person can say with any objectivity the difference between their 58th favorite film and their 70th favorite film.
Also I wonder if a person didn't have their list with them or moFo handy, could you walk up to them on the street and ask, "Hey what's your 61st favorite film?" and have them give you a direct answer why with the reasons why it's below 60 and slightly ahead of 62?
Likely not.
This is why I haven't really made a list in about 10 years. But I'm going to try again not ranking them, but just giving you 100 of my favorite films and reasons I like them. Some I have watched recently and some I haven't watched in years for whatever reasons.
Here it goes and pray I get throught it.
*On going top 100 list, un-ranked, organizing chronologically by release date*
The Rover (2014, David Michod)
City Slickers (1991, Ron Underwood)
Do the Right Thing (1989, Spike Lee)
Blue Velvet (1986, David Lynch)
Veronika Voss (1982, Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
The Empire Strikes Back (1980, Irvin Kershner)
Gates of Heaven (1978, Errol Morris)
Cabaret (1972, Bob Fosse)
Le Boucher (1970, Claude Chabrol)
Little Big Man (1970, Arthur Penn)
La dolce vita (1960 Federico Fellini)
Floating Weeds (1959, Yasujirō Ozu)
Hobson's Choice (1954, David Lean)
Odd Man Out (1947, Carol Reed)
The Maltese Falcon (1941, John Huston)
It's a Gift (1934, Norman Z. McLeod)
Steamboat Bill Jr. (1928, Buster Keaton)
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927, F. W. Murnau)
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
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"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
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Last edited by iluv2viddyfilms; 12-17-24 at 05:02 PM.