East Asia Corner


Oh it's finally happening, the peak of Youtube! Michael snow must be proud 😐
South Korean student has achieved instant fame, an adoring female fan base, and primetime TV appearances through viral YouTube videos in which he does practically nothing in front of the camera

> laughs at people watching it
> is about to start a Lav Diaz film with a 60 minutes long mastershot of a guy walking around jungle
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I was skeptical at first, but after a few relistens I was sold. Too bad the B-side sucks ass. What do you think about K-pop, @resopamenic? It's much weaker than J or even C-pop and it's way too Americanized, but recently I've discovered an EP I love:

@Gatsby, what's your opinion on Korean music as a Korean? Can you recommend some classics or contemporary hits?

Master of My Domain
@Gatsby, what's your opinion on Korean music as a Korean? Can you recommend some classics or contemporary hits?
Korean music for me is either a complete hit or miss. The good ones I could listen to all day, but the bad ones...

My favorite contemporary k-pop hit these days is this banger by Red Velvet:

Letterboxd Profile: https://letterboxd.com/GatsbyG/

My favorite contemporary k-pop hit these days is this banger by Red Velvet:
Sounds like your typical cookie-cutter Americanized K-pop. Meh.

@Mr Minio
Mirroring what had been said, from bunch fair share that i heard from friend's music/playlist
It's much weaker than J or... and it's way too Americanized,
The letter J already more than enough for me.
Korea just got better by visualisation tho', by MV, choreo and amount of plastics. the later just being playful, cant care much about that aspect

INSPITE of that, i did have few share that contradicting my previous statement. No i wont blame my friends or anyone regard this, still dk why

want to punch that guy that keep playing this on his playlist loudly, but somehow

From my sister gen

@resopamenic What's the general opinion of women in Indonesia (and if you have information other Asian countries) on marrying foreign men? What about cultural differences? Is religion a big issue?

@resopamenic What's the general opinion of women in Indonesia (and if you have information other Asian countries) on marrying foreign men? What about cultural differences? Is religion a big issue?
I guess it will depend where part of society/community been asked. If you ask women from metropolitan city like jakarta, bandung, or medan chances they will be more acceptance, liberal sort of that - not guarantee but i guess so-

But other regions are still Conservative regard, especially that population dense with muslim is not so. except, the foreigners can blend with that culture -like adopting islam- or just bring the ladies live abroad instead
It's not like being directly hostile and against it, but chance - by judging the mindset of those ppl- conservative public/neighbors will have negative opinion for your -if- muslim lady wife and her family, for different religion marriage. What i briefly noticed it's just happen in muslim society, idk

Better date celebrity tho', or jet set class. That usually where the contradiction and the bias of society show off, and there lot of have different religion gf/bf or marriage with foreign, tho' apparently their lifestyles could be too hedonistic

Other SE asian? Malaysia won't be so much different i believe, especially muslim society. But apparently country like thailand or philipines have different standard and mindset

*i assume "foreign" in this one usually regard for caucasian.
Also adopting the same religion just like preliminary requirements. You can have religion without being religious but try to living in outskirt region with the -literally- redneck, potentially that can tormented one progressive mind and free soul

Probably need to see sulawesi or kalimantan as i believe Ppl in sumatera and some parts of java tend/could be problematic with that matter

This sample is gals from manado (city in sulawesi island) one of famous region for "producing" local beauty -my friend would gettung crazy talk manado ladies-
and i believe most of them not muslim

You basically confirmed all I've known before.

Yeah, rural areas tend to be more religious, closed and conservative, so I'm not surprised it's possible to find a more liberal kind of women only in bigger cities. The cultural clash seems inevitable, and adopting Islam is out of the question. Bringing the lady to live abroad sounds much better, but means she'll have to struggle to accustom to a completely different way of life and practically give up everything she's had and known before. Not too fancy.

I reckoned Malaysia would be the same, and same goes for any Muslim country. Thailand is a big question mark, but Philippines sound good especially since the Christian culture is pretty similar to that of the West AND English is a native language, so potential communication problems are eliminated, too.

Foreign might be Caucasian, Latino, Black, or even Asian, but basically from a different country and of different culture.

Adopting the same religion as a preliminary requirement means they basically want to make you one of their own and on their conditions. I'd rather not mess with Muslims (or practitioners of any other religion for that matter), so yes, in that matter I'm interested in "free souls".

China, Japan and Korea sound very tempting considering the religion problem is eliminated, but cultural differences can be a pain.

@Mr Minio
I reckoned Malaysia would be the same, and same goes for any Muslim country. Thailand is a big question mark, but Philippines sound good especially since the Christian culture is pretty similar to that of the West AND English is a native language, so potential communication problems are eliminated, too.
yeah, philipines should be easy one since they way more westernised in that regard . Thailand, actually im not see any different. Probably yup for language matter but they seems quiet progressive compare to the rest asian.
Also actually we are not muslim country, just muslim majority, amd i will called the state currently like semi-secular (idk if that was even a legit term, just invented it )
there lot of christian, Hindu and budha and if u were lurking on They could disperse in big cities, or saturated in certain region or ethnic minority.
yeah if you read the news, the way current behaviour of muslim conservativist could be aching westerner, but there also lot of moderate and even just muslim in identity card without being legit practitioners -again this case more likely in big cities-

Foreign might be Caucasian, Latino, Black, or even Asian, but basically from a different country and*of different culture.
actually we rarely refer people the same as that term, instead translate "people from diff country" or "orang asing" which mean stranger people is sound too formal and akward as we don't have equal word for it in casuak basis. usually we just mention indirectly to where they come from like just japanese people, chinese people, arab, African thing like that.
That 's why im refer directly to caucasian or white ppl, as usually it was stand for "orang barat" or west people (westerner?) or people from western country -American and europe-. I believe it' s not unconsciously racist just sorta colonial mindset
*oh yeah, forgot it's all about this slang. We will call you people "bule" probably an equal for "gaijin" for japanese ppl calling out westerner

Adopting the same religion as a preliminary requirement means they basically want to make you one of their own and on their conditions. I'd rather not mess with Muslims (or practitioners of any other religion for that matter), so yes, in that matter I'm interested in "free souls".
yeah can see that. Still always depend in the individual I guess and again what kind of " Muslim" in that matter. Just believe that these country have different varieties in that regard, like imagine country like turkey but not that weird xD

China, Japan and Korea sound very tempting considering the religion problem is eliminated, but cultural differences can be a pain
yeah act according social customed could be tiresome and probably way different for western value. I believe We easterners have these same old proverb where technically it just mean "being conformist" in life, or when you live in stranger land dont act out of their way, and that could be demanding where individualism value or ego is suppressed in group based society. For japan there famous one, A stand out nail will just hammered down as it against the harmony -thing like that-. And that just speaking one aspect of society
-but im not totally against nor accepting either value myself(western or eastern) , it's just there always be positive and negative. Speaking of which, im quiet conformist in real life T_T

Damn, that's the most chaotic post I've ever read, but I still understood everything.

An alternative route would be to go for a Westernized Asian girl. Cultural differences should be greatly mitigated, if any. And mind you, I'm saying Westernized, not just living in a Western country.

There are no Westernized Asian girls in my city, though. I'm f*cked.

Haha see that. That way more likely but "will you" find them tho'

Sorry for the chaotic us of language xD proudly show my english limitation

That way more likely but "will you" find them tho'
Frankly, I don't get this sentence. :P

EDIT: Took me five rereads to get it. Maybe I'm just retarded. Yeah, will I? Where do I look?

Your vocabulary is great. The syntax is pretty out there, though!