Best Female Villains


That woman from misery. The ankle scene makes me shiver.
I would have cast Cathy Bates as Wonder Woman. Is she hot? No. Is she imposing? Yes. Forget the uncanny valley of hotness with Gina Carano. Just go full Helga. That's who I'd cast as a female cape, Bates (30 years younger and with 20 more pounds of muscle).

Always had a soft spot for Elektra King.
I love you.

Ps. I never miss.

I love you.

Ps. I never miss.
This is on MAX right meow and I don’t remember seeing it when it first came out.

The movie is a banana peel short of garbini, but I will admit in a court of law that I kept watching because of her.

@ 1:13 🥰

Well, great character/performance, but she's not really a full-on villain; more of an antiheroine, if you ask me.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Rosamund Pike in I Care a Lot (2020). What a horror!

"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

I cannot post links/images, as I've less than 10 posts yet. However, I can name Julia Cotton, from the novel Hellbound Heart, and the first 2 Hellraiser movies. I think she is a great villainess, and Clare Higgins did a great job playing her, in the (first 2) HR movies.

Just rewatched Wizard of Oz, Margaret Hamilton’s Wicked Witch is so great, absolutely brings it in every scene.

Anne Ramsey in the goonies. Sorry I lost my photo.