Spam my Comedy Countdown ballot!


Boeing, Boeing (1965)

Yahoo! I loved this movie. It was funny and for once I even liked Jerry Lewis as his performance was way more restrained, sort of like he did in The King of Comedy. Tony Curtis is an actor I like the more I see of him and this was a good role for him too. Of course Thelma Ritter had all the best lines and with her sarcastic quips she stole the proverbial show.

I equally enjoyed all three actress who played the three different stewardess. It was unique for a movie to cast a French, a German and a British actress to play women from those countries. I guess that's why their accents sounded so authentic. Enjoyable movie.

@ Captain Steel thanks for the recommendation.
Finally, an Airplane! movie you liked!
(Even though there were no airplanes in it!)

I SO wanted to mention King of Comedy (as I had similar thoughts), but I'd already gone on too much. Jerry's personality was similar - a combination of a subdued Buddy Love and his real self (which some argue ARE the same personality - that's a joke!)

Thelma! This is probably my favorite role of hers (although I'm sure I've never seen a lot of her other appearances).

I kind of think of this movie as the penultimate 60's sex comedy.

Trivia: the film was based on a long-running stage show (kind of obvious with the single apartment setting and multiple doors for the players to come & go) and it had successful revivals in the West End and on Broadway in the mid-2000's! I never knew this myself until I just looked it up.

Now I want to see it again!

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I SO wanted to mention King of Comedy (as I had similar thoughts), but I'd already gone on too much. Jerry's personality was similar - a combination of a subdued Buddy Love and his real self (which some argue ARE the same personality - that's a joke!)

Thelma! This is probably my favorite role of hers (although I'm sure I've never seen a lot of her other appearances).

I kind of think of this movie as the penultimate 60's sex comedy.

Trivia: the film was based on a long-running stage show (kind of obvious with the single apartment setting and multiple doors for the players to come & go) and it had successful revivals in the West End and on Broadway in the mid-2000's! I never knew this myself until I just looked it up.

Now I want to see it again!
How many times have you seen Boeing, Boeing? You seem to remember a great deal about it. Do you know anymore 60s comedies like this one?

How many times have you seen Boeing, Boeing? You seem to remember a great deal about it. Do you know anymore 60s comedies like this one?
I remember first seeing this as a kid on the 4:30 movie! I've only seen a couple times after that, but it left an impression.

Another one this is similar to is Three On A Couch (1966) - another Jerry Lewis jaunt but his co-star is Tony Curtis's wife Janet Leigh.

Leigh is a psychologist engaged to Lewis. He wants to get married ASAP, but she is putting off the wedding because she's worried about 3 of her female patients who are all having man troubles.

Lewis decides to "solve" the problem by providing the perfect man to each lady - thus he takes on 3 new personalities to provide them the perfect match. The plot is ridiculous, but lots of fun. It's a pure Jerry Lewis movie as it features his ability to play 4 different roles while trying to juggle the different women. It all begins to fall apart at a party where all the women are present and he must switch looks & personalities rapid fire while trying to address them all separately.

I've always adored this movie - mostly because I can ever find it.

The women are all knockouts -
Mary Ann Mobley (my crush at her loveliest!)
Leslie Parish (a Star Trek TOS alumni!)
Gila Golan (an Israeli / European knockout!)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I remember first seeing this as a kid on the 4:30 movie! I've only seen a couple times after that, but it left an impression.

Another one this is similar to is Three On A Couch (1966) - another Jerry Lewis jaunt but his co-star is Tony Curtis's wife Janet Leigh.

Leigh is a psychologist engaged to Lewis. He wants to get married ASAP, but she is putting off the wedding because she's worried about 3 of her female patients who are all having man troubles.

Lewis decides to "solve" the problem by providing the perfect man to each lady - thus he takes on 3 new personalities to provide them the perfect match. The plot is ridiculous, but lots of fun. It's a pure Jerry Lewis movie as it features his ability to play 4 different roles while trying to juggle the different women. It all begins to fall apart at a party where all the women are present and he must switch looks & personalities rapid fire while trying to address them all separately.

I've always adored this movie - mostly because I can ever find it.

The women are all knockouts -
Mary Ann Mobley (my crush at her loveliest!)
Leslie Parish (a Star Trek TOS alumni!)
Gila Golan (an Israeli / European knockout!)
Perfect! thanks, I'll watch sounds fun

Perfect! thanks, I'll watch sounds fun
I just found out Three On A Couch is available for free on YouTube (the entire movie, but the definition quality is pretty bad, and the framing isn't wide enough, so the picture is cut off on each side - which can be seen in the opening credits).

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just found out Three On A Couch is available for free on YouTube (the entire movie, but the definition quality is pretty bad, and the framing isn't wide enough, so the picture is cut off on each side - which can be seen in the opening credits).
Youtube uploaders often change the ratio of older films and it ends up looking crappy. I got a real good link for that I'll PM it to you.

Maybe a move like The Intouchables? A light hearted french comedy about a wealthy man and his caretaker. It might be similar to Amelie in a french comedy kind of way.
Movie Reviews!!
Being John Malkovich

Trouble with a capital "T"

Galaxy Quest (1999)

This was loads of fun to watch, very enjoyable. It did remind me of Star Trek during the convention with the cast of Galaxy Quest the tv show and all the fans dressed in alien attire. But for most of the movie what I was reminded of was The Orville. I gotta think that Seth MacFarlane was a fan of Galaxy Quest and that's where he got his idea for The Orville at. Really liked the aliens! And some funny stuff too.

Captain Steel and Gbgoodies, thanks for recommending it

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Trouble with a capital "T"

Play it Again Sam (Herbert Ross 1972)

This was damn funny! I loved the self deprecating humor and Woody's writing. Woody himself is perfectly cast and very funny in this. I can't image anyone else playing this part. I loved the whole movie connection aspect of the film, even Woody's apartment is decked out in old movie memorable. I liked this so much it's inspired me to watch Humphrey Bogart's filmography and Woody Allen's too!

This was not directed by Allen but by Herbert Ross. Woody had written the stage play and didn't want to spend the time directing something he'd already done on stage. I really like the supporting cast here, especially Diane Keaton this might be my favorite comic romantic role of hers.

This one is probably making my comedy ballot! Thanks @Diehl40

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It might be too late to suggest something, but here's a few comedy films I recently watched and enjoyed to various degrees:

It's a Gift
Steamboat Bill, Jr.
This is Spinal Tap
Thunder Road

Trouble with a capital "T"

Three Amigos (John Landis 1986)

I'd heard about this movie for the longest time, but never seen it probably because it didn't quite look like my type of comedy and I'm not the biggest fan of Chevy Chase except he was good in the Vacation films. I do like Steve Martin and Martin Short...and I did end up liking the film. Funny thing the overall plot of action actors being mistaken for real and having to defeat the bad guys using only what they learned on the movie set was a lot like Galaxy Quest.

There was some funny stuff that made me laugh, though I'm not a fan of Mel Brooks style comedy and so the 'singing bush' bit fell flat for me. But overall I enjoyed the movie.

Thanks @John-Connor
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Trouble with a capital "T"
It might be too late to suggest something, but here's a few comedy films I recently watched and enjoyed to various degrees:

It's a Gift
Steamboat Bill, Jr.
This is Spinal Tap
Thunder Road
Thunder Road? did you forget I was in the 27th HoF Already seen that one, liked it but not enough to make my comedy ballot. Steamboat Bill, Jr. sounds interesting and I'm a big fan of Buster Keaton, I'll try to watch that one, thanks for the recs!

Thunder Road? did you forget I was in the 27th HoF Already seen that one, liked it but not enough to make my comedy ballot. Steamboat Bill, Jr. sounds interesting and I'm a big fan of Buster Keaton, I'll try to watch that one, thanks for the recs!
Haha sorry, forgot about the 27th HoF. Hopefully, you enjoy Steamboat Bill, Jr. though.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Haha sorry, forgot about the 27th HoF. Hopefully, you enjoy Steamboat Bill, Jr. though.
I've seen This is Spinal Tap but so long ago I should watch it again. So maybe I can catch that one too, I think a couple other people mentioned it so it must be popular here at MoFo.

The Three Amigos, Galaxy Quest and Tropic Thunder do indeed all use the same plot device - actors mistaken for the roles they play who get caught up in a "real life" situation that mimics the fictional situations of their movie or TV roles.

Three Amigos (John Landis 1986)

I'd heard about this movie for the longest time, but never seen it probably because it didn't quite look like my type of comedy and I'm not the biggest fan of Chevy Chase except he was good in the Vacation films. I do like Steve Martin and Martin Short...and I did end up liking the film. Funny thing the overall plot of action actors being mistaken for real and having to defeat the bad guys using only what they learned on the movie set was a lot like Galaxy Quest.

There was some funny stuff that made me laugh, though I'm not a fan of Mel Brooks style comedy and so the 'singing bush' bit fell flat for me. But overall I enjoyed the movie.

Thanks @John-Connor
I always thought the Three Amigos could have been one of my all time favorite comedies, but for the same reason mentioned here it wasn't (although I still like most of it).

The plot, while silly, was still feasible within the realm of reality - where someone from a less developed country, during the age of silent movies, thought the films were more documentaries than fiction. And thus, film actors are recruited to defend a village besieged by bandits in another variation on The Magnificent Seven.

But it seems to "jump the shark" when it gets to the singing bush and the invisible swordsman. It goes from the improbable yet still possible to things that just plain don't exist anywhere within reality.

Plus, I didn't like the fact that in the last act, Martin Short is virtually wasted as he spends a good deal of time hanging from an overhead line.

I'm not the biggest fan of Chevy Chase except he was good in the Vacation films.
For a good Chevy Chase film, check out Fletch (1985).
I think its sequels flopped, but I remember the original being very funny and very entertaining!

Trouble with a capital "T"
For a good Chevy Chase film, check out Fletch (1985).
I think its sequels flopped, but I remember the original being very funny and very entertaining!

Ironically it's Fletch F Fletch birthday today! He's 43!

How about some '70s fair...

Mother, Jugs & Speed
The Gumball Rally
Car Wash
The Hospital
The Jerk
Kentucky Fried Movie
Slap Shot
Up in Smoke
Silver Streak
The Brinks Job
The In-Laws
Kelly's Heroes

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Galaxy Quest (1999)

This was loads of fun to watch, very enjoyable. It did remind me of Star Trek during the convention with the cast of Galaxy Quest the tv show and all the fans dressed in alien attire. But for most of the movie what I was reminded of was The Orville. I gotta think that Seth MacFarlane was a fan of Galaxy Quest and that's where he got his idea for The Orville at. Really liked the aliens! And some funny stuff too.

Captain Steel and Gbgoodies, thanks for recommending it

I'm glad that you finally watched Galaxy Quest, and that you liked it. It's such a fun movie. The DVD even has an audio track in the aliens' language.

There was some talk about a Galaxy Quest TV series a few years ago, but I don't know if it's still in the works or if it was cancelled.
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