🌟 Star Trek, TOS 🌟


Trouble with a capital "T"
She played a relatively minor role. Although she has appeared in more than one episode.
OK, I looked at those photos again and I think I know who it is, though I can't remember the name of the episode. She was a young bride that was married by Capt Kirk during the episode and then latter her husband was killed in an attack.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
OK, I looked at those photos again and I think I know who it is, though I can't remember the name of the episode. She was a young bride that was married by Capt Kirk during the episode and then latter her husband was killed in an attack.
Correct. She is Barbara Baldavin and she has appeared in 3 episodes.

Balance of Terror

Shore Leave

Turnabout Intruder

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
She was really cute! I didn't know she was in three episodes.
Yeah, she played Lt. Angela Martine in Balance of Terror and Shore Leave. She played Communications Officer Lisa in Turnabout Intruder. Relatively small roles. Yes she is cute.

I wouldn't say Demons was the greatest episode, that would be Carbon Creek imo. However I did like Peter Weller in Demons and like you mentioned the tie-in to Col Green was cool to see. I read at Memory Alpha that originally they were going to do a story focused on Col Green but then that got sidetracked, so poor old Green got demoted to a mere mention.

Regarding blonde Vulcans I swear T'Pol's hair got lighter and lighter as they tried to maker her sexier and sexier. Now, I like a pretty girl in Star Trek but IMO Enterprise went overboard with the titillation stuff, especially those sensual gel decon rubs in the decontamination chamber.
I've been thinking the exact same thing regarding T'Pol!
I haven't seen such blatant ST sexploitation since 7 of 9!

Did they ever explain why T'Pol doesn't wear a uniform? Instead they have her in that skin tight suit (which I never liked, despite the fact it shows off her assets - otherwise, it's kind of ugly). I would like to see the episode again where T'Pol gets the Pon Farr and tries to go after all the men on the ship (including Dr. Phlox) because I only saw bits of it.

I wish there was more Hoshi - outside of a couple exceptions I've seen so far, they don't really try to make her overly sexy - which may be why she seems more attractive to me the more I watch!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
This should be an easy one. What episode was he in?

That's Roger Perry, who played Captain John Christopher in the TOS episode "Tomorrow Is Yesterday". (Great episode. )
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I just seen this ST guest star in an old movie the other night so I made a screen shot. What episode was he in?
Looks like William Campbell from The Squire of Gothos and he also played a Klingon in The Trouble With Tribbles.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I think this might be Sandoval from the episode "This Side of Paradise", but I don't remember the actor's name.

Correct! That's Frank Overton.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've been thinking the exact same thing regarding T'Pol!
I haven't seen such blatant ST sexploitation since 7 of 9!

Did they ever explain why T'Pol doesn't wear a uniform? Instead they have her in that skin tight suit (which I never liked, despite the fact it shows off her assets - otherwise, it's kind of ugly). I would like to see the episode again where T'Pol gets the Pon Farr and tries to go after all the men on the ship (including Dr. Phlox) because I only saw bits of it.

I wish there was more Hoshi - outside of a couple exceptions I've seen so far, they don't really try to make her overly sexy - which may be why she seems more attractive to me the more I watch!
I seen your post late at night and was going to reply the next morning, but forgot to...So here's my 3-day late reply

Did they ever explain why T'Pol doesn't wear a uniform?
T'Pol isn't a member of Starfleet, she's a member of the Vulcan High Command, so I'm guessing those Vulcan's had a preference for wearing catsuits Did you ever notice in the early seasons that she wears her belt right under her bust line? Odd. I guess that's a Vulcan style.

I would like to see the episode again where T'Pol gets the Pon Farr and tries to go after all the men on the ship (including Dr. Phlox) because I only saw bits of it.
Speaking of continuity that scene permanently changes T'Pols character and introspectively Jolene Blalock's style of acting. I never liked her Vulcan performance in the first couple seasons, but after the 'Pon Farr mind rape' she becomes more dynamic and gave some really great performances.

I wish there was more Hoshi - outside of a couple exceptions I've seen so far, they don't really try to make her overly sexy - which may be why she seems more attractive to me the more I watch!
Yahoo, another fan of Hoshi! I really liked her too. She's cute/pretty, but I really liked her as a character who was out of her element on a spaceship. She made her role very human so it was very easy to relate to her. Sadly in the later seasons her character's airtime was demoted to just a few lines each episode. But if you watch the first 2 seasons you'll see a good amount of stories involving Hoshi.

I seen your post late at night and was going to reply the next morning, but forgot to...So here's my 3-day late reply

Did they ever explain why T'Pol doesn't wear a uniform?
T'Pol isn't a member of Starfleet, she's a member of the Vulcan High Command, so I'm guessing those Vulcan's had a preference for wearing catsuits Did you ever notice in the early seasons that she wears her belt right under her bust line? Odd. I guess that's a Vulcan style.

I would like to see the episode again where T'Pol gets the Pon Farr and tries to go after all the men on the ship (including Dr. Phlox) because I only saw bits of it.
Speaking of continuity that scene permanently changes T'Pols character and introspectively Jolene Blalock's style of acting. I never liked her Vulcan performance in the first couple seasons, but after the 'Pon Farr mind rape' she becomes more dynamic and gave some really great performances.

I wish there was more Hoshi - outside of a couple exceptions I've seen so far, they don't really try to make her overly sexy - which may be why she seems more attractive to me the more I watch!
Yahoo, another fan of Hoshi! I really liked her too. She's cute/pretty, but I really liked her as a character who was out of her element on a spaceship. She made her role very human so it was very easy to relate to her. Sadly in the later seasons her character's airtime was demoted to just a few lines each episode. But if you watch the first 2 seasons you'll see a good amount of stories involving Hoshi.
I did notice T'Pol's belt right after we started talking about this!

I thought she was a member of Star Fleet because she has a rank and I think there are later episodes where she wants to remain a member of Star Fleet and not joint the Vulcan High Command? She does don a different orange cat-suit in later episodes (but it's still not a uniform and still a cat suit!)

I noticed they also got rid of the Vulcan eyebrows - at least for T'Pol - she just has regular lady eyebrows - not straight & angled like Spock's.

P.S. My viewing of the show is scattered - I usually miss the beginning and the network it's on is riddled with commercials - during which I channel surf and then miss parts of the show or the ending - thus my knowledge of it is incomplete.