
Was social distancing being enforced (or mentioned via sign or verbally)?
Did they have new capacity limits?
Were people wearing masks?
Heck, yeah. Every other pew was roped off. Tons of hand sanitizer to use. Masks required. Only 100 allowed in, but we were nowhere near that. Woman in a laptop at the front door checking us in though how that works if one didn’t sign up for an “evite” is beyond me.

No singing. No holy water. Acceptance of the Eucharist by hand only. Not even church collections by passing round the baskets. Other rules too. When the first Mass is over they then have to sanitize everything for the 2nd Mass. Quite the palaver & this will continue for goodness knows how long.

It was nice to be back though.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

One of the counter persons at Dunkin is giving me free coffee. No clue why she’s doing this, but I hope she doesn’t get herself into trouble.

Trouble with a capital "T"
One of the counter persons at Dunkin is giving me free coffee. No clue why she’s doing this, but I hope she doesn’t get herself into trouble.
She might think you're homeless. You did say you walk through the drive up window. She might assume that without a car you don't have any money.

DNKN on my block (where I’ve had to use the drive thru window for months) is now allowing us inside to place an order. This is so welcome. I can run in, get my coffee & run out again. I think the manager said it’s Monday thru Friday from 7 a.m. to noon.

Tomorrow is my favorite month of the year - August. But how can it be August when July was only 3 days long?

This photo amused me so I am putting it here. This house is for sale in an affluent neighborhood. See the nice piano? It’s now on the sidewalk all in pieces.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
This photo amused me so I am putting it here. This house is for sale in an affluent neighborhood. See the nice piano? It’s now on the sidewalk all in pieces.

Why is this good news?

⬆️ Didn’t know where else to put amusing things so put it here. Don’t want to start a thread for everything that comes to my mind.

Wanted to see this movie forever. (One of my favorite books.) Never been available anywhere until just this week except on poor quality bootleg versions. Amazon says it will be released on dvd mid-December & I have pre-ordered it.

So very random that this 1970 movie is being released now. Thanks to Kino Lorber.

It’s years since I have returned something to Amazon. I remember printing a label (at Fedx as I don’t have a printer), buying an appropriate bubble envelope & then schlepping to the P.O. to drop off the package as one can’t drop packages in a mailbox these days.

So today I have to return a calendar (bought by mistake) & a Breaking Bad box set that does not have CC as claimed on the website. (I knew there were no English subtitles).

So pleased to find that now one need only choose a Kohl’s store, UPS or a Whole Foods store (there may be other options too) to return stuff. I don’t need a label, nothing, just the 2 items. I speak to an associate & she will scan the barcodes from my iPad & I receive a refund in a couple of hours. How easy is this!!

How come I never discovered these until just today? New from DNKN. Delicious cream cheese-filled mini bagels.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
How come I never discovered these until just today? New from DNKN. Delicious cream cheese-filled mini bagels.

We don't go to Dunkin', but Hubby buys something similar from the supermarket. He used to buy Bagelfuls, but we haven't been able to find them for a while, so he recently started buying Bantam Bagels. They have several different varieties, and we just found out that they also make egg versions too.

These are Bagelfuls:

These are Bantam Bagels:

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Yeah, the bottom photo is exactly what DNKN is selling. Never heard of them before, but cute idea.

It’s years since I have returned something to Amazon. I remember printing a label (at Fedx as I don’t have a printer), buying an appropriate bubble envelope & then schlepping to the P.O. to drop off the package as one can’t drop packages in a mailbox these days.

So today I have to return a calendar (bought by mistake) & a Breaking Bad box set that does not have CC as claimed on the website. (I knew there were no English subtitles).

So pleased to find that now one need only choose a Kohl’s store, UPS or a Whole Foods store (there may be other options too) to return stuff. I don’t need a label, nothing, just the 2 items. I speak to an associate & she will scan the barcodes from my iPad & I receive a refund in a couple of hours. How easy is this!!
Thought this was too good to be true. As I said, it may be years since I’ve returned anything to Amazon so I didn’t know or see on the website that the customer has to indicate where she wants the refund tendered. I didn’t choose anything & the refund then defaults to an Amazon gift card.

This is a very cheeky scam. They give you a refund, but in the form of an Amazon gift card, which, obviously, is used to buy something else from Amazon. I was buying something new this evening & astounded to find I had a gift card. The balance of the gift card is the balance of the two items I just returned, which I thought was being credited to my credit card.

Spent an annoying 30 minutes on the phone with a not-very-bright individual who, finally, changed the refund from the gift card back to my credit card. This was like pulling teeth, but he finally got it right & emailed me to confirm.

In future, I now know to indicate in advance how I want the refund. These companies!

Thought this was too good to be true. As I said, it may be years since I’ve returned anything to Amazon so I didn’t know or see on the website that the customer has to indicate where she wants the refund tendered. I didn’t choose anything & the refund then defaults to an Amazon gift card.

This is a very cheeky scam. They give you a refund, but in the form of an Amazon gift card, which, obviously, is used to buy something else from Amazon. I was buying something new this evening & astounded to find I had a gift card. The balance of the gift card is the balance of the two items I just returned, which I thought was being credited to my credit card.

Spent an annoying 30 minutes on the phone with a not-very-bright individual who, finally, changed the refund from the gift card back to my credit card. This was like pulling teeth, but he finally got it right & emailed me to confirm.

In future, I now know to indicate in advance how I want the refund. These companies!
A couple months ago I got a book from Amazon that was damaged (it was the Eternals Complete Collection).

It was obviously damaged before it was shipped because the envelope didn't have a mark on it, but the book inside was scratched, marred, stained and dog-eared.

I did the online chat to try to get a refund. I really didn't feel like repacking it and taking it to a UPS store to ship it back and told them so (I think they gave a little extra consideration for the pandemic as, in the past, I had to return any damaged item to get a refund or replacement).

This time they offered a refund or gift card - I chose the refund.

I had to contact them a second time to confirm I didn't have to return the item because the first e-mail confirmation said I'd need to return it to get the refund - on the 2nd communication they said ignore that message and keep the damaged item.

In the end, I got the refund, didn't have to return the book... I read it, then sold it on eBay for a pretty decent price considering it was damaged (and described so on eBay) and I got it for free!!!

Don’t know where to put this, but I love this guy on TikTok. Talk about an internet sensation.

Love Mick Fleetwood’s TikTok tribute.