East Asia Corner


@Captain Steel Pervert.

Somebody gimme this drama with English subs. I'm paying in cute Japanese girls.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

In my last post: the girl with shorter hair's face reminds me a bit of my favorite Saki Nakajima (singer / dancer from the J-Pop group "℃-ute")... super cute!
But the rest of her?

yeah, why not. I think im quite libertine myself. problem is just for the shakai.
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

You're way more liberal than I thought. One disturbing part about the video, however, is how she says it took her two years and many tear-filled sleepless nights to accept that. Seems like she really had a hard time accepting that mentally, and kinda conditioned herself to it over the years. Sounds rough.

Despite being the king of kinkiness on MoFo, I mostly uphold traditional values in life, and wouldn't marry a pornstar. It just seems to me that a girl who chooses this profession has too different a worldview and attitude to life to be a suitable partner for me.

You're way more liberal than I thought. One disturbing part about the video, however, is how she says it took her two years and many tear-filled sleepless nights to accept that. Seems like she really had a hard time accepting that mentally, and kinda conditioned herself to it over the years. Sounds rough.
well, that's speaking theoretically. I don't see myself will have the same scenario in the distant future. I don't even think for the urge of marriage in the first place. Im question the existence of that lousy institution. im a rebel! im anarchist!. I am I am I am...

..but one doesn't simply oppose the society will. As far as the liberacy of my social view, thank to weekly dosage of Arthousetamol, the confucianism-style bonding of community or whatever isn't something me myself can triumph it over.
I mean, it's not only whatever people say about you and your freedom-granted decision but also how that decision not gonna hurt other people as well, the ones that close to you. Be an Asian basically is : the unreasonable amount of F you give to be a considerate person. I do feel that ironic.

I can understand what the wife feels, for obviously it won't easy for most of people that held or used to grown-up by traditional value. Well i don't think most liberal won't have the samekind of dillema.
it's somehow easy to think if it as part of the marriage commitment in the big picture then it should be fine but the implementation is another else.

Despite being the king of kinkiness on MoFo, I mostly uphold traditional values in life, and wouldn't marry a pornstar. It just seems to me that a girl who chooses this profession has too different a worldview and attitude to life to be a suitable partner for me.
i see, lol. i think that show the nuances of human view. i don't see myself as left-right or something (well, maybe circulated around the center) for example, just because some of my social views.

As you say, it does seem to be a Pornstar it require something more, beside worldivew, somekind of mentality that i guess showed also by their attitude.
first i believe, it was a choice of mental leapt because, let's say the cliche financial reason or for break their social chain.
the other common spectrum he/she was exhibitionist.
i mean by documented one privacy and intimacy for public consumption (well, sort of; it's porn, I know) , i think i'll curb my liberal pov.
to think it back, i don't mind (if) my future husbando, but i do hope he don't get too popular and become a sort of meme. this goes by saying i will never go public and accept interview with some greedy youtube channel that hungry for view with my sensationalized my life experience!
well, for some lttle incentive i guess. and please not expose my real identity

First of all, your English is the strangest I've ever seen. As if an alien spoke English... Wait! You extraterrestrial spy! Hands up! I mean... you've got no hands... Tentacles up!!! You're under arrest! Crap, I only have one pair of handcuffs, and you've got 8 tentacles. This is not gonna end well.

I don't see myself will have the same scenario in the distant future.
Yes, this is quite an abstract idea. You don't see people marrying a pornstar every day. However, this is kinda the point. You just place yourself in this theoretical situation and ponder what you would do. Something like... what would I do if reso said she loved me. I wonder...

I don't even think for the urge of marriage in the first place
Same here, but sadly marriage is required in a wide array of situations in my country. First of all, all things that have to do with inheritance. If you're not an official part of the family, you will have a hard time getting anything. Another, if you're not a part of the family, you won't be able to visit a person in the hospital. Many other inconveniences like this.

im a rebel! im anarchist!. I am I am I am...
I feel a strong urge to place this quote in my signature. I have to resist it! I have to!

how that decision not gonna hurt other people as well, the ones that close to you. Be an Asian basically is : the unreasonable amount of F you give to be a considerate person
I know, right? This is something I have a hard time understanding. Asian people (or at least the Asian people I have in mind) seem to be the most selfless individuals in the world. Always concerned about the well-being of others, to the point they put the happiness of others over their own. This is toxic to me. I don't care about society's opinion. They do.

it's somehow easy to think if it as part of the marriage commitment in the big picture then it should be fine but the implementation is another else.
If you grow up with more or less traditional ideas in mind, and the idea of monogamy is the leading part of a relationship to you, it's simply hard to accept your partner is going to have sex with somebody else, as a part of their work or not. Even if it's not considered cheating by either of the partners, the preconceived notions of a relationship get in the way.

i don't see myself as left-right or something (well, maybe circulated around the center) for example, just because some of my social views.
Yeah, pigeonholing your entire worldview as simply left or right seems reductive, to say the least. Anyway, I'm quite liberal/progressive when it comes to other people's lives, and traditional when it comes to my own. I'm not conservative, though. F*ck marriage! F*ck children! Well, not literally!!! What I'm trying to say is, I'm not trying to enforce my beliefs on anybody else, and don't think them superior. I just want that and that, but more power to you if you want something else! You can laugh, you can cry, you can express yourself, but please, don't hurt anybody!

somekind of mentality that i guess showed also by their attitude
Yes, it's just that attitude that I find bewildering. Or rather, I find the idea of getting close to such a person bewildering. I watch porn. I respect sex workers. After all, they fulfill our fantasies. But I don't want to mix fantasies and reality if it's outside the loving nest of a relationship. If somebody chooses a job like that, it's just a mentality too far away from my own.

the cliche financial reason
Yeah, I guess most women do it for money. Like, the money female pornstars get in Japan is quite crazy. On the other hand, male pornstars earn one-fifth of that if not less! Where's your equalism now?!

But it's not as easy as that. Hunters tout young girls and try to lure them into porn. You're gonna be a star. You'll get a lot of money. Young women are gullible. Such girls might come from troubled families, or quite contrary, come from good families but never had enough attention from their parents. Plenty of reasons. But still... I respect people who keep their purity despite the odds.

to think it back, i don't mind (if) my future husbando, but i do hope he don't get too popular and become a sort of meme
It's interesting you don't see a problem with a husband who has sex with other women as long as he... doesn't get too popular. Is it the social pressure of other people finding out? How do you approach him having sex with others? Do you separate his work life and his personal life? Do you think him having sex with other girls doesn't matter if it's only his job? Or maybe it doesn't matter if there's no love? What if he has sex with other women outside work, but there is no love? How do you feel about open relationships?

this goes by saying i will never go public and accept interview with some greedy youtube channel that hungry for view with my sensationalized my life experience!
Shocking! A young girl obsessed with Japan! Exclusive! Only on my YT channel!

please not expose my real identity
We've already established you are an alien from other space. No point in trying to hide it anymore.

First of all, your English is the strangest I've ever seen. As if an alien spoke English... Wait! You extraterrestrial spy! Hands up! I mean... you've got no hands... Tentacles up!!! You're under arrest! Crap, I only have one pair of handcuffs, and you've got 8 tentacles. This is not gonna end well.
We've already established you are an alien from other spaces. No point in trying to hide it anymore
you get an entire species wrong

Yes, this is quite an abstract idea. You don't see people marrying a pornstar every day. However, this is kinda the point. You just place yourself in this theoretical situation and ponder what you would do. Something like... what would I do if reso said she loved me. I wonder...
fu fu, keep dreaming... :3

Same here, but sadly marriage is required in a wide array of situations in my country. First of all, all things that have to do with inheritance. If you're not an official part of the family, you will have a hard time getting anything. Another, if you're not a part of the family, you won't be able to visit a person in the hospital. Many other inconveniences like this.
basically just the same, tho' without inheritance or administration stuff. that sound complicated tbh.
well, marriage is still a social necessity, strict religious implication (and pressure). i believe living a bachelor's life is still a distinct social phenomenon here.

I feel a strong urge to place this quote in my signature. I have to resist it! I have to!
welcome to our resistance. together we prevail! let's change the world!

I know, right? This is something I have a hard time understanding. Asian people (or at least the Asian people I have in mind) seem to be the most selfless individuals in the world. Always concerned about the well-being of others, to the point they put the happiness of others over their own. This is toxic to me. I don't care about society's opinion. They do.
yeah, i think it not special to us but we migh get it to the extreme. there a lot contradictions here and there ofc. sometimes it can be justifiable, i mean for creating the fake "harmonious" life. and i don't complain because i condemn certain egoism or reckless behavior. but the far it goes, sometimes i doubt myself if it just better to live and die an ignorant life like everyone else.

If you grow up with more or less traditional ideas in mind, and the idea of monogamy is the leading part of a relationship to you, it's simply hard to accept your partner is going to have sex with somebody else, as a part of their work or not. Even if it's not considered cheating by either of the partners, the preconceived notions of a relationship get in the way.
well maybe im on the state where i see sex is something that can be a trade of, commodity(?) --though it very borderline with exploitation, so not a prostitution-like where rich old man creeping vulnerable young girls. that just no.

i mean if the guy get paid to commit the act so [s]her wife can pay her netflix subscription[/s] to bring the bread to the table. well i know it sounds weirdly radical, but as part of commitment goes, as long as it is "professionally done" not adultery aka something without both sides concern. but this kind of stuff did demand some kind of compensation for the wife, maybe. well, by theory. hmmm.
well to consider it may fruitful and justifiable, financially, to some extent. especially if the wife not working as well. i can imagine the dinner conversation can be so cute. "honey, today i have some funny accident at the workplace.." i awh, my creepy imagination, my rotten brain.

but im not sure it can be considered long term employment. i mean how about the couple decide to have kids. does this job really have future in the first place?

Yeah, pigeonholing your entire worldview as simply left or right seems reductive, to say the least. Anyway, I'm quite liberal/progressive when it comes to other people's lives, and traditional when it comes to my own. I'm not conservative, though. F*ck marriage! F*ck children! Well, not literally!!! What I'm trying to say is, I'm not trying to enforce my beliefs on anybody else, and don't think them superior. I just want that and that, but more power to you if you want something else! You can laugh, you can cry, you can express yourself, but please, don't hurt anybody!
can't agree more.
but unfortunately, the whole world still full of the deluded extremist, the fundamentalist, the far [insert], that kind of stuff. a sad world :/
idk if this was an important phase of humankind progress or just we just doomed to self destruct ourselves, in the end.

Yes, it's just that attitude that I find bewildering. Or rather, I find the idea of getting close to such a person bewildering. I watch porn. I respect sex workers. After all, they fulfill our fantasies. But I don't want to mix fantasies and reality if it's outside the loving nest of a relationship. If somebody chooses a job like that, it's just a mentality too far away from my own.
yeah. it kind of different world, mentally.

Yeah, I guess most women do it for money. Like, the money female pornstars get in Japan is quite crazy. On the other hand, male pornstars earn one-fifth of that if not less! Where's your equalism now?!
right? is it because basically you paid for the actress more? porn market needs more demand from straight-female audience!
oh wait..

But it's not as easy as that. Hunters tout young girls and try to lure them into porn. You're gonna be a star. You'll get a lot of money. Young women are gullible. Such girls might come from troubled families, or quite contrary, come from good families but never had enough attention from their parents. Plenty of reasons.
yeah, some **** can go existential, even with individuals that born with privilege.

But still... I respect people who keep their purity despite the odds.
i can't really speak on behalf of other people. if they are adults, that their decision, whatever it is. i understand to think girls that keep their purity against the odd of life, respectable in a way but i don't necessarily to always agree with. each person has a different capacity for perceiving life. if life realy push me into that territory, maybe i'll not think twice..
well,in the end, i guess im just quiet nihilistic regard. "does it really matter?" kind of thing. but again it's easy speaking, theoretically, armchair-wise.

It's interesting you don't see a problem with a husband who has sex with other women as long as he... doesn't get too popular. Is it the social pressure of other people finding out?
more like social pressure. if only people that finding out and can mind their own business. i can only see that unlikely scenario.
but i guess it different in Japan, if the couple lived in the big city, let's say a distant relationships with their family.

How do you approach him having sex with others? Do you separate his work life and his personal life? Do you think him having sex with other girls doesn't matter if it's only his job? Or maybe it doesn't matter if there's no love?
again, i think i can compartmentalize, so i hope he can too [if]

What if he has sex with other women outside work, but there is no love? How do you feel about open relationships?
im actually not condone it. that just lazy adultery to me, even if there is no love. that break the commitment. if only he tells me first, together we can compromise that and...

I'm considering one can accept polyamorous relationships only with the right partners at the right time. if each party involves fine with, then.

but I can only think for now that has any state or form of relationship just hazle my life. in the end, I'm afraid of any kind of commitment that binds me. do you really picture to life with the same person(s) in your lifetime? I'm not sure myself.
idk, I may idealist right now. myself ten years ago won't recognize me, myself ten years from now will just laugh at this young rascal, or cry loud on her. and don't tell my mum I'm cuddling with both gender

Shocking! A young girl obsessed with Japan! Exclusive! Only on my YT channel!
wait, wait, the talk about my fee appearance is not fixed yet.

you get an entire species wrong
DOGU! Finally, a face reveal!
fu fu, keep dreaming... :3
Sorry, it was just an example. Everybody knows that @Swan is my boyfriend.
i mean if the guy get paid to commit the act so [s]her wife can pay her netflix subscription[/s] to bring the bread to the table
Many different jobs where you don't have sex with other people. You obviously know somebody's job before you marry them, so you can reject somebody based on their job.
well i know it sounds weirdly radical, but as part of commitment goes, as long as it is "professionally done" not adultery aka something without both sides concern. but this kind of stuff did demand some kind of compensation for the wife, maybe. well, by theory. hmmm.
Yeah, even if the wife could meet other guys, she most probably wouldn't, so she's just cucked into oblivion.
i awh, my creepy imagination, my rotten brain.
You're a bad girl. I wonder if his wife visits him at work, though. Haha.
i mean how about the couple decide to have kids
The couple in the video has a kid. Dude's still at it.
im just quiet nihilistic regard. "does it really matter?" kind of thing. but again it's easy speaking, theoretically, armchair-wise.
It matters when you're looking for a partner with similar values. Hell, I sound like a psycho conservatist again.
again, i think i can compartmentalize
But that's just lying to yourself.
in the end im afraid of any kind of commitment that binds me
I'm in turn afraid of a situation in which I commit a lot and then find out the person isn't even thinking about it in serious terms.
do you really picture to life with the same person(s) in your lifetime?
I can't picture it any other way than spending my life with one same person. Except for being single until I die, which is highly likely. Of course, breaking up after some time is possible, too, but I'm talking more about my goals than reality. Seriously, if the hottest girl ever said she wants to have sex with me, I'd say no. I need a loving relationship first. :3 I'd rather be single than be promiscuous.
and don't tell my mum I'm cuddling with both gender

wait, wait, the talk about my fee appearance is not fixed yet.
Is a bag of sweets enough?

Reso's a girl?
Now I feel bad about posting all those girlie photos... (nah, no I don't.)
When are you "guys" going to post more Asian girlie photos?

Just in case anyone wants to resurrect this thread...

(Even when some people have identified their gender... 4 years later, I forget!)

Or so she maintains. There is no proof she is a girl, though!
Now I feel bad about posting all those girlie photos...
Bruh, reso's all over cute Asian girls. Keep 'em coming.
When are you "guys" going to post more Asian girlie photos?
You give me no other choice!!!

Just in case anyone wants to resurrect this thread...
Just did it!

DOGU! Finally, a face reveal!
Sorry, it was just an example. Everybody knows that @Swan is my boyfriend.
im not JEALOUS!

Many different jobs where you don't have sex with other people. You obviously know somebody's job before you marry them, so you can reject somebody based on their job.
well, maybe he just really that good on bed and found his forte, or he just

i mean who knows. maybe he just sort of lucky loser.

Yeah, even if the wife could meet other guys, she most probably wouldn't, so she's just cucked into oblivion.
poor girl.

You're a bad girl. I wonder if his wife visits him at work, though. Haha.
no, you, creative AV kantoku!

The couple in the video has a kid. Dude's still at it.
now that a borderline for me.
"my dad job? he works in entertainment business"

It matters when you're looking for a partner with similar values. Hell, I sound like a psycho conservatist again.
oni-chan ganbatte!

But that's just lying to yourself.
but, but..

I'm in turn afraid of a situation in which I commit a lot and then find out the person isn't even thinking about it in serious terms.
are you, one of my victim? :3

I can't picture it any other way than spending my life with one same person. Except for being single until I die, which is highly likely. Of course, breaking up after some time is possible, too, but I'm talking more about my goals than reality.
im afraid to die alone too, hence the contradiction. but i still think marriage just self laceration. maybe the far scenario is commitment without marriage.

Seriously, if the hottest girl ever said she wants to have sex with me, I'd say no. I need a loving relationship first. :3 I'd rather be single than be promiscuous.
poor girl.

Is a bag of sweets enough?
who do you think i am? make it two

Okay, so now we know you're not one of these aliens made of jelly.
well, maybe he just really that good on bed and found his forte
Incidentally, I'm really good with my tongue. I can speak for hours.
no, you, creative AV kantoku!
I'm an AV connoisseur, but I don't dabble in 2D.
now that a borderline for me.
"my dad job? he works in entertainment business"
She actually touched upon this subject. She says she's not gonna be afraid to tell the kid about her husband's job. Wait, did you even watch the video?
Arigato, Reso-chan! ^^

are you, one of my victim? :3
I'm not, thank God. I know better than hanging out with rascals like you.
im afraid to die alone too
Sorry to break it to you, but we will all die alone.
Last time I checked she hadn't had any financial difficulties. But maybe that's the reason why she spoke to me, who knows. But I guess this reply's kinda flattering to me... Thanks...?

who do you think i am? make it two
It's one, or I'm telling your mum!

Okay, so now we know you're not one of these aliens made of jelly.

Incidentally, I'm really good with my tongue. I can speak for hours.
I'm an AV connoisseur, but I don't dabble in 2D.

She actually touched upon this subject. She says she's not gonna be afraid to tell the kid about her husband's job. Wait, did you even watch the video?
i want to but this guy somehow makes me reluctant to click it. for now.

well i think it is not a matter of not telling the kid, but the proper age.

I'm not, thank God. I know better than hanging out with rascals like you.
wise move

Sorry to break it to you, but we will all die alone.
why you, literal man..

Last time I checked she hadn't had any financial difficulties. But maybe that's the reason why she spoke to me, who knows. But I guess this reply's kinda flattering to me... Thanks...?
your welcome.

now you have granted the wisdom of three monkeys combine. you have unlocked the morning class with the gorilla monk that will give a lecture about the essence of life.

*not available on zoom or google meet

It's one, or I'm telling your mum!
reverse uno!

i want to but this guy somehow makes me reluctant to click it. for now
Nobita's a cool guy. Shame on you.
you have unlocked the morning class with the gorilla monk that will give a lecture about the essence of life
You never told me you became a monk.
reverse uno!
I'm not gonna tell her. Just wanted to find out if I can give you one bag, and keep the other bag for myself.

Nobita's a cool guy. Shame on you.

You never told me you became a monk.
well, you know, I might keep surprising you.

I'm not gonna tell her. Just wanted to find out if I can give you one bag, and keep the other bag for myself.

@resopamenic you are the heart of this thread, every time you go this thread dies