The "Get to know you" game.


Tipped straight down the drain

Have you ever seen a ghost?

No, but I’ve seen an angel.

Looking forward to spring?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Most interesting man in the world
No, but I’ve seen an angel.

Looking forward to spring?
So far it's been pretty bleh..cold/cloudy and sometimes windy... Tho it's pretty hot right now.
So no..

Have you eaten watermelon in the last 2 days..?

Yes I certainly have - yesterday. Sweet juicy chunks lol Will have the leftovers for breakfast tomorrow.

Do you prefer to take a cruise, fly away or drive somewhere when you go on vacation?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Do you prefer to take a cruise, fly away or drive somewhere when you go on vacation?
All three! I love sea cruises, and flying to a special destination is great, and I love road trips.

Have you ever slept in a tent?

I used to love sleeping in tents (or on the ground without a tent) before I got old and fragile.

If given the chance, would you want to visit outer space?
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Yes. As a kid I wanted to be an astronaut. We couldn't afford space camp so I turned to sci-fi.

If you could pick how you depart this mortal existence, how would you go out? I mean if you could control it. I think a tornado might be interesting!

I'd probably opt for heavy sedation, but I've always suspected that, for one reason or another, my last words would be, "OH S***!!"

What do you want your last words to be?

'Everybody Love Everybody!' in a Jackie Moon voice

New to the forums, and I imagine this has been asked before, but would you rather be rich or famous?

Hi there @chawhee, welcome to the forums. And I don't think anyone's asked that question before. At least - no one asked ME!

Rich. (And anonymous lol )

If you had the chance to be part of making a movie,
would you rather be a director or an actor?

Good one! I dunno, I guess actor. But my real first choice would be special makeup effects guy.

What's your greatest cinematic "guilty pleasure"?

Welcome, chawhee!

I can speak three, but only fluent in English. Well, four- if you count music as the universal language.

What is your favorite type of music?

Well, four- if you count music as the universal language.
"Is it not strange that sheeps' guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"

Anyway, tough question -- the music I don't like would make a shorter list. Oh, well, let's say the jazz/blues/R&B family.

What are your favorite and least favorite types of music?

I was going to leave this for someone else, but I cannot resist responding to such an erudite poster who quotes Shakespeare.

" Rest yourself by the strength of strings - no voice can hope to hum." Quote from My Shakespeare - Dylan.

So faves are- Dylan. And singer - songwriter music aka 'roots' music . Also pop and rock, torch songs and ballads, Broadway and standards, classic jazz and Motown and Beethoven and country and traditional folk music. From Hank Williams to Henry Mancini, I just love a good song. Well I love music .

Only two types of music that I don't find too beguiling. One is that loud electronic(?) modern metal(?) music where the guitar sounds like a dentist's drill and the composer only seems familiar with three or four notes . Other is opera.

But even then, there are exceptions.

Which famous musician, past or present, would you like to have lunch with, along with getting free front row tickets to their concert?

Hmm, I don’t really have a favorite musician I’d like to dine with, but would be cool to have lunch with Jared Leto.

If you would have to resign from one of these two things for the rest of your life, which one would you pick - no music or no movies?

No question about it - no music.

If you could lunch with a single movie star of the opposite sex, who would it be?