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That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Just got out and did not care for it =*(

Was a very slow walk through the woods without much contrast along the way storywise, visually, or even in soundtrack. In a way, I feel like this suffered a bit like Lucy did or (dare I even compare!) The Happening in taking itself much too seriously near the end, considering the tone and pace of the movie overall.

To me, it felt like bits of 2001 without any real symbolism, Arrival without any real progression or purpose, Into the Wild without any real wonder or curiosity, Solaris without any real visual awe, and Sphere without any real psychological self-awareness were all pulled from as inspiration without ever being put to use.

There were a few moments of scientific interest, a few scenes of visual spectacle (most of which were in the trailer), two scenes that got the heart pumping, and one gloriously creepy bear. Other than that, it was minimal in its effort, dialogue, and design. Usually I'm just fine with that, but in this case the sum of its parts was less than I expected. And that disappointed me considering how few heady sci-fi movies come out. =*(

Like the way you put that yn.

I have a weird algorithm for seeing movies in theater. No full price for TLJ, buy I will take a flier on something random.

I would go see this, but I have an overwhelming feeling it is just gonna end up on US Netflix in 2 months.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again

I would go see this, but I have an overwhelming feeling it is just gonna end up on US Netflix in 2 months.
Funny you mention that.

"The studio tried to hedge its bets, by marketing the film as more of a female-driven action thriller than it is, and by selling off the foreign rights to Netflix -- meaning that the movie will stream overseas just weeks after playing in theaters here."

Source from an article on a black Panther:

Not sure how to hyperlink via mobile!

Barf. Maybe it's a cool movie but when you basically tell me I am an evil misogynistic person if I don't go see this thanks. Between Tessa and Portman's lame all male category comment at the globes...just yuck. (I just thought it was ****ty to the people who were actually nominated) Maybe I'll boot leg it if they are lucky.

What's ironic is apparently Portman's character is suppose to be Asian and they white washed it. I guess Tessa was on her feminist kick and not her racist kick for this one. She is holding her breathe for a movie she can call someone like me racist and sexist if I don't see it.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Barf. Maybe it's a cool movie but when you basically tell me I am an evil misogynistic person if I don't go see this thanks. Between Tessa and Portman's lame all male category comment at the globes...just yuck. (I just thought it was ****ty to the people who were actually nominated) Maybe I'll boot leg it if they are lucky.

What's ironic is apparently Portman's character is suppose to be Asian and they white washed it. I guess Tessa was on her feminist kick and not her racist kick for this one. She is holding her breathe for a movie she can call someone like me racist and sexist if I don't see it.
You seem to be projecting a lot onto her comment. Like, she didn't say anywhere that you'd be sexist for not seeing it. Advocating for people to support a movie that casts women does not mean all people who don't see it are sexist. Like, she cares about the industry she works in and it improving the way it treats women (which if the last several months haven't made it clear for people who still didn't get the memo, the industry, and pretty much all industries, do not treat women fairly).

Also on the subject of white-washing, well, it's complicated. I think there's a reasonable conversation to be had about white-washing in the industry and around this film, but if it's a subject we're looking to explore than it is worth noting that the character's ethnicity apparently wasn't addressed until the second book in the series, which came out after this film began development. I'm not sure if Garland read the second book (since he has stated publicly that he had no desire to make this a franchise) or if Natalie Portman was brought on before or after the book's publishing, but it's not beyond the scope of possibility that Garland simply wasn't aware of the fact that the character was Asian (not that this is necessarily an excuse as you could argue that he is the lead creative and thus has a responsibility to know the details of the IP he's working with even if he doesn't plan on personally making sequels, and his comments were still a bit tone-deaf, so again, complicated).

Regardless, I would say that responding to someone advocating for women in film by taking it as an attack on your character through the form of an allegation of sexism and then using that imagined allegation of sexism as a reason to not see a film is maybe not the best way to engage with ideas you disagree with, but hey, that's just me though.

(also I've seen the film and it's a pretty fantastic and unnerving piece of science fiction that's definitely worth seeing regardless of who is in it or what gender they may be).

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
(also I've seen the film and it's a pretty fantastic and unnerving piece of science fiction that's definitely worth seeing regardless of who is in it or what gender they may be).
I would very much like to read your thoughts on the film, in that you enjoyed it. I've not written any more on my criticisms, but the OP is pretty much to the point enough for me.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

I would very much like to read your thoughts on the film, in that you enjoyed it. I've not written any more on my criticisms, but the OP is pretty much to the point enough for me.
Yeah I mean I don't have a problem with people who didn't enjoy it, it's definitely not a film for everyone (I distinctly remember a man declaring quite loudly as the credits rolled and people were making their way out of the theater "that was the stupidest movie I've ever seen" which made me and my friend laugh as we both really dug it). It's weird and oblique and purposefully ambiguous at times in a way that definitely won't work for some people, but personally I was thoroughly engaged throughout the film and I've been thinking about it since I saw it a few days ago. I think it's one of those films that people will either love or hate, depending on whether or not it works for them, and for me, it worked.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Oh I didn't take your comment as having a problem =) I'm just genuinely curious what those that enjoyed it thought. By all rights, this should have been right up my alley! I just never felt engaged or much inspired by it.


Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Hi. I love this movie Annihilation for the strong female characters who went to venture into an unknown world to find answers to their questions. But there are too many plot holes, like I could not see any link between the beautiful environment and the “bad” aliens. Have a nice day!