Jonathan Harris Appreciation Thread


Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
What an amazing actor and charming man he was.
Born poor in the Bronx and decided who he was going to be.

The best is the story of how he won and created his greatest role, Dr. Smith of Lost in Space. (3rd clip)

Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Jonathan was married and had children, but do you think he was in the closet?
I mean, in his day and age you got married and had kids no matter what. It's just what you did if you wanted to work in television and have a social life among your peers and business contacts.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Jonathan was married and had children, but do you think he was in the closet?
I mean, in his day and age you got married and had kids no matter what. It's just what you did if you wanted to work in television and have a social life among your peers and business contacts.
Nope I don't think he was:

Jonathan Harris. What? The actor who played the astoundingly queeny Dr. Smith on TV's Lost in Space was heterosexual? It's hard to believe, especially when you learn that Harris also enjoyed needlepoint, gourmet cooking, and opera. But he married his high school sweetheart in 1938 and stayed with her until his death in 2002. They had one son.

That was a funny list, Rules.

Was just curious about Jonathan and/or what people thought. I watched a bio about him recently (on YouTube) where he told how he developed his voice - basing it on old British movies & such.

The thing is, just because he was married and had a kid (and stayed married) doesn't mean he was not gay - since that was the lifestyle most gay men chose to maintain in that age. For many gay men from that era, their wives would swear they were straight (but only they or their lovers knew different).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well yea, true....But just like it's a myth that all gay men speak with a so called 'gay accent', it's also a myth that straight men can't sound effeminate. When I was a kid, my next door neighbor, a friend who was raised by his mom, spoke like Dr Smith and had a Dr Smith smugness and way of acting. He wasn't gay, but he did get the crap beat out of him a couple of times, because he seemed different. He was just very intelligent, very cultured and hadn't been around any guys when he was growing up.

Well yea, true....But just like it's a myth that all gay men speak with a so called 'gay accent', it's also a myth that straight men can't sound effeminate. When I was a kid, my next door neighbor, a friend who was raised by his mom, spoke like Dr Smith and had a Dr Smith smugness and way of acting. He wasn't gay, but he did get the crap beat out of him a couple of times, because he seemed different. He was just very intelligent, very cultured and hadn't been around any guys when he was growing up.
This is also true.
Whatever the case, he seemed like a really nice guy... and as much as I hated his character of Dr. Smith, I loved Jonathan Harris!

(...not like... physically... I mean like... I admired him...)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ha! too funny.

I always liked (not loved) the character of Dr Smith, though he could be a scoundrel. Him, the robot and Will Robinson made the show. And I did have a crush on Penny when I was a kid.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
This is also true.
Whatever the case, he seemed like a really nice guy... and as much as I hated his character of Dr. Smith, I loved Jonathan Harris!

(...not like... physically... I mean like... I admired him...)

Don't let his character, Dr. Smith, fool you. I met Jonathan Harris at a convention many years ago, and he was a very nice man.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Ha! too funny.

I always liked (not loved) the character of Dr Smith, though he could be a scoundrel. Him, the robot and Will Robinson made the show. And I did have a crush on Penny when I was a kid.
I thought Penny (Angela Cartwright) was so cute when she played Linda on Make Room for Daddy.

But my crush was definitely on Judy (Marta Kristen). Wow! What a knockout. I wish Judy had been featured in more episodes.

...and still lookin' good today!

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Jonathan was married and had children, but do you think he was in the closet?
I mean, in his day and age you got married and had kids no matter what. It's just what you did if you wanted to work in television and have a social life among your peers and business contacts.
I doubt he was too. His affect (he was from the Bronx) was fully conscious and deliberate, and suited him as an actor. Takes a lot of guts to do that and just go with it.