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Forum: General Movie Discussion 08-02-16
Replies: 16
Best cast in a film
Posted By Luxion
Re: Best cast in a film

Yes,I can totally agree on that one.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-27-16
Replies: 123
what is the longest movie you have ever had to sit through?
Posted By Luxion
what is the longest movie you have ever had to sit through?

was it a good or bad experience? Mine would have to be The Last Emperor. I enjoyed it, but there's no way that cricket could have lived that long is there?
Feeling that I have to sit through a movie...
Forum: Movie Questions 06-30-16
Replies: 1
Unanswered:  what was the name of that film?
Posted By Luxion
what was the name of that film?


I am trying to find a film that was released in the 1990s (around early to mid-1990s) and I believe it was a kids comedy film.

I had a photographic memory on one of the scenes that I...