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Forum: General Movie Discussion 02-24-05
Replies: 150
Top 10 favorite movies
Posted By Frin
My list?

If you’re wondering what the hell I did in this post, I couldn't restrict myself to ten. And then I had to order them somehow.. but I found there was no way I could actually rank them, so… Yay for...
Forum: Movie Reviews 02-23-05
Replies: 146
Donnie Darko - discuss it (megaspoilers naturally)
Posted By Frin
You missed my point. I loved the movie because it...

You missed my point. I loved the movie because it made me think. I mean I think normally, but it just nudged me into considering possibilities that I would not have delved into by myself. I said it...
Forum: Movie Reviews 02-22-05
Replies: 146
Donnie Darko - discuss it (megaspoilers naturally)
Posted By Frin
It's absurd

I haven't read many of the previous posts so I apologise if I am simply restating what others have said… After analysing the movie, watching it with the directors commentary, cracking the website and...
Forum: Movie Reviews 02-22-05
Replies: 12
Requiem for a Dream
Posted By Frin

I am currently studying year 11 at a school in Australia. There is a unique class that our school runs for year 12 only (which means you have to drop a subject to do it. You're not allowed to drop...