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Stirchley 01-11-21 07:13 PM

I should do this every year, but I take things for granted & forget.

I’d like to give thanks to @Yoda for this website. I’ve mentioned before that though this site is definitely monitored & moderated, it’s not overly so. (I used to belong to a very nice cat site that was so overly monitored it teetered on the absurd. Ruined it for me.)

I’d also like to give thanks to @Yoda for the fact that it’s totally free of charge here. We pay nothing, which isn’t across the board on websites of the world. (Used to belong to an expats website where one could contribute financially to an “exclusive” members-only group if one were so inclined. I was not.)

Anyway, I wish our fearless leader a Happy New Year, a hope that his hand is completely healed now, and thank you very much. :p

Yoda 01-11-21 07:29 PM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
Thanks so much for the kind words! :) I really appreciate it.

Wyldesyde19 01-11-21 07:57 PM

This film site is a breath of fresh air. When I first joined, I was looking for someone, anyone really, that I could talk to about films in a seriousness manner. I didn’t have that. My search for a film site brought me here. I have not been disappointed.
Thanks Yoda. For offering a haven for us here. Especially during such trying times where one sometimes needs a escape.

Also, how about them Browns?!

Skepsis93 01-11-21 08:07 PM

A toast to @Yoda!

I for one have been very glad to have this little slice of normality during a time when everything else in the world is going totally wacko.

And even though I've taken lengthy breaks from being active, something about this place always pulls me back. It's without a doubt my favourite little corner of the internet.

Citizen Rules 01-11-21 08:38 PM

Yoda is the man! That's for sure and MoFo is the best site on the internet! I've said that about a million times since joining but I truly mean it. That's why I try to help out and show team spirit whenever I can as Yoda has made us feel like we're part of a community. So yes, a big shout out to Yoda:)

Captain Steel 01-11-21 08:44 PM

MovieGal 01-11-21 08:45 PM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
@Yoda, I echo what the rest has said. Thank you for this movie forum. You have always helped and gave needed advice. Kudos to you!

Thief 01-11-21 08:47 PM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
I'm a n00b here, but I echo the sentiments. Site seems to run smooth, with lots of things and stuff to explore, and there seems to be enough camaraderie among the posters. Plus he's doing a great job with the MoFo Awards!

TheUsualSuspect 01-11-21 09:39 PM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
I've been here for 15 years. Since then I've gotten married, bought a car, bought a house and have had two children. So is it weird to say that MovieForums has been a big part of my life? This place is like a second home to me and I hope to spend another 15 years here.

Citizen Rules 01-11-21 10:20 PM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
Now I got this one song stuck in my head from looking at the OP title. That's OK though.

mark f 01-11-21 10:30 PM

I've got my family but they're busy much of the time, so that leaves movies and MoFo. Thanks, Chris.

Mr Minio 01-11-21 10:45 PM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
@Stirchley must've been getting up to all sorts of mischief lately. :)

Seriously, though, thanks Yoda for not banning me for posting one kinky picture too many back in the day. And for the site, too, I guess. At least I have a place to dump all my silly jokes to.

skizzerflake 01-11-21 10:47 PM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
Thanks to Yoda!!!

Gatsby 01-11-21 11:37 PM

This place is a unicorn and absolutely needs to be preserved. Thanks Yods.

Captain Spaulding 01-11-21 11:49 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2165203)
I’d also like to give thanks to @Yoda for the fact that it’s totally free of charge here.
Then what the hell is this $9.99 monthly fee I've been paying all these years!?!?

Yoda 01-11-21 11:57 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Spaulding (Post 2165297)
Then what the hell is this $9.99 monthly fee I've been paying all these years!?!?
I spent it all on those weird head smilies.

Gatsby 01-12-21 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2165301)
I spent it all on those weird head smilies.
No Yoda, I actually took that money and spent them on weird Korean sex toys. I picked up the smilies for free.

Mr Minio 01-12-21 12:11 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Spaulding (Post 2165297)
Then what the hell is this $9.99 monthly fee I've been paying all these years!?!?
I don't think you mean MovieForums and certainly it's not that kind of movies.

gbgoodies 01-12-21 01:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I don't get to spend as much time here as I'd like to, but this this site has become a place to come in and relax at the end of a long day.

I love reading all of the threads, and playing along in some of the games and tournaments. In addition, I've seen some great movies that I probably never would have seen without this site, and I've heard some great, (and some not so great ;)), music too.

@Yoda, None of this would be possible if not for all of the hard work that you put into this site every day.

Yoda 01-12-21 02:00 AM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
Thank you all, it really means a lot to me. :) More fun stuff coming this year, I hope, too.

xSookieStackhouse 01-12-21 02:44 AM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
ur the best yoda we always support u and we all love u and ur one of the best admins <3 =]

Chypmunk 01-12-21 04:27 AM

I'm still not sure about this place but I'll prolly give it a few more years to see how I feel about it. No point rushing these things imo. As somewhere for us antisocial bums to hang out I've certainly seen a lot worse though so I guess that merits a 'thanks' ..... thanks Chris ;)

Darth Wish 01-12-21 04:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Geez Yoda your ass must be sore from all this buttkissing!
Anyway I add my thanks as a newbie and now I shall pucker up and avoid the starfish after all the others have been there (don't want covid-19 or herpes do I)

Skepsis93 01-12-21 06:19 AM

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 2165256)
I've been here for 15 years. Since then I've gotten married, bought a car, bought a house and have had two children. So is it weird to say that MovieForums has been a big part of my life? This place is like a second home to me and I hope to spend another 15 years here.
I've been here 10 and since then I've bought a car... does that mean I have to fit the rest of that in the next 5?! Damn I'd better get cracking.

Thursday Next 01-12-21 06:36 AM

Originally Posted by Skepsis93 (Post 2165350)
I've been here 10 and since then I've bought a car... does that mean I have to fit the rest of that in the next 5?! Damn I'd better get cracking.
You're both slackers, in the 15 years I've been here I've got married, had three kids and bought three houses (I mean I've moved house each time, I don't own three houses, obviously). Oh, and I've watched a bunch of movies. ;)

This is the only site I've been on for such a long time, that's for sure.

:up: to Yoda and everyone else who keeps the site running. And all of the posters. (Well, most of the posters...).

doubledenim 01-12-21 07:06 AM

I think everyone is aware of how prevalent Patreon is with media today. “Sign up for the Patreon, exclusive content on the Patreon...”

No one has hooked me yet. Hell, I still can’t bite the bullet on YouTube premium :skeptical: Needless to say, I would pay for access to this site or just the ability to quit typing [ font = century gothic ] .

You’re a good guy, run a great ship with a motley crew and it works. Even if this is all a long-play , data-mining exercise in your attempt for world domination...I at least feel like I’ve gotten my kiss on the cheek.

Thank you for all your time. Cue the Joe Esposito.

Chypmunk 01-12-21 07:13 AM

Originally Posted by doubledenim (Post 2165356)
...I at least feel like I’ve gotten my kiss on the cheek.
Careful now, if this was very recent that may well have been Darth missing his intended target ;)

doubledenim 01-12-21 08:58 AM

I hate that I didn’t read that depiction until after my post. Oh well :sigh: You know me, I refuse to edit content on this site!

the samoan lawyer 01-12-21 09:24 AM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
Yep, thanks Yoda. Best site about. Much appreciated.

Sedai 01-12-21 09:57 AM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
I was just talking to a friend (I do have at least one, I think...) the other day about how long I have been on MoFo. I have dipped in and out on other forums that were dedicated to music or other interests, but none have ever felt like home, or had the sense of community that this place does. MovieForums is truly a gift, and the best damned film community on the web.

Cheers, and thanks to Yoda for his dedication and continued interest in site improvements and fair management.

John McClane 01-12-21 10:56 AM

Joined here in 9th grade: 9th grade. Feels like an eternity go. I probably wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't for this place. Honestly.

I have spent half my life here. @Yoda and I have that same weird oddity of growing up in front of others and having a record of it.

I'm still waiting for someone to get famous and give us a thanks at the Oscars, tho. I'll get right on that after I thank ya'll at the Grammys. ;)

Darth Wish 01-12-21 11:16 AM

Originally Posted by Chypmunk (Post 2165358)
Careful now, if this was very recent that may well have been Darth missing his intended target ;)
If I get the cheek I haven't miss the target. :rolleyes::p

Swan 01-12-21 11:17 AM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
Happy birthday!

Chypmunk 01-12-21 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by Darth Wish (Post 2165413)
If I get the cheek I haven't miss the target. :rolleyes::p
You have if it's completely the wrong person's cheek :p

Darth Wish 01-12-21 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by Chypmunk (Post 2165422)
You have if it's completely the wrong person's cheek :p
There's no such thing as a wrong cheek. :p

Yoda 01-12-21 11:24 AM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
Don't worry, all these compliments go in one cheek and out the other.

Pretty sure that's how the saying goes.

ynwtf 01-12-21 11:25 AM

Yeah. I'm glad this place is here too. I can't believe I didn't find this place sooner. I spent a lot of time on the old Rotten Tomatoes forums (before they over-simplified them, before they removed them) and couldn't find my way after that. I've lurked in a few political forums and several Flash/Adobe forums (when Flash was trending), but I've never really found a place to call home. This may be the longest, most dedicated run of a forum I've made yet, checking at least my mobile daily during lunch. I genuinely enjoy the people here. There's one or three of you I'd consider punching in the nuts, but now that politics has been banned maybe there's hope for us yet ;)

If nothing else, I'll stick around just for the day Ironpony comes to the realization that all the answers he seeks are within himself.

Thanks Yoda.

Darth Wish 01-12-21 11:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2165426)
Don't worry, all these compliments go in one cheek and out the other.

Pretty sure that's how the saying goes.

There they go. :eek:

Swan 01-12-21 11:29 AM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
Yoda, you watch Soul yet?

Yoda 01-12-21 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 2165430)
Yoda, you watch Soul yet?
No, but very soon. Sadly I didn't realize I was in that movie's thread the other day and saw a (hopefully slight?) spoiler. It's mainly just heard to schedule a night you know you might get emotionally ruined. But I'm leaning towards watching it sometime over the next few days, maybe just tonight.

Really looking forward to it, though, for obvious reasons.

Swan 01-12-21 11:33 AM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
I'll be curious what you think. I have only watched the first thirty minutes, but it's already shaping up to be one of my favorite Pixar films.

John McClane 01-12-21 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2165431)
No, but very soon. Sadly I didn't realize I was in that movie's thread the other day and saw a (hopefully slight?) spoiler. It's mainly just heard to schedule a night you know you might get emotionally ruined. But I'm leaning towards watching it sometime over the next few days, maybe just tonight.

Really looking forward to it, though, for obvious reasons.
Spoiler: It ain't that great.

But then again, the worst Pixar is better than a large majority of movies, but yeah...I watched it and it was super forgettable. Seriously, I can't remember much about it. It certainly ain't no Up or Ratatouille.

gandalf26 01-12-21 12:04 PM

Well done Yoda, keep it up!

P. S. I intend to create a political thread for 1 day only for the inauguration, so we can come together as a group and celebrate the great works of the GOAT. If you deem this a worthy thread ofc.... :D

matt72582 01-12-21 12:08 PM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
Not only a great owner, but a great active contributing member who listens and responds. Thanks, Chris... You know how much we love this site.

Stirchley 01-13-21 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 216542)
There's one or three of you I'd consider punching in the nuts ...
My final thought in this thread is - @Yoda, thank you so much for the ignore button. :p

ynwtf 01-13-21 02:49 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2165942)
My final thought in this thread is - @Yoda, thank you so much for the ignore button. :p
lol. in that you quoted me, I feel safe to assume I'm not on ignore.


Stirchley 01-13-21 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 2165946)
lol. in that you quoted me, I feel safe to assume I'm not on ignore.
You’ve never come close. :p

Darth Wish 01-13-21 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2165947)
You do know this isn’t Tinder?

It's a bit more like GrindR.:D

Wyldesyde19 01-13-21 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2165947)
You do know this isn’t Tinder?
Way to cut off the rest of my post to misrepresent what I posted.

ynwtf 01-13-21 03:26 PM


honeykid 01-13-21 03:36 PM

I said it many times on this site (mainly because I've been here so bloody long) but thank you Chris for this place.

Also, it has genuinely been great to see some of you literally grow up on this site. :) Some of the films you've gone on to watch and love are a great disappointment to me, but we can't have everything. :D

Gideon58 01-13-21 04:29 PM

I want to thank Chris for this site as has been a real lifeline for me at times...a forum where I can voice opinions about my passion that so few people in my real life give a damn about.

John Dumbear 01-13-21 04:34 PM

Being pretty new here, I'm enjoying the site. Seems to be ran very well and has a nice variety of of conversations, games and lists. Wish I would have found this site when Rotten Tomatoes whacked their forums a 5-6 years back. Yet to find any wars between posters amongst the threads. Hopefully, this will change with the influx of ex-Corrie members.

MovieFan1988 01-13-21 05:11 PM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
If I was to give an award to the best moderator on the internet that would be @Yoda. I would give it to him every year since I've been here for the past 5 in a half years. The other sites that I go on, moderators aren't as fun as you are, yods, too bad IMDB had to shut down there forums a few years ago, that would of been a good place for movies as well. Thanks for making this a great place to be and talk about movies :)

Stirchley 01-13-21 06:08 PM

Originally Posted by Wyldesyde19 (Post 2165953)
Way to cut off the rest of my post to misrepresent what I posted.
Apologies. British sense of humor that landed badly. (Post deleted.)

Wyldesyde19 01-13-21 06:16 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2166027)
Apologies. British sense of humor that landed badly. (Post deleted.)
No need to apologize. I missed the humor. Text is hard to convey tone, at times. I apologize for being overly sensitive towards it.

Daniel M 01-13-21 06:30 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 2165973)
Also, it has genuinely been great to see some of you literally grow up on this site. :) Some of the films you've gone on to watch and love are a great disappointment to me, but we can't have everything. :D
I feel like this definitely applies to me. I make no apologies :D

Skepsis93 01-13-21 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by Daniel M (Post 2166043)
I feel like this definitely applies to me. I make no apologies :D

Stirchley 12-15-23 10:43 AM

I should do this every year, but I take things for granted & forget.

I’d like to give thanks to @Yoda for this website. I’ve mentioned before that though this site is definitely monitored & moderated, it’s not overly so.

I’d also like to give thanks to @Yoda for the fact that it’s totally free of charge here. We pay nothing, which isn’t across the board on websites of the world.

Anyway, I wish our fearless leader a Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year
Yikes, haven’t done this since January 2021 so almost 3 years ago. Tempus fugit.

This is way overdue, but the sentiments are still up-to-date. :p

Yoda 12-15-23 11:05 AM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda
Thanks, still much appreciated. :)

Allaby 12-15-23 01:00 PM

I would also like to declare my love and appreciation for Yoda. He does a great job with this site. Movie Forums is by far the best forum and has the best administration and moderation and also the best posters.

Citizen Rules 12-15-23 01:13 PM

Yoda is a good egg:yup:
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2165232)
Yoda is the man! That's for sure and MoFo is the best site on the internet! I've said that about a million times since joining but I truly mean it. That's why I try to help out and show team spirit whenever I can as Yoda has made us feel like we're part of a community. So yes, a big shout out to Yoda
Now I've said that a million one times:p

Yoda 12-15-23 01:55 PM

Re: SHOUT OUT TO @yoda

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