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Guaporense 08-19-17 09:35 PM

Top 100 Movies
Good evening fellow forumers...

I have decided to do a new top 100 movies list. The reason? My last top 100 movies list is from December 2012, I also did a top 50 but I mixed in 8 TV shows in there so I think I should do a list free of TV shows (with one exception because it was also released as a movie), so I think it's time for an update. Although one might noticed that a lot of the previous movies will show up again. However, through perspective of looking at movies through the lens of time, now I have further refined my favorite lists, although there are exactly 4 movies here that I have watched over the past 2 years, so they might not be "proven masterpieces" according to my tastes. :D

*Edit: I counted again and found 4 movies I watched since August 19, 2015 in here.

HashtagBrownies 08-19-17 09:37 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
This will be exciting.

Guaporense 08-19-17 09:38 PM

100. Paths of Glory (1957)

Nice to start of the list STRONG with an Hollywood war movie from a time when Hollywood made good war movies (and when they made a war movie featuring French main characters!) but not only that it's a Kubrick movie before Kubrick became kinda psychopathic (in this movies at least) as we have tons of human emotion in here. It is also one of the few black and white movies on this list.

matt72582 08-20-17 06:59 AM

Re: Top 100 Movies
I look forward to your list, and hopefully, a few recommendations :)

Mr Minio 08-20-17 07:08 AM

Re: Top 100 Movies
How many anime films versus live action out of the total of 100?

MovieMeditation 08-20-17 07:12 AM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1758315)
How many anime films versus live action out of the total of 100?
This is it for the live action. :laugh:

Guaporense 08-20-17 02:57 PM

99. Sideways (2004)

Such underrated masterpiece, well, it's not technically the most impressive film but I found it a very nice one, that goes down like a nice whine. The best movie about wine that I know about and it's also about whining about your middle age. :D Although I am not middle aged yet my friends always tell me that I am a bitter old man so I identify that kind of character. Great performances by the cast produced a delicious and natural narrative.

Mr Minio 08-20-17 03:04 PM

*Looks at his user title*

Nazi, Pedo, Satanist and Antifa
Well, at least he's not an anime lover. Oh, wait... SHIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET

Guaporense 08-20-17 04:17 PM

98. Legend of Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is a Sea of Stars (1988)

There are mainly 3 kinds of movies in this countdown: science fiction, war movies and animated movies. So why not put everything together? Behold, Legend of Galactic Heroes, the absolute monument of nerdism: a strictly adult animated film from 1988. It was the pilot directo to video movie for the adaption of a series of 17 science fiction novels that detailed the process of unification of a galactic civilization through interstellar war which had lasted over 150 years.

Glorious 60 minutes of low budget animation in all it's glory (edit: found version with English subtitles):

Also shows how the Japanese already had a Prussian militarism fetish back in the 80's that now evolved into Tanya the Evil.

HashtagBrownies 08-20-17 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1758145)
Love that film. The ending broke my big, manly heart.

jal90 08-20-17 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1758452)
*Looks at his user title*

Well, at least he's not an anime lover. Oh, wait... SHIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET
Well, that's kind of redundant after the first three.

Guaporense 08-20-17 06:43 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
You didn't watch that movie #98, @jal90? If not you I don't think anybody here watched it. This top list is actually a truly personal list now.

rauldc14 08-20-17 06:46 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
Sideways kicks ass! Excellent pick!

False Writer 08-20-17 06:46 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
I liked the last list you did. Will be following this one!

Guaporense 08-20-17 06:56 PM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1758568)
Sideways kicks ass! Excellent pick!
Movies like Sideways that few people talk about (relatively to other movies) are actually one of the reasons why I am doing this top 100: I introspected over my lifetime of film watching and found movies that left a deep impression on me, even though they are not very popular.

Guaporense 08-21-17 05:00 PM

97. 12 Monkeys (1995)

This is my favorite Terry Gilliam movie, although I haven't watched all his movies. I actually like Brazil as well, although Brazil's title is complete nonsense (coming from a Brazilian by the way), although Brazil is also a very bureaucratic country the movie Brazil feels more like what's happening with East Asia now rather than South America. 12 Monkeys is different, its a more elegant film and more powerful experience.

Anyway, this movie is very dark actually, a rather depressing and powerful experience. I found it very unlike Monthy Python's movies as well (Gillian directed some of that stuff too). But it's obviously heavily influenced, in fact, almost a remake of Chris Maker's short film from the 1960's. And yet, another film that's either science fiction, war or animated. :D

HashtagBrownies 08-21-17 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1759203)
There were a couple of time travel related goofs, but overall the film was pretty great. Monty Python and the Holy Grail Is the best Gilliam film by the way! :D

Guaporense 08-21-17 09:45 PM

96. Hidden Fortress (1958)

To put simple: One of the most entertaining films ever made. It's a simple and straightforward movie but in my opinion Kurosawa's most entertaining movie and also has a very funny duo of main characters. Classic adventure storytelling, one can see how modern blockbuster movies have been influenced by this kind of movie.

Mr Minio 08-22-17 01:28 AM

Re: Top 100 Movies
Lucas stole everything from it for Star Wars. The word has it he even wanted Mifune to star in it, but he turned it down. The funny duo are obviously the two robots...

Guaporense 08-22-17 06:19 PM

95. Drive (2011)

Watched this as soon as it was released, back in 2011. I felt deeply impressed by it. It's a pure action movie exuding machismo without suffering from the lack of elegance most movies of the genre lack. Gosling was also great overall in this movie.

HashtagBrownies 08-22-17 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1760059)
Another film of many that I need to rewatch.

Guaporense 08-23-17 09:27 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
94. The Life of Oharu (1952)

Now, that's how you do melodrama. I found this movie better than most of the other Mizoguchi films I watched as well since its plot is more complex but this movie still preserves the simplicity and gravity of Mizoguchi's films. It's basically the misadventures of Oharu through 17th century Japan, very sad story for a very sad period indeed.

Guaporense 08-23-17 11:48 PM

93. Akira (1988)

The second animated film on this list. And they are both from the same year: 1988. That was indeed the greatest year for animation of all time.

Now that is an aggressive movie. In contrast with Mizoguchi's contemplative atmosphere this movie is a ball of agrressive testoterone. The manga is widely regarded for revolutionizing manga art (one of the few manga where the characters look authentically Japanese) but the movie also revolutionized the expressive potential of animation.

Mr Minio 08-24-17 12:43 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
A pretty kewl top. Surprisingly, live action movies outnumber anime (so far!).

Guaporense 08-24-17 03:58 PM

92. Alien (1979)

Alien is regarded as an "horror movie" but essentially it is a masterpiece of design. It's dark style is extremely impacting and memorable. Perhaps, it's Jean "Moebius" Giraud's masterpiece more than Ridley Scott's.

HashtagBrownies 08-24-17 07:16 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
Akira's got some fine-@ss looking animation.
Alien is brilliant and I would regard it as a horror movie.

Guaporense 08-24-17 07:27 PM

91. A Beautiful Mind (2001)

My favorite "conservative Hollywood drama biographical movie", that is, it's perhaps my favorite of these numerous biographical Hollywood movies about historical figures. In this case I am personally affected because I actually work in the same field as Nash does although I didn't work when I watched the movie, which was when it first came out, it provides a glimpse of the zeitgeist of serious economics (in opposition to Marxism BS). :D At a first watch I also though the main character wasn't mad until the end of the movie, when I re-watched it I could clearly notice when he was hallucinating and when he wasn't,

rauldc14 08-24-17 08:22 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
Beautiful mind is great. Really need to see Akira and Oharu

Guaporense 08-25-17 01:45 PM

90. Planet of the Apes (1968)

Yet another Sci fi classic. Interesting how Hollywood today is milking up all their classic genre franchises (only 2001 hasn't been milked in, yet :D). This film has one of the best endings ever. Like, the whole movie is a set up for that ending. It really rings true for the world during the Cold War, now it's a bit anachronistic (which makes the newer movies way less relevant).

Guaporense 08-25-17 05:07 PM

89. Day of Wrath (1943)

One of the very few 1940's movies I have watched. Essential Dreyer and it's a movie made in Denmark during the German occupation of the country. A truly severe piece of art: intensely muscular characterized by deep feelings of anxiety. While Dreyer's diction makes the weight of the frame feels like it's going to crush the audience which it's emotional weight. This is so far the strongest emotional reaction I got from a Dreyer film although all his films were very severe and distinct this one I found the most memorable.

cricket 08-26-17 08:42 AM

My Favorites so far are Sideways, The Hidden Fortress, Drive, Planet of the Apes, and Alien. I also really liked Day of Wrath, Paths of Glory, and Life of Oharu. I like 12 Monkees a little and wasn't crazy about Akira or A Beautiful Mind. Looking forward to the rest!

Guaporense 08-26-17 12:44 PM

@Criket, I think that you will have watched almost everything in here, certainly nearly all the live action movies.

Since I have nothing better to do on a Saturday morning let's continue this.

88. Eyes Wide Shut (1999)

When writing a top 100 movies list, when in doubt, fill it up with Kubrick's movies. :D Anyway, Kubrick is certainly my favorite Hollywood filmmaker because his movies are simultaneously entertaining, leave a powerful impact and are visually beautiful. Kubrick is a very visual filmmaker in fact at least that is what their movies remind me the most: their visuals. And Eyes Wide Shut was one of my most impacting experiences watching a Kubrick movie.

Guaporense 08-26-17 10:35 PM

87. Royal Space Force: Wings of Honneamise (1987)

Back in the 80s science fiction dominated genre entertainment both in the West and the East. In animation I think that a large fraction if not most anime made in the 80s and 90s can be qualified as science fiction. I think that the reason is that most slice of life manga when adapted into film would be adapted into live action while science fiction manga would be adapted into animation. And animation is the ideal medium for science fiction: stuff like drawn space ships integrate much better in the general environment that is also drawn than plastic or CGI models integrate with cinematography.

Guaporense 08-27-17 01:28 PM

86. Dune (1984)

Harkonen animal! Perhaps the "worst" movie I ever watched it is epically bad in a way so memorable that it became a great experience. In fact, one of the most memorable movie experiences for me and also one of my favorite Lynch movies. :D Well, it is science fiction after all.

Beatle 08-27-17 04:55 PM

This si a bloody fbrilliant list so far, man! Can't wait . Hurry up! Can you finish this today?

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1759203)
97. 12 Monkeys (1995)

This is my favorite Terry Gilliam movie, although I haven't watched all his movies. I actually like Brazil as well, although Brazil's title is complete nonsense (coming from a Brazilian by the way), although Brazil is also a very bureaucratic country the movie Brazil feels more like what's happening with East Asia now rather than South America. 12 Monkeys is different, its a more elegant film and more powerful experience.

Anyway, this movie is very dark actually, a rather depressing and powerful experience. I found it very unlike Monthy Python's movies as well (Gillian directed some of that stuff too). But it's obviously heavily influenced, in fact, almost a remake of Chris Maker's short film from the 1960's. And yet, another film that's either science fiction, war or animated. :D
Brazil is totally insane. No wonder when it's after Kafka. Bureaucracy is the most powerful force in the universe. It's unbeatable.

Why did you leave the ...?
I couldnt stand the paperwork.

And then when in the end the papers take him away.

I just don't get 12 Monkeys. What's the point? I don't give a ****.

They're all srewed up in the head. Brains don't work.

When he arrives in nut house.

Interstella performance by Brad. Perfect casting with Bruce who's anyhow nutz.

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1761454)
92. Alien (1979)

Alien is regarded as an "horror movie" but essentially it is a masterpiece of design. It's dark style is extremely impacting and memorable. Perhaps, it's Jean "Moebius" Giraud's masterpiece more than Ridley Scott's.
I agree. Ridley did some of it himself or something like that.

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1761587)
91. A Beautiful Mind (2001)

My favorite "conservative Hollywood drama biographical movie", that is, it's perhaps my favorite of these numerous biographical Hollywood movies about historical figures. In this case I am personally affected because I actually work in the same field as Nash does although I didn't work when I watched the movie, which was when it first came out, it provides a glimpse of the zeitgeist of serious economics (in opposition to Marxism BS). :D At a first watch I also though the main character wasn't mad until the end of the movie, when I re-watched it I could clearly notice when he was hallucinating and when he wasn't,
Great movie. I've been learning math 44 years. Crowe's great. You a mathematician? I recall you have a PhD? game theory, differential geometry, and the study of partial differential equations.? In terms of math movies, I'd have to give it to The Man Who Knew Infinity, though. It's worse, but it's about Rama, so period.

i also agree Marx was ans *******, fat bastard and a villain. Can't fstand him!

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1762011)
90. Planet of the Apes (1968)

Yet another Sci fi classic. Interesting how Hollywood today is milking up all their classic genre franchises (only 2001 hasn't been milked in, yet :D). This film has one of the best endings ever. Like, the whole movie is a set up for that ending. It really rings true for the world during the Cold War, now it's a bit anachronistic (which makes the newer movies way less relevant).
I saw it too long ago to remember anything but switching people with apes. We should really do that.

2001 hasn't bc it's impossible. I'm expecting to see it no 1.

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1762596)
@Criket, I think that you will have watched almost everything in here, certainly nearly all the live action movies.

Since I have nothing better to do on a Saturday morning let's continue this.

88. Eyes Wide Shut (1999)

When writing a top 100 movies list, when in doubt, fill it up with Kubrick's movies. :D Anyway, Kubrick is certainly my favorite Hollywood filmmaker because his movies are simultaneously entertaining, leave a powerful impact and are visually beautiful. Kubrick is a very visual filmmaker in fact at least that is what their movies remind me the most: their visuals. And Eyes Wide Shut was one of my most impacting experiences watching a Kubrick movie.
Yes, I like Kubrick, but I'd switch him with Lean. Polanski, godard.

This movie however, saye we all have eyes wide shut to what's happenning in the world. And who relly rules it. You think it's Putin or Trump? The real fat bastards are hidden so they can't get shot. No wonder Stanley died right after this. They probably killed him.

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1763349)
86. Dune (1984)

Harkonen animal! Perhaps the "worst" movie I ever watched it is epically bad in a way so memorable that it became a great experience. In fact, one of the most memorable movie experiences for me and also one of my favorite Lynch movies. :D Well, it is science fiction after all.
The novel is outstanding. I agree. the worst adoptation. to ruin such a master-piece. Why don't the Hollywood imbeciles make a proper re-make,of which there are so many, bc they have no more ideas, as you said. BC they know it wouldn't make enough money. People rather watch sw, lotr and other unbearable crap.

No wonder. I can't stand the rigid fat bastard lynch.

Guaporense 08-27-17 06:20 PM

85. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

Oh yeah, this one I couldn't leave out of a top movies list, like, it is essential film. Very exciting movie indeed.

HashtagBrownies 08-27-17 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1763556)
85. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Quote from the trailer: "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Once you stop screaming, you'll start talking about it. *Sound of breaking glass*." Sends shivers down my spine.

rauldc14 08-27-17 08:48 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
Day of Wrath is a great choice.

Guaporense 08-28-17 12:43 PM

84. The Godfather (1972)

Now that's a movie! The Godfather is very famous as being perhaps the peak of Hollywood's cinema. In many ways it is a perfect Hollywood movie: a powerful family drama characterized by great performances and direction.

Guaporense 08-28-17 12:52 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
83. The Human Condition Trilogy (1959-1961)

Now that's a real epic film. Made during the peak of Japan's golden age of cinema, the human condition trilogy is a 10 hour long powerful anti-war movie. Such a film could only be made in Japan during the golden age period since any period before or since would run into budgetary restrictions... Anyway, I think that Kobayashi's films are a bit simplistic but in this case it works very well because the clear message combined with the straight execution make it a highly memorable and tragic experience.

Guaporense 08-30-17 05:17 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
82. The Elephant Man (1980)

Now that is a powerful drama movie. It shows Lynch knows how to do melodrama. And yes, it's the 2nd Lynch to show up here.

Guaporense 08-31-17 08:16 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
81. Genocyber (1994)

Extremely violent, it's perhaps the most violent animation ever made and hence it had to make my favorites list. I first watched it when I was about 9 years old (as Brazilian TV channels though it was ok to show this on TV because it's animated, although they showed those violent OVAs on Friday nights around 8 PM). Overall, excellent example of early adult animation.

Guaporense 09-01-17 03:13 PM

80. Rocky (1976)

Now that's an emotional sports movie. Simple and muscular, just the way I like it.

cricket 09-02-17 09:22 PM

Surprised you like Rocky so much. You see Warrior (2011)?

Guaporense 09-03-17 04:47 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
@cricket, I haven't. I planned watching it actually but I gave up. Might be a good time to watch it.

Continuing with the list.

79. Werkermeister Harmonies (2000)

For a slight change relative to Rocky, I put Werkermeister Harmonies in the list. Its indeed an unique experience: have not watched anything like it (besides the other Tarr movies). This is visual music: it is pure cinema without any elements of literature in it's constitution.

Guaporense 09-03-17 04:51 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
78. American Movie (1998)

Now this is the essence of the purpose of artistic feeling. I actually envy these two guys as they just do what they want to do without regard for adhering to society. Also kudos for showing up in an Iron Maiden T shirt.

cricket 09-03-17 05:18 PM

I had American Movie high on my documentaries list.

I didn't mind watching Werckmeister.

Guaporense 09-04-17 07:38 PM

77. Fanny and Alexander (1982)

Now this is a movie. Like: look, this is how a good drama movie should be. Even though it's actually TV show. :D Well, anyway, it's the most European thing I ever watched and I watched a bunch of European stuff!

Stirchley 09-04-17 07:41 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
I love Fanny & Alexander

cricket 09-04-17 08:01 PM

I still need to see that. I think I'd love it.

Stirchley 09-04-17 08:31 PM

Originally Posted by cricket (Post 1770536)
I still need to see that. I think I'd love it.
I think you would. I've seen it several times.

Guaporense 09-05-17 04:12 PM

76. A Silent Voice (2016)

This one was amazingly realistic animated drama movie. I read the manga a couple of years ago and it was one of the best manga ever, then I heard it was going to be adapted into a movie by Naoko Yamada, who also directed K-On!, so I knew it was going to be great and indeed it was so much I put into into my top 100.

Guaporense 09-06-17 01:11 PM

75. The Fly (1986)

Very powerful stuff. A movie about the meaning of being human and the significance of humanity. Kinda like Kafka's Metamorphosis the movie.

Guaporense 09-07-17 06:41 PM

74. Mad Max Fury Road (2015)

Incredible movie. My favorite recent blockbuster movie and true to the spirit of The Road Warrior. This movie is pure metal: over the top just the way I like it.

Velvet 09-07-17 08:12 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies

The Gunslinger45 09-07-17 08:53 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
A quarter of the way through and some excellent choices. Reps for many of my favorite films including The Godfather, Planet of the Apes, and Mad Max: Fury Road (a top 25 for me).

Yam12 09-07-17 08:57 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
Looks like a great list so far.

Drive, Planet of the Apes, The Godfather, The Fly and Mad Max: Fury Road are all favourites of mine

Guaporense 09-08-17 07:08 PM

73. Schindler's List (1993)

Some call it manipulative but I loved it. It's like my Hachi a dog's tale style of movie: an effective emotional cry fest. Although I didn't cry at the stones ending, I though that was a bit too much, even though it was real. :D

Guaporense 09-09-17 03:00 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
72. City of God (2002)

While Brazilian cinema is not well regarded even locally (a Brazilian director even said it was the worst cinema in the world), sometimes we make some gems. I think that City of God is the only Brazilian movie that I watched several times and indeed it is very exceptional.

Yam12 09-09-17 06:59 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
Haven't seen Schindler's List or City of God, but both are on my watchlist

cricket 09-09-17 07:23 PM

City of God and The Fly are also huge favorites of mine, but I didn't like Fury Road.

Schindler's List is probably the most noteworthy movie I've yet to see.

Guaporense 09-10-17 06:33 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
71. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha the Movie 2nd A's (2012)

With the brightest colors, biggest explosions and cutest character voice acting and designs this is essentially the culmination of the evolution of action fantasy drama and cuteness (with Gothic Lolita inspired costumes mixed with a more "mechanical aesthetic") in the medium of animation. Although it's story is pretty standard sci-fi fantasy it's audiovisual experience is still very unique in its dialectical opposition to expected gender and age roles in contemporary Japanese society and hence it earns a place in my top 100.

Guaporense 09-11-17 12:32 PM

70. The Apartment (1960)

A powerful romantic comedy and penetrating exposition and criticism of post war American society. I strongly identified with the prototype character of the single solitary guy living in a studio.

Yam12 09-11-17 12:37 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
The Apartment is also on my watchlist. Haven't heard of the other one.

rauldc14 09-11-17 01:48 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
Elephant Man and Schindlers List are both fine films.

Guaporense 09-11-17 11:25 PM

69. The White Ribbon (2009)

Now, that is a real movie. Yes, it is a heavy handed message about the intrinsic evil of the German people but still highly impressive and effective as movie. The cinematography is also stellar.

Guaporense 09-12-17 09:59 PM

68. Rhapsody in August (1991)

Kurosawa's penultimate film is also one of my favorites. It is very different from the early Kurosawa movies being a late example of contemplative cinema by perhaps the greatest director who ever lived in its twilight years.

Guaporense 09-14-17 06:30 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
67. Aliens (1986)

One of the finest action science fiction movies I had the pleasure to watch. Made in a time when James Cameron made good movies (like today his movies still feel like "Cameron" but before they were in someways much superior, they felt more "powerful" and "real"). This movie also features very cool technical special effects and art design. I liked it even more than the original alien although I included both in here.

Guaporense 09-15-17 04:47 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
66. Amadeus (1984)


Now this is "Oscar bait" that is actually great. One of my most memorable movie watching experiences is a movie about the relationship between Mozart and Salieri, who is Mozart's rival and the only person in the movie that fully understand Mozart's genius.

I_Wear_Pants 09-15-17 05:17 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1764030)
83. The Human Condition Trilogy (1959-1961)

Now that's a real epic film. Made during the peak of Japan's golden age of cinema, the human condition trilogy is a 10 hour long powerful anti-war movie. Such a film could only be made in Japan during the golden age period since any period before or since would run into budgetary restrictions... Anyway, I think that Kobayashi's films are a bit simplistic but in this case it works very well because the clear message combined with the straight execution make it a highly memorable and tragic experience.
This is my favorite trilogy ever. Every frame is excellent, and it's just a powerful film.

And Texas Chain Saw Massacre is my favorite horror film. I like how it was made on the cheap, funded by a studio, and still scares the crap out of me.

Guaporense 09-16-17 02:11 PM

65. Howls Moving Castle (2004)

And yes, the first Miyazaki movie to make the list. A film that features some of the best art and animation in the history of the medium while the plot makes little sense the film can be understood as being a roller coaster full of emotions.

Guaporense 09-17-17 02:10 AM

64. La Jetee (1962)


The shortest movie in my top 100 is a French science fiction short film from the 1960's. Perhaps the first classic of science fiction it is indeed a powerful masterpiece of minimalistic cinema.

cricket 09-17-17 08:55 AM

Love Aliens and The Apartment, liked La Jetee and Howl's Moving Castle, and didn't like Amadeus.

I look forward to The White Ribbon and Rhapsody in August.

Guaporense 09-19-17 08:54 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
63. Truman Show (1998)

Really loved this movie. Although I watched about 19 years ago I still remember it clearly. It's a quite sophisticated movie for a Hollywood comedy. Hence, deserves a spot in my top 100.

Guaporense 09-20-17 09:29 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
62. A Man Escaped (1954)

Now for a more "art-house mafia" type of movie, I put A Man Escaped into my top 100. This is Bresson's minimalistic cinema at it's most intense and best according to my tastes. Bresson's film is a very unique experience as it maximizes the dramatic intensity of "prison life" by minimizing the degree of complexity of the prisioner's relationships inside the prison. In a way it articulates a pure visceral approach to a visceral need although planned with intellectual precision: to escape from prison.

matt72582 09-21-17 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1782161)
62. A Man Escaped (1954)

Now for a more "art-house mafia" type of movie, I put A Man Escaped into my top 100. This is Bresson's minimalistic cinema at it's most intense and best according to my tastes. Bresson's film is a very unique experience as it maximizes the dramatic intensity of "prison life" by minimizing the degree of complexity of the prisioner's relationships inside the prison. In a way it articulates a pure visceral approach to a visceral need although planned with intellectual precision: to escape from prison.
I loved this movie, but the term "art-house" means nothing to me.. Even if it's defined, if others use it on their own terms, it makes it obsolete. I like to be specific and just name the movie, which should be a genre on it's own, as opposed to a factory-made movie...

Guaporense 09-21-17 07:26 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
61. Children who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below (2011)

While this is regarded by many as Shinkai's worst movie it is my favorite movie by him in fact. It is Shinkai's tribute to Miyazaki and so he explicitly copies many of Miyazaki's stylizations. It also shows some apparent influence from Tarkovsky's Stalker in it.

nebbit 09-21-17 10:14 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
Great start except for Eyes Wide Shut :yup:

Guaporense 09-22-17 12:23 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
60. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

Now, this is a MOVIE. I mean, it is the definition of a classically epic movie. Essentially, a benchmark by which historical Hollywood dramas should be measured and indeed one of the best movies I ever watched.

Guaporense 09-24-17 11:21 PM

59. A.I. Artificial Inteligence (2001)

And yes, my favorite Speilberg movie of all time is A.I. Why? Because it was my most memorable experience with a movie of his. It feels disjointed and erratic in its narrative but that is what makes it great in a sense since real life is also disjointed and erratic.

HashtagBrownies 09-26-17 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1783457)
The shots of the desert are Godly amazing.

Guaporense 09-27-17 01:14 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
58. Back to the Future (1985)

Now this is ENTERTAINMENT: The peak in quality of Hollywood genre movies was around this period from 1960's to the 1980's. Back to the Future for instance, is easily superior to any Hollywood blockbuster made in the past decade. Why? Because it has a natural and organic quality, and it has an accurate sense of 1980's zeitgeist.

Guaporense 09-30-17 04:50 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
57. Galaxy Express 999 (1979)

The oldest animation to make my list is this classic from the late 1970's. Galaxy Express 999 is a very powerful animated film and it is the oldest animated film to leave me deeply moved.

Guaporense 10-01-17 12:20 PM

56. A Clockwork Orange (1971)

And yet another science fiction movie, well, kinda science fiction. This movie is the first of Kubrick's second generation of movies: that is, after making 2001 his later movies changed greatly compared to the movies he made before 2001 and became more "spiritual", for lack of a better word. Also, his movies became divided into two halves: this movies' first half narrates the life of the gangster and the second half is his brainwashing procedure. All his later movies are also divided into two parts.

Velvet 10-01-17 12:24 PM

good movie :up:

Guaporense 10-03-17 12:48 AM

55. Once Upon a Time in America (1984)

Now, this is a movie. An epic one at 4 hours long and certainly the most powerful gangster movie I ever watched. I am not a big fan of the genre since I find gangsters to unlikable and uncool in their nature but this and The Godfather are two gangster movies that are so good that they have been extremely memorable experiences despite being movies about gangsters.

nebbit 10-03-17 05:29 AM

Re: Top 100 Movies
Now your talking :yup:

Guaporense 10-16-17 02:30 AM

54. Eraserhead (1979)

Disturbing and powerful, it's my favorite Lynch movie.

cricket 10-16-17 07:09 PM

More great stuff, except I hated Once Upon a Time in America. I plan on trying it again.

Guaporense 10-17-17 01:17 AM

53. The Wrath of Khan (1982)


The Star Trek movie. I included it even though I am not interest in the recent "Star Trek" movies which are not really Star Trek movies but instead generic action movies with Star Trek characters and ships in them.

Guaporense 10-17-17 10:03 PM

52. Ghost in the Shell (1995)


The classic cyberpunk animated science fiction film. I watched it back when I was about 14 and since then it left me a very deep impression. In fact, it was almost a traumatic experience due to the highly disturbing concepts fleshed out in the movie.

Ragen 10-18-17 09:31 AM

Re: Top 100 Movies
Invisible Guest is great movie, also Taken and Phone Booth are good movies

Guaporense 10-30-17 06:07 PM

51. 300 (2006)

Oh the glorious homoerotic masterpiece of Hollywood 21st century stylization of classical Greek history showing the glory and honor of the first elements that came to form the civilization that conquered the world. It is also indeed a special achievement of cinema thanks to it's combination of computer animation for the backgrounds and live action actors. And this movie is perhaps one of the movies that comes the closest to f*cking metal in the universe of movies.

cricket 10-31-17 07:30 PM

I haven't seen 300

Guaporense 11-05-17 02:38 PM

Re: Top 100 Movies
@cricket, Its a good movie for teenager boys.

50. Kamikaze Girls (2004)

My favorite Japanese movie made after the Golden Age of Japanese cinema (that is, made after 1970). It's a very special movie featuring a mostly female cast about individualism, materialism and friendship. It has some of that typical Japanese silliness involved in youth culture (since it's adapted from a young adult novel).

Guaporense 11-09-17 03:08 PM

49. M (1931)

One of the oldest movies in this list is this classic. Powerful and haunting crime movie, it is also interesting in it's portrayal of how life was in Germany around 1930. Those times were certainly dark and this movie reflects that, even through it's cinematography.

HashtagBrownies 11-09-17 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1820045)
49. M (1931)
Lorre's performance in that was one of my favourites. The ending really makes you question morality.

Guaporense 11-10-17 05:01 PM

48. There Will be Blood (2007)

Now that's a heavy movie. The main character is an absolute psychopath, which is expected given it's a movie about an oil baron and we know the US artistic class tends to be Marxist and so hate entrepreneurs (even though they are supported by entrepreneurs). Anyway, the movie is a tour de force in modern Hollywood, perhaps their most impressible product in over a decade.

cricket 11-18-17 09:16 AM

I was a little disappointed in M, but I would say There Will Be Blood is just about a masterpiece.

Guaporense 11-21-17 12:52 AM

Re: Top 100 Movies
47. Adolescence of Utena (1999)

Now that's great animation. It's highly experimental and aesthetically creative without feeling pretentious or failing to relay accurately it's themes. This is true artistic animation.

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