Magister Commodus's Avatar
Last Activity: 08-05-13

Magister Commodus

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10¾ years HERE

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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 4
  1. 08-05-13
    Most contest entrants disobeyed my FedEx-only rule;guess it's too much to ask that I be taken seriously. Btw the winner was GamecubeCarlos98
  2. 08-05-13
    I'll open the FedEx packages later when I'm done crying. I can't believe this
  3. 08-05-13
    I got 26 entries in response to my previous post. 15 of them sent by USPS. Straight to the trash. What part of FedEx don't you ****in underst
  4. 08-05-13
    I accidentally put my newest tweet on another site. First one to find it and FedEx me a photo of their screen gets my last pack of Twisties
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