Tortuga's Avatar
Last Activity: 12-21-09


Dachshunds Fear Me


16¼ years HERE

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Born and Bred Brooklynite, Lover of all things piratical Biography
Live in NY, sleep in Jersey Location
Movies, cooking, wine, travel Interests
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Reporter: What would you call that hairstyle you're wearing?

George: Arthur.
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Showing Comments 1 to 3 of 3
  1. 08-28-09
    LoL So, that's the theme of the week, right? Cool. When I looked at my avatar and sig, I realized I was a little bored with it (NEVER get bored with Johnny, but I've had that avatar for ages, and I have a short attention span). So, buh-bye, Captain Jack, hello, George. For a while, at least. Then I'll get bored again...
  2. 08-27-09
    Lol, it's Platoon, but it looks like Tropic Thunder! Good one!
  3. 08-26-09
    I'm not sure I should be friends with you. Whose that ugly guy in your avatar?
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