Silas's Avatar
Last Activity: 03-27-13


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19 years HERE

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Just finished 5 years of University. Dunno what to do with my life now Biography
Ireland Location
reading, movies, socialising, Interests
Human Rights Lawyer Occupation
Comment is free but facts are sacred
Showing Comments 13 to 16 of 16
  1. 09-03-09
    Hi there, nice to see you hanging out a bit more again. No, I haven't had a chance to visit Ireland yet but it's on my "to do " list... and as for links, they're scattered... Cork, Dublin, and Belfast. Now I'm curious as to why you're asking...
  2. 03-21-09
    Congrats today in the rugby mate, what a match edge of my seat action

  3. 03-17-09
    No problems mate I like having discussions thats what forums is all about lol

    Hope you had a good night and I also hope you dont get to much of a bad head in the morning

    Good luck Saturday
  4. 03-15-09
    I like the new avatar.
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