king_of_movies_316's Avatar
Last Activity: 01-23-12


The King of Movies
1,029 POSTS



16 years HERE

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King was born in Manhatten, New York in the winter of '92. After moving to Ausralia in 1993, King lived in mediocore suburbs in the city of Melbourne. Biography
Australia Location
Kicking ass Interests
Kicking ass Occupation
Showing Comments 5 to 6 of 6
  1. 03-25-09
    yo man thanks for a little love when u got so many haters around im kinda new can u help me out with how to get around this site how do i get to my threads
  2. 02-08-09
    Bet you'll be in the theater this upcoming Friday? I know I will... we'll have to compare notes
Brüno   7/08/09
Like Sasha Baron Cohen pretty much swapped over Borat with a gay dude from Austria called Bruno

Are We Done Yet?   6/28/09
The film is not a masterpeice but the simple plot, easy to get jokes and err simple plot made the film good vi

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