Conversation Between bluedeed and Cobpyth

Showing Comments 1 to 2 of 2
  1. 04-15-16
    Good to hear!

    I'm doing well, less time for me too, final year in university and whatnot, but that tends to reduce what I do watch to the very best of my watchlist so all of my watching has been great.

    Saw you and Daniel mention An Affair to Remember in the "Rate" thread. I'm interested in what you think of it when you get around to it. I love the original and while I miss Charles Boyer in the remake, McCarey's at the top of his game with his compositions.
  2. 04-10-16
    All is well! Thanks for asking.

    I have a little less time lately to watch all the films I'd like to see, but that compensates with other good things in life of course.

    How's it going with you?