Conversation Between Sane and Swan

Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 9
  1. 08-08-15
    Yup, really enjoying Leigh's films. Watched six now, five in the last week, and the lowest rating has been 4+. According to my average ratings he is now my second favourite director ever
  2. 06-01-15
    I do really like Antichrist quite a bit, definitely.
  3. 06-01-15
    Think I'll make The Piano Teacher my next one then. Seems more my kind of film as well. Though Amour seems great too.
  4. 06-01-15
    Nice. I really want to see more Haneke but am not sure where to start. I've only seen The White Ribbon and both Funny Games films. I'm thinking either The Piano Teacher or Amour.