Scene It


My mom bought me this game for Christmas and I'm curious if anyone else has played it? I've played two games thus far and am undefeated, though I was playing against Mrs. Mose so it doesn't really count

Really a fun game!

I just know they're coming to kill me.
Yeah, I got it. I'm also pretty good. A fun family game or party game. Definently a keeper.
Everything I do, I do to make my second stepdad proud.

Lets put a smile on that block
My cousins got this for Christmas and we all played it Christmas Night. Its an awsome game, although if you start losing its quite hard to catch up again. I lost three games in a row But thats only becuase me and my brother are awsome at Movie trivia compared to the rest of the family so even though we were playing two teams it was me and my bro versus each other instead of my team versus my bro's team.

Great Fun!....but i think i prefer Bop It.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

Originally Posted by undercoverlover
i really wanted this game but didnt get it, i dont think my mum knew what it was
I know it was just about impossible to find where I live (Grand Rapids, Michigan). My mom said she had to run all over town to try and find a copy.

I've played this several times and had a blast… my cousin got Disney Scene It for Christmas but I haven't had a chance to check it out yet…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Caitlyn
I've played this several times and had a blast… my cousin got Disney Scene It for Christmas but I haven't had a chance to check it out yet…
Ah, yes. That is the game where you automate your home, sell your grandparents and market to the toddlers in your family.

Really, I would like to try the Scene It game, but haven't seen it around....buwahahahahahahahah.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I have it. It sucks because no one in my house can match me. I beat them without them even rolling once. Now I got the sequel pack and it's just as good.
James Sparrow's Rented Reviews!

The Reaping 7/10
Transformers 8.5/10
Flight of the Living Dead 6/10
The Invisible 6/10
Return to House on Haunted Hill 1/10
Planet Terror 8/10
A Mighty Heart 7/10

Neutral Milk Hotel
Ita a good game but my DVD keeps playing the same questions so I gotta get a new one.
" I see in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, whe we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. May and hour of wolves and shattered shields before the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we Fight! For all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand men of the west!!"
-Aragorn: The Lord of the Rings the Return of the King

Registered User
ok i challenge anyone to James Bond Edition: Scene it. I bought it for myself because ..... i noticed it existed. It is wonderful the only prob is that i have never lost and most of the time we (roomates and I) play in teams... me vs. um.... everyone else. i have the others too but i am not nearly as dominant in those (scene it and sequel). neways very good way to waste an hour. i think there are other special editions too but not sure. look around

I heard there is an X-rated version of this game...anyone know if thats true, cause if it is I would rule the day?....
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

i have this game. i sit around for hours just playing with the dvd. i don't use the board.

Lets put a smile on that block
Originally Posted by itsjustme
i have this game. i sit around for hours just playing with the dvd. i don't use the board.
That is a bit sad my friend.

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
That is a bit sad my friend.
let me reiterate that statement. i sit around for hours WITH MY FAMILY playing the dvd.