The Alien Movies


I know there is a thread for Alien V Predator but I don't know if there is one for these great movies. This is where we talk all things Alien related. What was your fav movie? Your fav characters? What scene did you like the most, etc? Spill all!!!

"You know all those dangerous mutants you hear about on the news? I'm the worse one!" Pyro, X2

"You wanna shoot me, shoot me!" Wolverine, X2

"We better get inside cos it'll be dark soon and they mostly come at night. Mostly." Newt, Aliens
Made by the great FRO§T

I like Alien the most

My Favourite bit was when the Alien burst out of the guys stomach, I nearly had a heart attack.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

There are those who call me...Tim.
Aliens was a good action film and my favourite film of the series, but closely follwed by Alien.
"When I was younger, I always wanted to be somebody. Now that I'm older, I realise I should've been more specific."

Chack this out. It's an exclusive preview for Alien V Predator!


Aliens is my favorite.

Well actually I'm not a big Alien movie fanatic, however I know that there are a lot of people out there that cannot get enough statisfaction of beings not from this earth. In fact I have one to see yet a movie that does not incorporate the fact that aliens have some sort of insect form. I can't understand how the whole genre of insects becoming aliens becoming humans. One movie I liked was Decoys even after the fact it was quite clear that teachers were some sort of alien life force it was quite entertaining. But the insect stuff well that's just creepy.

I'd love to see a whole new science fiction movie incorporating some really spooky aliens that are not slimey or insects something like V where you did not know where they have a human life form. And yet they are from Mars or Venus. It would be an interesting idea to see what kind of life forms would be out there. Maybe something like the planet of the apes where people where telepathic comunicating through the minds or mind controll. But not the insect stuff.
Godfather ~~
Tessio: It's a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.

my fav's are 2 and 4, but the ultimate scene is in 2, when Ripley walks out in the cargo loader, to fight the queen, that what the definate summit in my book.

Aliens, had the tension AND action, plus Micheal Biehn is a ledge, shame about the beginnig of Alien 3 showing their fate, had a strong negative retospect on Aliens

I so hate how they killed off two of the best characters ever! Really made number 3 boring!!!


Hi, i am new here, i think Alien is awesome but they freak me out heaps, Alien 3 i thought was boring, i so can't wait for Alien VS Predator. The special effects looks so wicked.

Spider-Freak's Avatar
Well hello Mr. Fancypants
Gotta love Alien and Aliens.

Alien3 was not too bad but nothing compared to the others. If you have seen the extras on the Quadrilogy, Biehn really expected Hicks and Newt to be brought in the for the 3rd film and was dissappointed when he found that they had written an entirely different story!

Resurrection i disliked to begin with... then i watched a film called City of Lost Children which was also done by juenet and went back to find i appreciated the style a little more... still doesn't quite fit though but not a bad effort.
"you gonna bark all day little doggy... or are you gonna bite?"

"if i had the words i would say... HOLY CRAP!!"

You ain't leadin nothin but two things right now... jack and sh*t... and jack left town"

Bug Planet Proximus
its kinda weird, i went from a huge alien movies fan that was saving up pennies to buy the 9 disc quadrilogy, to an over-critical disimpressed viewer.
because of the lead up to AVP the television networks have been showing all of the aliens movies and have given me time to reflect on wether they are as awesome as i once thought.
as an impressionable child i loved aliens and ressurection the most for their mere action and entertaiment value.
although since re-watching them all again as a fully conscious being i found alien not to be as classic as i beleived it to be. The start of it depended too much on slow silent scenes that showed grahpics and special effects designed to wow us for its visual aspect, except i found this too much of a 2001:a space odyssey quality and couldnt be repeated. (for a movie made a full decade after 2001 it just couldnt compare to it in terms of sci-fi special effects)
Strangely i found alien 3 to be the most impressive one this time around and i found david fincher was judged way too harshly. The plot was reminiscent of the first alien and even though it had some cheezy dialogue parts and token characters it is still is no comparison to the pitfalls in resurection. I hadnt seen resurrection for a while and was deeply dissapointed to find how cheap the entire movie had become to me. i remembered it as the most action filled and with the biggest 'cool' factor, but it had now become hollywood slosh oozing into yet another franchise.
Although, the happiest thing i can say is that aliens managed to pull its weight once again, if not more so, and has now become my new favourite alien movie. AVP looks really cool but i hope they dont incorporate too much of the game into it. The game was scary but i think the public have made it heard that they want no humans and just a one on one battle royale for 2 hours of alien hacking action.

Alien was the fore-runner of great ingenuity and of merging the lines between male and female roles. Aliens delivered on action and improved on the characters with a wide variety of likelable and not so likable personalities. These two shall always be the eponomy of the film series, the best and best written of the four.

Alien 3 was not a total loss, it had some potentially clever ideas to further along the story-line but was also the precursor to the absimal Alien: Resurrection, which has no redemeing qualities and ruined the hard work of blurring Ripley's character into a definte gender related role. Yes she kicked ass in this but the balance was lost in favour of genetic enhancement which mooted her natural 'human' strength.

The first two films are great as they are, even with the loss of my favourite character Hudson, but I feel that Alien 3 with its potential could have been held off as a later film in the entire Alien series. Perhaps Ripley's character (along with Hicks and Newt) could have taken a more worthy direction if another plot was tried.

Aleins vs Predator I'm looking forward too. I don't consider it to be a carry=on from the Alien mythos but rather an off-shot extension within the same universe buit not of the unfolding plot.

I would like to say the same of Alien: Ressurection, concerning its sepertaion from the others. The Alien species was beautifully designed (yes beautiful) and wonderfully realised thanks to H.R.Giger. With the emergance of that monstrousity of human and Alien combined DNA, the species was destroyed, it was ugly and unappealing and totally pointless. In fact the whole film was. Ripley should have remained dead. The characters were one-dimensional, Winona Ryder was completely and utterly out of place and an insult to Lance Herrikens Bishop android. In fact I really don't want to talk about it anymore.

After Alien vs Predator I would like to see a film focusing on earth after the Aliens have invaded it. Get back to the suspense and action that Alien and Aliens did so well.
'My mind is full of stars....'

Am I the only one hear who thought Alien Resurrection was good? Yes, it did lack good acting and maybe a little storyline but man! it was one hell of a ride. I liked Winona Ryder in it but I agree they should have chosen someone else for the part. That alien/human hybrid thing was very ugly and did ruin the ending I think.

I agree that a movie focusing on the aliens invading earth would be great! As for AVP, I can't wait to see it!!!!

Originally Posted by Mana4X2
Am I the only one hear who thought ALIEN RESURRECTION was good?
Why YES, yes you are! And I think you're in more select company than just the folks on this board.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

A system of cells interlinked
I like Alien: Res

Good camera work, color pallette and characters. The story is a bit weak and a tad preachy, but I thought the film had a number of memorable scenes such as the swimming aliens and Call (Ryder) as the computer. The film doesn't compare to either Alien or Aliens, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Why YES, yes you are! And I think you're in more select company than just the folks on this board.
Um, what exactly does that mean?


Originally Posted by Mana4X2
Um, what exactly does that mean?
Sorry, my fault for using English.

It simply means that I think you are very much alone in thinking Alien Resurrection is good. It is amusing that you (and now Sedai) trumpet the flick with that reassuring 'it's not that bad' level of praise after running through some of its many faults. The truth is, it is that bad; fifth rate Science Fiction and absolutely no place in the Alien saga. Yes, it looks good. It was helmed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, so how could it not have a strong visual style? But looking good does not make it worth seeing. Not by a long shot.

Hope that was less confusing.