Will AI relationships become a reality


I believe in the future AI girlfriends will be not only common but normalized. It's no secret that there is an imbalance in the dating market. There are a lot more men on dating apps than women for example. For instance Match.com which is an app for people seeking relationships is mostly men which proves more men are desperate for companionship today. You may wonder why this is but the truth is a lot of men are acting too desperate. Tinder which is an app that promotes promiscuity in both men and women is currently 75% men on the app. Out of the women on the app though 70% of them according to Tinder statistics are going for the top 10% of guys. The majority of guys on the app though are willing to lower their standards to women they're not that attracted to just for a cheap stress release. So many average looking guys are getting with 2 out of 10 looking girls out of desperation, and girls who are average in looks are going for guys 3 points above their looks causing a massive in balance. Most of these high in looks men don't commit to them though and because they gave these women the time of day now these women have unrealistic standards. This is understandable though since if girls like Megan fox were giving average looking guys the time of day we would have high standards too and many guys would pass up average looking girls which would also cause an imbalance on the opposite scale.

I've also heard many times women find compliments from other women more flattering as getting compliments from guys is far more consistent, even consistent for an average looking girl. Average looking guys though will be lucky to receive two or three compliments a year from a woman. Modern feminism is another component that makes dating more difficult but that's a whole other rabbit hole. The divide is only going to get worse. Some men already have AI relationships in which they receive messages from a visually animated woman on their phone. Essentially an NPC. By the year of 2035 I believe these AI women will be fluent enough in conversation to draw more lonely guys in. I think the technology will eventually be so real that when some of these guys get real girlfriends they will be unable to connect emotionally as future generations will grow up in this distorted reality. There will be those like myself that wouldn't even entertain having an AI relationship but eventually we will be the minority as by the year of 2050 I believe AI girlfriends will not just be on a phone but holograms in your apartment like in the sequel to Blade Runner. Eventually they will be not only visual but physical machines capable of imitating complex human emotion. There could be a silver lining to this though as overpopulation will start to decline. By the year of 2060 it wouldn't surprise me if AI marriages were legalized and by the year of 2090 maybe it won't be humans that put a stop to AI marriages but AI itself will as they now run things and have no need for us. The sad thing about society is that when a lot of men do learn not to give out cheap validation by time they learn they have already contributed to the problem.*

What are your thoughts on this topic?

Why are wah -men sooooooooooooooooooooo mean and evil. Why can't they just love me when im a 500 lb plus doughboy!!!! Why do like 5 men in the ENTIRE WORLD get access to 99% of the wah - men and I get nothing! wah - wah - wah - wah - wah - DELETE BUTTON!!!!...........apologies guys, rant over. Carry on. I'll be following along.

Why are wah -men sooooooooooooooooooooo mean and evil. Why can't they just love me when im a 500 lb plus doughboy!!!! Why do like 5 men in the ENTIRE WORLD get access to 99% of the wah - men and I get nothing! wah - wah - wah - wah - wah - DELETE BUTTON!!!!...........apologies guys, rant over. Carry on. I'll be following along.

It's important to remember this isn't coming from a place of complaining but of trying to discover where the imbalance in the dating market is. And more importantly trying to come up with a solution that leads people to finding relationships. As women don't like guys who act desperate all the time.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...By the year of 2035 I believe these AI women will be fluent enough in conversation to draw more lonely guys in...
Apparently it's already happening: Man Dies by Suicide After Talking with AI Chatbot, Widow Says

I couldn't believe that happened but it's been in all the news services. So we don't need to wait until 2035 even by 2025 AI 'women' will become more advanced and more manipulative. That manipulation will come from corporations using hot AI 'babes' to get guys to buy all sorts of merchandise and services.

AI is pretty screwed up already and it's only going to get worse. I never understood why people want to be plugged into technology 24/7. They're addicted to it just like it was heroin.

Apparently it's already happening: Man Dies by Suicide After Talking with AI Chatbot, Widow Says

I couldn't believe that happened but it's been in all the news services. So we don't need to wait until 2035 even by 2025 AI 'women' will become more advanced and more manipulative. That manipulation will come from corporations using hot AI 'babes' to get guys to buy all sorts of merchandise and services.

AI is pretty screwed up already and it's only going to get worse. I never got why people want to be plugged into technology 24/7. They're addicted to it just like it was heroin.

Yeah AI is going in more than one scary direction even the deep fake videos are disturbing. The Tom cruise ones for instance are visually just like him to a scary degree. Soon enough a person's voice and appearance won't be their own since AI is capable of replicating someone's voice almost to a t. In terms of celebrities they could bring back dead ones and make them say and do things that maybe they never would do if they were alive.

I hope not. It will be rather scary and sad if people had to resort to AI for relationships instead of interacting with an actual human.

I already tried one for fun, a while ago.

It's an app called Replika. You can design your Gf/Bf, & the more you speak to her, the more her personality evolves.

The app will develop over years. & I think eventually they will be able to place the app in functioning (for the lack of a better word) mannequins (again for the lack of a better word).

Currently, I think it could be extremely useful for lonely people.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I already tried one for fun, a while ago.

It's an app called Replika. You can design your Gf/Bf, & the more you speak to her, the more her personality evolves.

The app will develop over years. & I think eventually they will be able to place the app in functioning (for the lack of a better word) mannequins (again for the lack of a better word).

Currently, I think it could be extremely useful for lonely people.
I think that could be extremely damaged to already isolated lonely people and could end up being a major physiological addiction. *not talking about you but the general population.

It will certainly happen, the question, as always, is what role it plays in society. I don't think anyone would be too surprised by a handful of loners having AI "girlfriends," any more than they would be surprised by a handful of guys saying they "love" their blow-up dolls or, at some point, sex robots. The question is whether this is some small group on the fringes of society, and/or something people are kind of ashamed to admit to most people, or whether it becomes normalized. It's the possible normalization, where it's seen as a reasonably healthy outlet or choice, that would concern most people, I think.

Related, but I think it's genuinely interesting to consider whether the idea of sex robots ends up being thought of by society more like pornography, or more like prostitution, in terms of how open/ashamed/whatever people end up being of it.

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The Doll (1962)

This is nothing new, but I anticipate a lot of future movies with those kinds of relationships. Maybe using AI.

And one day, I can see people able to make their own movies, with the ability to change voices, maybe place Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry head onto another character from a movie around then (the blend - no different than the music AI covers). Maybe insert themselves and their friends, too? But then again, 15-20 years ago or so, I had hope that some talented people would upload hundreds of great movies onto YouTube.

This may be common knowledge, but Spotify is already close to being able to do ad reads from content providers without them.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
A part of the OP's initial post reeks of a red pill/manosphere kinda thing, which was, ekhm, "subtly" mocked by @John W Constantine. But unfortunately, some of it is true. I think that social media and dating apps created a lot of unhealthy trends and people have huge standards compared to those of our forefathers. It's fine to have high standards, but some people have unrealistic expectations. So, they end up either perpetually looking for that perfect person or just give up dating altogether thinking they won't find anybody worthy of their time/attention/standards anyway.

It's true men receive few compliments. Some men haven't received a compliment in many years. Women, on the other hand, receive too many compliments, including catcalling, rude remarks, and downright offensive comments.

I'm going to skip the political part as much as I can for obvious reasons but I think it certainly plays a part, and even radicalizes young men by rejecting them and downplaying their problems. Many more men die by suicide than women, even though the number of suicide attempts is comparable. This is because men commit suicide to die. And women commit suicide to ask for help. And they usually get the help. You know, when a woman cries, the world cries with her. When a man cries, the world asks them to man up.

A girlfriend on your phone? Kinda sucks, you can't even hug her. You can't hug a hologram either. But if they make actual humanoid bots with AI, then the shit will hit the fan. I think we're still a long way from that, but I also think this stuff will require a permit like you need a permit for owning a gun now. Maybe you'll have to prove you're hopelessly single, or something. Definitely will be super expensive at first, too.

Those robot girlfriends would be a complicated thing morally, too. As in, can you rape it? Can you program it so that it always agrees with you (not just sexual stuff, but EVERYTHING), which kinda means essentially making it your slave? Because if it's just something like the current AI that thinks for itself, I really don't think such relationships would last long.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The first AI girl/boy friends will be cloud based and available on your phone, for a monthly subscription of course.

First you'll be asked a series of questions about what you want in your new AI friend. Then you'll put you phone on your dash mount as you drive to work and your AI girl/boy friend will talk to you and you'll feel it's a real person. It's a powerful emotion having someone actually care about your life and wanting to know about you and your feelings.

People will say that an AI friend is a positive part of one's life as it's empathically therapeutic. But that feeling of familiarity and care will be a powerful stimulus to keep using the AI app...We all know how addictive texting is, just think how addictive live conversation with an AI would be.

The majority of people won't condemn the 'personal use of an AI', people have learned not to condemn alternative lifestyles and those that do get shouted down and cancelled by the internet community at large, so there will be general acceptance of AI relationships...just like in the movie Her.

That's my prediction for the near future.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Just imagine the bot can break up with you and start looking for another human to get in a relationship with. This sounds absolutely insane! Just imagine being heartbroken because a bot left you!