Actors/Directors Who Worked On Movies They Didn't Like


Not sure what you mean by "movies they didn't like", but I do know, back in the day, actors often had to do movies out of contractual obligation or to get out of a contract. I know when Elizabeth Taylor was contacted about doing Cleopatra, she was still under contract to another studio that wouldn't release her unless she agreed to do a film called Butterfield 8, a film Taylor hated and was often quoted as saying the film was a piece of sh*t, even though it would win her her first Oscar. But the only reason she did the film was so that she could play Cleopatra.

Nice idea for a topic.

I think it's an open secret that Alec Guiness hated working with Lucas's lines in A New Hope.
In my own land, I’m in a far domain
Welcomed gladly, and spurned by everyone

Burt Reynolds in Boogie Nights.

I love how it was basically his most famous role ever and he got Oscar nominated and all that but he hated the experience himself and the the role he played. He haven’t even seen the movie. he turned it down like 5 times before accepting because his agent or something wanted him to do it or whatever. Love the interview with him, I think it might be on Letter or something where he talks about it. He’s a funny dude.

I remember an interview in which Guiness said after reading the script for "Star Wars," he didn't really get it, yet had a sense that it would be very successful.

Jimmy Stewart once shared, while on The Tonight Show, his distaste for a film called "Pot o' Gold." He lamented that he would turn on a TV late at night or in a hotel and often find it. I checked it out and it is pretty bad.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
I believe that Shelly Duvall hated her experience on the Shinning namely Kubrick and I don't think Kubrick was fond of her.

Edit - Opps not sure if she didn't like the movie though, just the experience.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Mark Wahlberg also said he hated Boogey Nights, and said it was one of his biggest regrets, I read.

Matt Damon said he hated The Bourne Ultimatum script.

Harrison Ford did not like the voice over in Blade Runner. He also did not care for working with Ridley Scott.
I think Ford was generally positive about Blade Runner as a whole(and didn't want to just be an action star) even if he had disagreements with Scott. He supposedly did the voiceover as badly as he possibly could hoping they wouldn't use it because he believed in the earlier cut without it.

Beyond the racey content of Boogie Nights it was obviously made to make a lot of the characters appear rather foolish which I'd imagine didn't go down well with some actors.

Christopher Plummer said he didn't like playing his part in The Sound of Music b/c it was too sentimental a film. Tho he does acknowledge that it was an excellent film, so this may be a bit tongue in cheek.

My impression of Harrison re: Ridley was that he admired him enough as a director, but felt he was too controlling. I suspect Harrison liked to have a little leeway to improvise - but Ridiey didn't allow his actors to have any input.

Laurence Olivier hated the fact that Joan Fontaine played his wife in Rebecca. Oliver wanted his real-life wife, Vivian Leigh, to have the rôle.
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I know José Padilha hated working on the RoboCop remake.
He even near quit making movies altogether because of the studio interference.

Fincher hated working on Alien 3 so much that it's an interview killer with any interviewer who brings it up.
He absolutely refuses to even acknowledge he was part of the production and even refused to be interviewed for the making-of on the DVD.

I also heard that Rex Harrison was miserable making Dr. Dolittle because he suffered from severe animal allergies and couldn't stand being around all those animals all the time.

Matt Damon said he hated The Bourne Ultimatum script.[/quote]

Speaking of Matt Damon - not exactly a movie but........Jimmy Kimmel hates him so much, that Matt had to have his pal Ben Afflect smuggle him into the show under a massive body suit. And what a happy grin Matt had when he crawled out of the suit and sat down , til he got banished once again . .

Trouble with a capital "T"
[Harrison Ford]...He supposedly did the voiceover as badly as he possibly could hoping they wouldn't use it because he believed in the earlier cut without it.
I read a direct quote from an interview with Harrison Ford and he said that was a myth and that he read his narrative lines to the best of his ability. Though it's true he argued not to have the voice narration lines included as he thought they weren't needed.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
Chuck Norris did a 1974 Hong Kong film called Yellow-Faced Tiger from director Lo Wei, which was released in the United States as Slaughter in San Francisco. He played the main villain in the film, a notorious crime lord. Norris has said he never watched the film, even after all these years.
It's All About the Movies

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
But Spike Lee made other movies that were not political before though like Inside Man. Unless that was out of his comfort zone too.