Rank Hitchcock movies


I've recently started watching his work so I'm kinda curious as to how people would rank his movies and what to expect.

Out of the movies I've seen, I'd rank like this:

1. Vertigo
2. Psycho
3. Strangers on a Train
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We have many threads about this, but.....

1. Rear Window
2. North by Northwest
3. Psycho
4. Dial M for Murder

That's a defacto top 4. The rest usually can shuffle a bit.

Going to try and rewatch Rear Window before the discussion ends so that could move up but for now:

01.North By Northwest
05.Dial M For Murder
06.The Wrong Man
07.Shadow of a Doubt
09.Strangers On A Train
13.The 39 Steps
15.The Lady Vanishes
16.Rear Window
17.The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
19.The Birds
20.The Trouble With Harry

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've recently started watching his work so I'm kinda curious as to how people would rank his movies and what to expect.

Out of the movies I've seen, I'd rank like this:

1. Vertigo
2. Psycho
3. Strangers on a Train
There's no bad Hitch films.

My current top 6 are:
Rebecca (1940)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
The Birds (1963)
Strangers on a Train (1951)
Spellbound (1945)
Notorious (1946)

i love Hitch movies and i love them all however i can share those i loved less
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Haven't seen them all but I have a defacto top 4 as well:

4. Psycho
3. Rear Window
2. Dial M For Murder
1. Vertigo

This is too hard a thread for me. I love Hitchcock and I find choosing favourites an awful experience. I can tell you that for the last 3 years, Rope is my fav.

I've seen all Hitchcock films and I try to rank my favorites based on how strong I think they are as a cinematic achievement. I try to be as objective as possible. Love them all though. Almost all these that I've listed are 9s and 10s.

1. Psycho
1. Vertigo (tied with Psycho)
3. Rear Window
4. North By Northwest
5. Rope
6. Dial M for Murder
7. The Birds
8. Strangers On A Train
9. The Lady Vanishes
10. Notorious
11. Shadow of a Doubt
12. To Catch a Thief
13. The Lodger
14. The Trouble With Harry
15. Spellbound

Strangers On A Train

To Catch A Thief

Shadow Of a Doubt

Rear Window


Something like this, though the exact order becomes somewhat random after the first few:

Rear Window
North by Northwest
Shadow of a Doubt
The Lady Vanishes
The 39 Steps
The Birds
The Trouble with Harry
The Wrong Man

I only recall being bored by Torn Curtain, but then I used to not like Topaz, until one day I watched it and loved it quite a lot. So maybe Torn Curtain is awaiting such a viewing. Also, I'm not a fan of Marnie, but it's been a long while since I've seen it, and as well it could hit me in the right way on the right day. I've not seen much of very early work, though I have it all, and I will need to review more of his films from the 40s, so some (like Rebecca) could benefit a lot.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

My Top 10.
The Birds
Dial M For Murder
39 Steps
Strangers on aTrain
Shadow of a Doubt
The Wrong Man

I saw one of his black and white movies once that blew me away, it is definitely in my top five, called Lifeboat with Tallulah Bankhead. I think in this one Hitch had to make his appearance in a newspaper ad that they were looking at because he obviously couldn't appear in the boat! But I think Rope was pretty good too, since he does it all in 20 minute chunks without a cut.

Registered User
Hitchcock probably holds 4-5 places on my most top 20 most overrated movies of all time list.

There is a lot to love... From what I've seen, all of which I own on Blu-ray. Have always wanted to see Notorious

North by Northwest
The Birds
Rear Window
Strangers on a Train
To Catch a Thief
Shadow of a Doubt
Dial M For Murder
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Family Plot

For me it would be far easier to list the ones that weren't as good! IMO his best period was the late '40s to the early '60s. My personal top 6 would be:

1. Vertigo
2. North by Northwest
3. Shadow of a Doubt
4. Rear Window
5. Psycho
6. Strangers on a Train

In my view some of his very best films would be unthinkable without the magnificent film scores by Bernard Herrmann. In fact, although Torn Curtain was harmed by the miscasting of Newman and Andrews, the writing was strong. And the film could have definitely been saved as a good one if the score had been done by Herrmann.


There's no bad Hitch films.
His silent's were fairly terrible, borderline unwatchable.

1. Rear Window

2. Rope

3. Rebecca

4. North by Northwest

5. Psycho

6. Strangers on a Train

7. Dial M for Murder

8. Vertigo

9. The Birds

10. Lifeboat

11. Foreign Correspondent

12. The Man Who Knew Too Much (Lorre)

13. Notorious

14. The Lady Vanishes

15. The Trouble with Harry

16. Frenzy

17. Shadow of a Doubt

18. The Man Who Knew Too Much (Stewart)

19. The Paradine Case

20. The Lodger

21. Spellbound

22. Jamaica Inn

23. Blackmail

24. Marnie

25. Sabateur

26. I Confess

27. 39 Steps

28. Easy Virtue

29. Suspicion

30. Family Plot

31. Young and Innocent

32. Aventure Malgache

33. Torn Curtain

34. Mr and Mrs Smith

35. Murder!

36. The Pleasure Garden

37. Topez

38. The Wrong Man

39. To Catch a Thief

40. Sabotage

41. Secret Agent

42. The Skin Game

43. Downhill

44. Juno and Paycock

45. Champagne

46. Stage Fright

47. Under Capricorn

48. Waltzes from Vienna

49. Bon Voyage

50. Number Seventeen

51. The Manxman

52. Rich and Strange

53. Farmers Wife

54. The Ring

Admittedly, I haven't seen all of Hitchcock classics... I especially have to make to see Rebecca. But of the many I have seen, Psycho, Vertigo, and Rear Window stand out as the three best. Psycho, and Vertigo being imo among the best films ever made... and Rear Window being a classic in in its own right.

I don't see the masterpiece in North By Northwest, in all honesty.

You've got red on you!
Of the Hitchcock films I've seen, I'd rank them as follows, but in all honesty they are all interchangeable in rank because I love anything and everything he's done . The list below is purely my love of each film, and not based on cinematic merit.

1. Psycho
2. The Birds
3. Rear Window
4. The Trouble with Harry
5. Dial M for Murder
6. Rebecca
7. North by Northwest
8. The Man Who Knew Too Much
9. Strangers on a Train
10. Vertigo

1. The Trouble with Harry (1955)
( maybe not his best film but it's my favorite. It's comfy and i like autumn. )
2. The Birds (1963)
3. Vertigo (1958)
4. Rear Window (1954)
5. Psycho (1960)
6. Rope (1948)
7. North by Northwest (1959)
8. Rebecca (1940)
9. Marnie (1964)
10. Lifeboat (1944)

I like the quaint ones, that's what he did better.

1. Rope

2. Psycho

3. North by Northwest

4. Man Who Knew Too Much

5. Rear Window

6. Vertigo

7. Strangers on a Train

8. Dial M For Murder

9. Rebecca

10. Shadow of a Doubt

11. Trouble With Harry

12. Lifeboat

Birds needs a re-watch.