3rd Mofo Movie Hall Of Fame Nominations


Chappie doesn't like the real world
1. Some Like it Hot (1959 Billy Wilder)

Nominated by: Rauld14

"Why: I nominated it for the great performances from the three leads, all who put in their career performances. And Billy Wilder is a genius, with this being his best films among his tons of gems."

2. The Swimmer (1968 Frank Perry, Sydney Pollack)

Nominated by: Cobpyth

"This metaphorical journey through the life of a middle aged man from the upper class is captivating, original and some of the best drama I've ever witnessed. Burt Lancaster is magnificent in the main role.
This is one of my personal favorite films and I'm happy to share it with all the members of the committee. I hope you'll enjoy it!"

3. Nashville (1975 Robert Altman)

Nominated by: Seanc

"I have never seen a movie with so many characters end up blending together so seamlessly. No character is uninteresting. Great ending. This film is only growing better as I contemplate it."

4. House (1977 Nobuhiko Obayashi)

Nominated by: JiraffeJustin

"House is another great example of late 1970s horror, which, like its peers, pushed the boundaries of the depiction of terror on screen and reveals the interest in the language of experimental filmmaking in genre and mainstream cinema of the time." ~Alex Fitch

5. Sex, Lies & Videotape (1989 Steven Soderbergh)

Nominated by: Frightened Inmate #2

"one of the most fascinating character studies i've seen. it starts off a little slow, but by the end i was kind of in awe at how profound it was at times, and how great james spader was in it. i was thinking about it for a long time after it was over. certainly one of the best directorial debuts ever."

6. Urga (1991 Nikita Mikhalkov)

Nominated by: Sane

"A wonderful French/Russian production set in northern China and focussed on the culture clash when a Russian truck driver is helped by a family of Mongol farmers. Visually fantastic and very funny in parts."

7. The Insider (1999 Michael Mann)

Nominated by: Sci-Fi Slob

"Pumped up with sharp editing, vivid performances and a damning true story to tell, it's a morality tale with a hard contemporary punch." ~Liam Lacey

8. The Straight Story (1999 David Lynch)

Nominated by: Honeykid

"For a good few years now, I've said that anyone who doesn't like this film is someone I don't need to know. While that might not be true, I believe the sentiment is true, as I really can't see
how anyone even remotely human can't help but love this film. Can't help but get emotionally involved with Alvin and his journey to reach his brother. Why he's going, how he's getting there and
the people he meets on the way. The Straight Story is the film that keeps on giving. The film is life's journey and is as deep, introspective and philosophical as you want it to be. If you
want to watch a true story, you can. If you want to watch a simple story, you can. If you want to watch a film that can prompt you to ask yourself the most profound questions anyone can ask
themselves, well, The Straight Story can do that too. "

9. The Wind Will Carry Us (1999 Abbas Kiarostami)

Nominated by: Bluedeed

"More than any other modern director (save Hou Hsiao-Hsien), Abbas Kiarostami has spent film after film focusing on the development of a personal, poetic cinema. Kiarostami's personal cinema focuses on diegesis, the concept of the frame and the essence of narrative. The astounding thing about Kiarostami's personal cinema is how it takes what seems to be a limitation of the form and expands it into a powerful cinematic tool. The Wind Will Carry Us might be considered the peak of Kiarostami's cinema, a most difficult decision. Its a simultaneously material and spiritual film that forms its spiritual narrative not via grand montage or a stairway to heaven, but by careful framing and focused symbolism. Kiarostami's film is a rich and explorable text from a modern master."

10. The Hedgehog (2009 Mona Achache)

Nominated by: Wintertriangles

" I'm feeling a little sentimental, so I will choose The Hedgehog (2009) because, despite its absurdities, it is a film that is very touching but for reasons unbeknownst to me and I think a discussion will be really interesting for this kind of movie. Plus I think it'd be somewhat accessible, with the quirkiness of Amelie but enough to chew on for art house fans."

11. Mary and Max (2009 Adam Elliot)

Nominated by: Godoggo

"I love the way Adam Elliot takes two lonely sad people and makes them the heroes of their own stories without ever giving them any really extraordinary qualities. Even when dealing the darkest of subjects there is a triumph of spirit and perseverance of joy in these characters that I find inspiring."

12. Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Nominated by: Gauporense

"So I am nominating my current favorite movie, PMMM (movie parts 1 & 2), which is the compiled TV series into 240 minutes, later on the creators made another movie to cash in the franchise (part 3), which I found much weaker. If you never watched those cerebral adult anime TV series like Lain, Rahxephon and Haibane Renmei, I don't know what you can expect from it. It's sorta similar to what I imagine would be a mix of Ghost in the Shell, Eraserhead, Videodrome and Sailor Moon. At first I though it was a children's anime but it began showing it's fangs over the first 80 minutes. It's all about manipulating the viewer with extreme success and a highly intricate plot (the most intricate I ever seem on a movie). Youtube has for free the TV version
up to 1080 resolution. It's slightly longer than the movie version because the movies cut a few scenes but I think it's the best version for a first watch."

13. 400 Blows (1959 Francois Truffaut)

Nominated by: Pussy Galore

"Francois Truffaut's "The 400 Blows" (1959) is one of the most intensely touching stories ever made about a young adolescent. Inspired by Truffaut's own early life, it shows a resourceful boy growing up in Paris and apparently dashing headlong into a life of crime" ~Roger Ebert

Dr. Zhivago (1965 David Lean)

Nominated by: Ashdoc

"The sweep and scope of the Russian revolution, as reflected in the personalities of those who either adapted or were crushed, has been captured by David Lean in "Doctor Zhivago," frequently with soaring dramatic intensity. Director has accomplished one of the most meticulously designed and executed films--superior in several visual respects to his "Lawrence of Arabia." " ~A.D Murphy

Chappie doesn't like the real world
So there ya go. I've only seen four of these, including my own, and a lot look very interesting. I think I'm most looking forward to House and The Hedgehog.

In case it makes it easier to find, Urga is also known as Close to Eden. It is available on YouTube, but you need to turn your subtitles on.

I'm still hoping Ashdoc joins us. I haven't heard anything from him, but if he is still in, I'll add his movie to the list. I'd really like to have 13. 13 is a good number.

Happy viewing! I haven't decided the deadline yet, but it will most likely be towards the end of June; beginning of July.

I hope to have lots of discussion!

I have already seen:

Some Like It Hot, The Swimmer, Nashville, Sex, Lies & Videotape and Mary and Max.

I'm actually looking forward to all of the other films at the moment, as they genuinly seem to be personal favorites of the participants and in the meantime also seem interesting to me.

House and The Straight Story are the ones I'm most eager to watch, though.

I'm excited!

I've seen about half of the nominations but I'll re-watch all but Urga and Mary & Max. I've seen them in the last few weeks and loved them both. I've seen The Straight Story quite recently as well but didn't think too highly of it so I'll give it another go.

Looking forward to seeing the others - particularly House and The Wind Will Carry Us.

Wow I have only seen three of these movies. Nashville I thought was an absolute bore. Some Like it Hot is funny as hell, and The Straight Story is simply beautiful!

EDIT: Did not even see 400 Blows in the nominations. Very good movie.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I thought I posted already but I haven't seen any of the nominated films other than mine, so I'm glad it's up early. As others are finishing their lists for the 2nd I can get a start on this.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Yeah, I was thinking of doing that soon. I haven't seen Hitchfan in awhile though. I guess I should PM him. Every time I think about opening up that thread, I worry about people posting a bunch of non-related crap in there. I'd really like to have it be a nice tidy thread with only comments relating to the movies that make the HOF. That's probably too much to hope for.

On another note, I said earlier that I was going with my all time favorite movie. I ended up changing my mind at the last minute. I was in a Mary and Max type of mood.

I've just seen Some Like it Hot among them, I have some watching to do :P
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Chappie doesn't like the real world
PG, if you want in on this there is room for one more. I'm sure everyone will be O.K with that. I mean anyone can watch the movies and discuss with us, but you could nominate a movie and be an official part of the voting process. It would be great to have you.

PG, if you want in on this there is room for one more. I'm sure everyone will be O.K with that. I mean anyone can watch the movies and discuss with us, but you could nominate a movie and be an official part of the voting process. It would be great to have you.
If it was to me that you were talking than I'd suggest either Judgment at Nuremberg, The 400 Blows or Cool Hand Luke

Chappie doesn't like the real world
If it was to me that you were talking than I'd suggest either Judgment at Nuremberg, The 400 Blows or Cool Hand Luke
It was. If you want to be in, then pick one of those. I don't want to make the decision for you. You'll need to watch all the movies listed. I'm giving everyone six months, so there is plenty of time.