Timecop Remake/Reboot


Universal are looking into a full on redo of Van Damme flick Timecop...

Probably a closer take on the double issue Dark Horse Comic strip than Van Damme's outing...




Personally, Van Damme's film was one of his best next to Universal Soldier, but a retake that's closer to the comic may be a remake that's needed for the story... the sequels and TV Series were, after all, piles of rubbish.

Yeah, I just now posted about this in the thread Remakes I'll Never Watch in the General Discussion forum. I didn't say I'd never watch it but I did say I didn't know how a remake could improve upon the old film. But since you've informed us that it was a Dark Horse Comics strip and the remake will likely be based on it, I have hope. Thanks for the links and the info, Rodent!
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
A Timecop remake that doesn't have the involvement of Van Damme?!!!


Is there any news on who is going to be the star... please don't say Colin Farrell!!!???

This should not happen!! Although a TV show would be good!