The Descent Part 2 on DVD and Blu-Ray April 27th


I share the same thought/fear, but I'll admit that the poster that jrs posted does look pretty cool.
"The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven."
John Milton, Paradise Lost

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This comes out on my birthday. Which would make me feel like dirt if I wasn't GOING TO SEE THE EAGLES!!!!!!

Update: Lionsgate Home Entertainment will be releasing The Descent: Part 2 on DVD (and most likely Blu-ray) on April 27th. Retail price will be around $28.98. Official artwork and specs are listed below.

Special features include:
  • Audio Commentary (with Director Jon Harris and actors Shauna MacDonald, Krysten Cummings and Anna Skellern)
  • Deleted Scenes
  • Making of The Descent: Part 2: Deeper and Darker featurette
  • Storyboards

It came out in Theatres here (UK), but not for long I waited till a mate bought the DVD to watch it. Better gore but the first is still better.

I agree. The second isnt that bad though. It flashes back to the first here and there with good continuity. And the story is well done. I have to give it that. Both films do though look great in blu-ray.

Okay, so what is "Blu-ray," and why does it make a movie look better?
~~More DVD extras, please. Thank you.

LOL and i think they were being sarcastic, we need a sarcasm font.

I think Descent Part 2 will look great in Hi-Def.

It irked me that it had to follow on from the US cut, and not the UK cut.

I agree. The second isnt that bad though. It flashes back to the first here and there with good continuity. And the story is well done. I have to give it that.
Basically it was opposite of that

I'm glad we both feel the same. There story was weak, the character logic was weak, the twist ending was weak, in fact most of it was weak. Can you tell me what is well done about the story? Or just post smilies in lieu of an actual argument.

Can you tell me what is well done about the story?
I enjoyed the film almost as much as the first one. The story was done in a good enough way to keep me entertained. The way it ended, I wouldn't be surprised if they made a Descent 3.

... in lieu of an actual argument
An argument?? Where? Nobody's even arguing. Do you plan on starting one?

Yes, i did put forward an argument saying i felt it was the opposite of what you said, for which you failed to make a legitimate rebuttal to. Don't get anal on semantics and try and infer my debate was trolling.

The end wasn't exactly a cliffhanger, it was just a twist. And a bad one at that. Though i wouldn't be surprised if there was a sequel since they managed one out of the first. It's a single concept film, which was executed brilliantly the first time. The second time illuminated flaws (how do they differentiate our noises and theirs), put in stock characters in a now predictable setup and offered a poor pay off at the end. But if you like being one of the impressionable mass they patter their product to because they can't think well for themselves, good for you.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I wouldnt mind seeing this as I did ebjoy the first movie.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

This came out already!? Wow, I'm surprised it wasn't released theatrically in the states. The first one was GREAT.