Kill Bill VS Equilibrium The Bride Versus John Preston


Beatrice "The Bride" VS High Cleric John Preston, Who'd Win?...

State Your Case and Why?...

A system of cells interlinked

The Bride has a pu**y wagon, so, she wins.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell


The Bride has a pu**y wagon, so, she wins.
And that's why she'd lose.

KIDDING! Chill out ladies. I pick The Bride, I just had to go for the easy jab.

Gun Kata is solely based on using firearms in combat, so in order for this duel to occur, Preston would have to be able to use a gun...therefore...he wins!

sidenote - The Bride would however win in a battle of the sexiness...which I think is more important anyway
DVD Collection


I am Jack's sense of overused quote
Preston would win in a fight between the two.

However, Kill Bill is a much better film.

So...there you go
"What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present." - T.S. Eliot

Gun-Kata-Wise Beatrice would lose... but i'm more interested in Sword Play or Even Martial Arts Style...

Who'd win in the old style of fighting mano a mano... sword to sword, hand to hand?...

Registered User
The Bride she'll chop his arm of before he can shot her just like she chopped of Sophies, then she'll stab him where it hurts most, and therefore automatically win, hands down!

John Preston without a doubt. That was the only film I ever saw where the top fighter never lost. He dominated and I loooooved that aspect of the film. She would go down quickly and hard.

With a username like mine, I think its obvious what I'd say.

Listen, John Preston would make a formidable opponent to anyone.
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.