Bye Bye mofo! I will miss u!


Randomly visiting for now
I've read goodbye threads before from some truly great mofos but the weird thing was that they kept coming back!! Perhaps the fact that I've posted twice since september suggests my intentions .

I thought I'd better say a quick goodbye though because I really disliked it when a few of my favourite users suddenly disappeared, not that I knew those particular people well but I always enjoyed their input, so I thought It would be good to go through the formality.

Now then for my own closure and my own sense of meaning I'll give you a quick run down why the Spook man is heading off.

....I guess I no longer find what I loved most on mofo. Way back when the rep system was up and happening and the infamous lightsaber was the height of mofo reputation there were many users who I would actually consider friends of mine. But over time they seemed to leave. The PM's turned into e-mails and yeah many of them abandoned Mofo. I had an unexpected sense of loyalty though to some very cool people that are still here today, because yeah i knew they appreciated my comments and that was important to me.

I'm sure there are heaps of great new users here now but it seems like my time has passed, with many of my friends not posting much at all anymore. Rather than name names, because that may be a bit exclusive I just want to say that I dearly loved many mofos and the forum itself helped me through some tough stuff. Especially early last year with some girl problems I had, yea thanks so much for that.

It's been a real real honour to say that i'm a mofo, but I guess from now on I can say it no longer. I only posted about a 1000 times in my short spell here, much less than many others, but hopefully I made a difference in somebody's life because I can tell you that a large number of you made a difference in mine.

The world has taken me away from this forum & my life is full of new and amazing experiences, which has also sadly prevented me from doing many things I love, like mofo. But yeah sometimes the harder road is the better road and for the first time in my life i've begun to follow my heart. To persue dreams, not just be lazy and some of them I've even achieved already. A quote that reminds me of this past year is this one; "Today's impossibilities are tomorrow's miracles". It's been a wild few months full up of special friends, new adventures and actually a lot of hard work, but I've had a very beautiful time of it . So I just wanna leave u guys by saying keep running after those special moments, because they're out there, and perhaps I'll see u in the real world one day and we'll dream a dream together. That's it from me. Peace out.

Joel (spooky)

I remember you and I joined around the same time and we took some heat from certain folks for no reason at all. That sticks in my head for some reason actually. It always did heheh.

Anyway, take care Spooky.

A system of cells interlinked
Hey Spooky.

Take care of yourself, man. Come back and say hi!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The Adventure Starts Here!
It's hard to gripe and complain and be totally sad over someone leaving if they're doing it to go live in the "real world" because life got too busy and interesting! I'd rather wish you well in that "real world" out there and hope you find your calling and purpose in life.

If MoFo is holding you back or taking up time you need for other things, hey man, I think we'd all understand it. I dislike too when people just fade away or come in and post angry ranting goodbyes.

Yours is/was honorable and very kind. Always loved the avatar, so I do still hope to see it back in here on occasion. Find time for us someday when you're bored, or when you just watched an amazing movie and don't have anyone to discuss it with!

Be well!

It was good to have you here spookey, your gonna be missed bye
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

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Originally Posted by Austruck
It's hard to gripe and complain and be totally sad over someone leaving if they're doing it to go live in the "real world" because life got too busy and interesting! I'd rather wish you well in that "real world" out there and hope you find your calling and purpose in life.

If MoFo is holding you back or taking up time you need for other things, hey man, I think we'd all understand it. I dislike too when people just fade away or come in and post angry ranting goodbyes.

Yours is/was honorable and very kind. Always loved the avatar, so I do still hope to see it back in here on occasion. Find time for us someday when you're bored, or when you just watched an amazing movie and don't have anyone to discuss it with!

Be well!
Thanks Austruck! I may drop by to see what some of you are up to from time to time. I didn't mean to say that this is not the "real world" :P because you are all certainly real people having real discussions. What i meant was that mofo is kind of like watching a movie for me where you escape for a little while from your normal life and live a bit of your life on the net, so yeah just wanted to clear that up.

Oh and thank you all for your nice comments

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Hey Spooky, I'm one of those that's left and came back, and left and came back, and...well you get the point. Of course, the first time I left I really had no choice, I mean it's not like I could hop on a computer anytime I wanted at boot camp.

I will tell you this though, the "real world" still gives you moments of "down time" in which you can take a few minutes to visit MoFo again, I know you already have said that you plan on visiting every now and then, make sure you set aside at least 30 minutes to do this, it takes a while to get through some of the heated conversations . That's what I'm left with these days, and has changed a lot in 6 years for me, but you gotta take what you can get when you can get it (that goes for EVERYTHING )

In closing, hope whatever you're doing makes you content, and happy in life from one MoFo to another. And don't think leaving means the removal of the title "MoFo", because it doesn't. Once a MoFo, always a MoFo!!
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Put me in your pocket...
Good luck to you in the future SpoOkY/Joel. I always liked reading your posts and considered you one cool MoFo who always had his head on straight. As Spud pointed out...that won't change just because you've gone...or drop in from time to time (which, I hope you do). Take care of yourself Joel.

Originally Posted by SpoOkY
I've read goodbye threads before from some truly great mofos but the weird thing was that they kept coming back!!
Aye, Spud speaks the truth. Old MoFos don't die; they just don't post as much.

Originally Posted by SpoOkY
....I guess I no longer find what I loved most on mofo. Way back when the rep system was up and happening and the infamous lightsaber was the height of mofo reputation there were many users who I would actually consider friends of mine. But over time they seemed to leave. The PM's turned into e-mails and yeah many of them abandoned Mofo. I had an unexpected sense of loyalty though to some very cool people that are still here today, because yeah i knew they appreciated my comments and that was important to me.

I'm sure there are heaps of great new users here now but it seems like my time has passed, with many of my friends not posting much at all anymore. Rather than name names, because that may be a bit exclusive I just want to say that I dearly loved many mofos and the forum itself helped me through some tough stuff. Especially early last year with some girl problems I had, yea thanks so much for that.
If there's one thing that's been hard to grapple with in the six-plus years I've run this site, it's that MoFos inevitably come and go. There's always another "generation" on the horizon that's different than the last, with a few cross-generational mainstays around to ease the transition. It's a bittersweet cycle, no doubt, but a strangely comforting one, too, I think.

Here's hoping the Spook doesn't become a ghost. Whenever you do decide to stop in again, there'll be plenty of us MoFos waiting to use 22 point colored fonts and birthday cake icons and the like.

Lets put a smile on that block
This thread is warm and gooey. I like it. I don't stop by as much as i used to anymore, but i always enjoy it when i do. Ah MOFO, how i love thee.

Farewell Spookster!
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

You ready? You look ready.
The longest I ever was away from Mofo was a couple months. And even that short time upset me. We'll miss ya. Good luck and all.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

There's some serious mofos posting their "good lucks" and "take cares" and I would like to step aboard that wagon and say, "No matter what, ya gots to keep it real." Have fun with whatever you do.


I kind of feel like this inside.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

No matter what you do Spook',.... just make sure you do it for yourself. Good Luck and Best wishes.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

seems like i'm in and out of here life has been a busy one since i lost my job back in august of 06 and my new schedule doesn't make it easy to be on the forums as much, so i pop in when i can...this is still the best forum and the nicest bunch of people that i've ever shared a messageboard with...always helpful and friendly

thanks for being here joel and i will miss you...come back when you will always be welcome

Randomly visiting for now
Originally Posted by spudracer
In closing, hope whatever you're doing makes you content, and happy in life from one MoFo to another. And don't think leaving means the removal of the title "MoFo", because it doesn't. Once a MoFo, always a MoFo!!
Heh I feel like I should now do some kind of Mofo chant, or sing the official mofo song.....but I don't think there is one . Thanks for the cool message spud.

Randomly visiting for now
Woah I didn't expect such a fond farewell. So awesome!

Thanks to.... Escape, Sedai, SC, Austruck, Gummo, The Taxi Driver, Spudracer, Aniko, yoda, blibblobblib, Zeiken, John McClane, PimpDaShizzle, 7thson and of course Susan too! Many of you are the cornerstones of mofo so am very honoured to hear from you. Especially from users who I don't see very often.....which isn't saying much seeing as I've barely posted in the last 4 months!

I'll definately be ducking my head in now and then. See how all you lovely people are doin.


Spooky, I love that you've popped in on this lovely snowy night. (I am excited by all the snow we are getting today, can't ya tell)