Predator re-make?


Is this true or just a myth, I was told John Cena from the WWE was gonna be "Dutch"!!!!!

the rumour is, unfortunately, running rampid across the net...true or not? well, Im sure the idea and the discussions are real...but this doesn't mean we should expect this "restart" Predator film any time soon...and quite frankly, I wouldn't EVER want to see it...there is NO reason to redo this had a large budget and great characters/performances/effects...and is one of the Governator's most beloved films...what could Cena do with Dutch that Arnie hasn't already done?? nothing...this isn't anything more than an answer to the question "what big budget remake can we throw this years biggest wrestler into and guarantee it won't become a complete flop"...

and one more reason...Walking Tall anyone?
DVD Collection


i actually heard they are gonna do predator 3 and that the rock may be playing dutch as arnie is now to busy to reprise his role

I'd definately be up for seeing Predator 3 I loved the first 2, as for a re-make of the first I know I'd still definately watch it but I agree with JBriscoe why mess with a CLASSIC?

Predator 3,fine with me but a re-make of the first part(and my favourite) and some dumb wrestler playing the role of Arnie no way
I'm in movie heaven

Originally Posted by danchubbz
Is this true or just a myth, I was told John Cena from the WWE was gonna be "Dutch"!!!!!


Well it seems this rumor has turned upside down.....

Iron Man 3 director Shane Black has been tapped to direct the PREDATOR remake for Fox. He will write the treatment for the project, then will hand over scripting duties to Fred Dekker, his university chum with whom he wrote 1987’s Monster Squad.

Interesting note Black turned down an offer to polish the original 'Predator' script back in 1986, but did agree to act in a small role.''

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I really dont want a remake of this.

Another sequel yes please.

And no to John Cena.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Not keen on a remake, but if Shane Black is behind the project it may be pretty good.

One thing I hope though is they don't go remake, but go Predator 4...

Yeah, Shane Black was Hawkins in Predator and was behind writing Lethal Weapon too.

I really dont want a remake of this.

Another sequel yes please.

And no to John Cena.
John Cena suck .

In the ring and has an actor . CM Punk FTW !
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

OP 12/7/06

Predator was a confluence of so many things, it will be hard to equal. I do have hope for a good movie though. Predators was the first installment of the franchise that seemed worthy of the characters.

I wasn't too impressed about hearing Shane Black is involved with this. It says he will just do the treatment, but... FeMan 3 left a lot to be desired, regardless of Black's prior success. I didn't realize that he wrote Lethal Weapon, which is one of the best written action movies I know of. I'll give him some rope on this and hope for the best.

Bring on the practical FX!

The major problem I have with Predator... is the recent treatments the Yautja (the alien) has been given.

In Predator, the creature was big, powerful and nimble... watch the scenes when it's jumping through the trees... it moves like a gymnast.

In Predator 2, which in my eyes is on a par with the original film, the creature was made slightly clumsier... just as big and powerful yes, but less agile.

In Alien Vs Predator, AvP2 and the third actual canon film Predators, the creatures were all big and powerful... but they were acting like they weighed 90,000lbs and couldn't handle their own weight. They were just giant oafs with no style. Even in Predators when we see the Classic Predator, he's a standard Yautja, in fact, he was directly based on the original from 1987... but still, he was just a clumsy, overweight thug.

I hope they go back to the original concept... an 8ft powerhouse of a brute who can backflip like Jet Li and jump through the trees like a monkey... then I might be interested.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
John Cena suck .

In the ring and has an actor . CM Punk FTW !
I used to be a huge wrestling fan back in the attitude era but lost interest. I do check out some stuff on youtube every now and again. I am a Rock fan and I could see him fighting a predator.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/

I hope they go back to the original concept... an 8ft powerhouse of a brute who can backflip like Jet Li and jump through the trees like a monkey... then I might be interested.

I hope they go back to the original concept... an 8ft powerhouse of a brute who can backflip like Jet Li and jump through the trees like a monkey... then I might be interested.

You said what I have been thinking, I just couldn't figure it out. The newer versions seems like they (best analogy I can think of here) had clown feet. Their stride and movements just seemed heavy and uncoordinated.

New Predator a Sequel... NOT a Reboot

Shane Black himself confirms to Collider that Predator is not a reboot at all, but more of a true sequel.

While the initial report said that Black’s new Predator film would be a reboot, Black tells us that he and Dekker see the project as definitely not a reboot, “As far as Fred and I are concerned anyway,” Black said, adding “Why start over, when you’ve all this rich mythology yet to mine?” Black said he doesn’t like reboots generally, but can “really get behind inventive sequels”, noting that he likes “the idea of expanding and exploring the existing Predator mythology, rather than hitting the restart button.” He went on to say that Dekker, who’s writing the screenplay, is “perfect” for the project, adding the two had a blast writing the screenplay for The Monster Squad together. Indeed, the result of their previous collaboration makes the prospect of the new Predator film even more enticing.
Source: Collider