Who are the new sex symbols for the teenagers now??


Just a quick one really, for people my age and a little bit older, the sex symbols for me growing up were - Cameron Diaz, Reece Witherspoon, even Michelle Phieffer to a degree, and of corse the likes of Clooney, Pitt, and Aflek, but for the new teenagers, i am talking about the people aged between 13 and 15, who are they looking at - or is it still pitt and diaz that top the list.
james adams

You're a Genius all the time
I asked my little sister, who's 16, and she said all her friends were pretty ga-ga over Michael Phelps right now. I don't really know if all teen girls want to jump his balls or if my sister and her friends are just weird. But, yeah, that guy could kill a puppy with his bare hands on national television and he'd still be able to sleep with literally any woman on the planet.

For Guys It's Probably Megan Fox.
Is it? She's hardly the new Marilyn Monroe, don't think Transformers has given her quite an iconic enough role.

I think there's too many women postered around vying for 'sex symbol' status.

Me. I'm the new sex symbol. I'm the bees knees.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

For the girls:
Hayden Christensen, Michael Phelps, Daniel Radcliffe, Dwayne Johnson, Shia LaBeouf, Vin Diesel

For the guys:
Megan Fox, Emma Watson, Natalie Portman, Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Jessica Alba

I am burdened with glorious purpose
For the girls:
Hayden Christensen, Michael Phelps, Daniel Radcliffe, Dwayne Johnson, Shia LaBeouf, Vin Diesel

For the guys:
Megan Fox, Emma Watson, Natalie Portman, Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Jessica Alba
Don't guess! I need to know!

I teach middle schoolers. I feel guilty since I have no idea who they really like... 'course I also teach minority kids and your list seems so...white.

I'm going to ask them.

reservoir dogs circa 1881
its a shame to see paris hilton and jessica simpson in that list im also surprised nobodys mentioned mary elizabeth winstead

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
none of the people named so far are really sex symbols, mostly crap actors who happen to be attractive. there has to be something extra, something a little more special to make them a sex symbol - same rule applied to icon and theyre often the same thing