Favorite Youtube Channels?


Who IS the most subscribed person on YouTube:

Who should be:

Aren't I right lads?

Hack The Movies
basically any video game youtuber lol
Last Movie Watched: The Banishing (2020).
Last TV Show Watched: Resident Evil (S1:E7).

Currently this. How come I just heard of Allie Sherlock?

I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Tons, though many of dubious relevance to the people on this site, in particular.

One people here might like, and are less likely to have heard of, is James Whale Bake Shale. Basically nothing but short (a few minutes each) clips of celebrities/actors/directors talking about what makes other directors great, with footage and images to illustrate. Really simple, to the point, but most still contain interesting little observations or asides.

A system of cells interlinked
As far as film is concerned, I tend to watch several:

Chris Gore's content on channels such as Film Threat


I also like Raz0rfist's cinema section of his channel which has subsections such as his Film Noirchives. This guy is perhaps the definition of an edge lord, but he has a ton of film knowledge and a gift for spooling out the verbiage. He also clearly loves film.

Also stuff like The Critical Drinker and Pitch Meeting for some comedic takes...

Other channels I like include several language learning channels such as Speak Spanish Faster and Easy Spanish, and Listen ES.

Plenty of guitar and music channels such as Rick Beato, Signal Studios, and for the Gen X music nostalgia, Professor of Rock.

For gaming lately, I will pop on TheJoshFeed or Writing on Games.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell