Movies you think are dated


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What movie is that? I think it looks kinda cool.
Reminds me of the video to Tonight Tonight by The Smashing Pumpkins.

Originally Posted by mark f
The Love Guru is dated
Totally on spot. The Love Guru was dated BEFORE it even came out.

Anyway, I watched The Return of the Living Dead again the other day...

Although it's my favorite zombie movie ever, those teenagers in the film make it very very 1980's.

The movie would most likely SUCK if it was made nowadays, though, especially with the teenagers of today. Nobody could properly do Trash getting naked and dancing on graves. She'd probably be blonde, have big breasts and be overall "cuter" (or she'd be played by Sherri Moon Zombie... *shudders*) -- not trashy, like her name.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
I'm a little confused about Woman of the Year since it's about a famous woman reporter who's also a pioneer feminist. After she marries a sports reporter, she proves that she's just not a very good cook or housewife when she makes the attempt. Sure, to "save her marriage", she offers to give up her job to tend to the man she's married to, but it never actually happens in the movie.
The last scene of the film is her attempting to make waffles.

Isn't she giving up career at that point?

Or did I miss something?

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I was under the impression that her husband just wanted her to meet him half-way, and once she made the gesture that things would get better for their marriage. She'd still keep her position, but maybe she'd see her husband and a form of "domestic life" as something not so unattractive compared to her career.
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All good people are asleep and dreaming.
There are several of today's film I think are dated.

The Matrix and similar CGI films.

If you think this is amazing, watch TRON.

Special effects driven films date quickly as technology advances.

The Dogcrap '95 films and others like it.

Enough with the shaky handheld cameras!

That goes for action films too.

I saw Woman of the Year just a couple of months ago (or thereabouts). I took the waffle-making attempt as an indication that she was giving up her career, though I suppose the most important thing was that she was demonstrating a willingness to.

I'd tilt towards the first explanation given how unhappy she seemed with her lifestyle at that point, but it's definitely open to a bit of interpretation.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
I was under the impression that her husband just wanted her to meet him half-way, and once she made the gesture that things would get better for their marriage. She'd still keep her position, but maybe she'd see her husband and a form of "domestic life" as something not so unattractive compared to her career.

I found his position to be uncompromising because he is a man, and it's his house.

I hated this film!

This is suppose to be a comedy?

I laughed my ass off when the Tracy character returned the war orphan like a puppy to a pet store.

The only funny part of this movie was when he tried to explain baseball and football to her.

I recently watched forest gump which i used to love, but it felt very dated a decade and a half later.

A lot of 90s dramas i find seem to not work well now, more so then 80s dramas

Films that try to be right up to date quickly become out-dated, especially where styles of the day or the "latest technology" is used. Late 80's TV went through a period where women had masses of hair in bad hairstyles.
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Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I'll be the first to admit that Woman of the Year is one of the more difficult Tracy/Hepburn flicks to warm up to on first viewing. It's slow, obvious and near the end almost inhuman the way the characters treat each other. At least, on first viewing it is, but it's a movie which I can (at least) warm up to with repeated viewings because it basically takes the male-female relationship and inverts it from how it had been mostly depicted down through the years in films. Hepburn is really in charge for most of the movie, and the man doesn't understand. Try rewatching it with the actors playing each other's roles and tell me what you think. I do want to watch the ending again now though. However, I certainly prefer State of the Union and Adam's Rib to this one.

The Dark Crystal and The Last Starfighter are both quite dated, despite being childhood favorites. I have a hard time watching either.

Willow is also showing considerable age, but I think its charm is still as timeless as ever.
I don't know if they've dated or whether you've just grown up.

Of all the films mentioned here so far, the only one I really agree with is Manhunter. I don't think that looking very 80's (or any other period) is enough for a film to be 'dated', I feel that the themes and conventions have to feel dated too.

For example, King Kong doesn't feel dated to me even though it's b&w and uses stop-motion animation. However, the first film that came to mind when I saw this thread was Blow Up, a film that was so of its time that it was probably out dated by the time it finished its theatrical run.

I would've agreed with Scarface, however, were it not for the fact that I feel that Stone uses all that OTT 80's gaudiness and neon, almost as a character and, at the very least, as a way of illuminating both Montana's greed and lack of culture or, maybe, his ill-ease with this wealth.

De Palma directed Scarface, Stone wrote it.

Oh, and I f#cking hate the term "dated" when used to describe a film, it's almost never used correctly.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

De Palma directed Scarface, Stone wrote it.

Oh, and I f#cking hate the term "dated" when used to describe a film, it's almost never used correctly.
Of course it's De Palma. Cheers, HL. My head's been all over the place today.

Also, how would you use the word "dated" correctly?

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
I'll be the first to admit that Woman of the Year is one of the more difficult Tracy/Hepburn flicks to warm up to on first viewing. It's slow, obvious and near the end almost inhuman the way the characters treat each other. At least, on first viewing it is, but it's a movie which I can (at least) warm up to with repeated viewings because it basically takes the male-female relationship and inverts it from how it had been mostly depicted down through the years in films. Hepburn is really in charge for most of the movie, and the man doesn't understand. Try rewatching it with the actors playing each other's roles and tell me what you think. I do want to watch the ending again now though. However, I certainly prefer State of the Union and Adam's Rib to this one.
I usually adhere to the mark f rule and give it another try, but rules are meant to be broken.

Kenny, don't paint your sister.
I have a hard time defining the word dated. I mean a movie made in the 70s can't have technology for this year. I try to keep that in mind. But if I had to call a movie "dated" I would say The Taking of Pelham One, Two, Three (1974). I can understand why someone would update or remake this film because the situation would be interesting to see unfold under today's conditions.
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