The 2024 Oscar Picks Pool Is Open


The trick is not minding
Note to self: don’t change your mind at the 11th hour on some “hunch”.
Also, make sure you choose the correct person. Last year I chose Hsu by accident when I had meant Curtis. I suppose I saw the movie title and didn’t read the actress’s names next to it.

What does everyone think is the hardest category to predict? I think visual effects is the hardest, followed by animated short and documentary short.

I participated in this picks game this year, but I haven't seen how many I got right and wrong, and a ranking here on the board of who did the best, etc. I'd be interested in that info. It would be fun to see.

I participated in this picks game this year, but I haven't seen how many I got right and wrong, and a ranking here on the board of who did the best, etc. I'd be interested in that info. It would be fun to see.
Some clown won. I can't remember his name. Captain Bozo, maybe?

It'd be cool if there was a way to view our picks from previous years, see the leaderboard and whatnot. Maybe there already is a way and I'm just unaware. (Hm, @Yoda?)

You can view past winners like this (note the year in the URL):

Same with leaderboards:

Things like leaderboards and past years are easy to find during Oscar season (there's a bit clickable Oscar statue in the header, and links above the content on every page of the site), and I leave them up the day after the Oscars, I just take them down after that so it requires more digging if you want to see it days later. But in my experience most people are only interested in the leadup and immediate aftermath so I remove the links pretty quick.