1 pesky sciuridae, 504 leaps, an unknown number of fillums


January 1st:
1. Solaris (Steven Soderbergh - 2002, dvd)

Not yet seen the supposedly superior Tarkovsky version from the 70's, thought this was pretty effectively made and enjoyable though.

January 2nd:
2. Lincoln (Steven Spielberg - 2012, tv)
Daniel Day-Lewis was impressive as was the depiction of the era, film was well made and maintained interest but gets overly sentimental/dramatic at times as is all too often Spielberg's way.

January 3rd:
3. ParaNorman (Chris Butler, Sam Fell - 2012, tv)
Decent enough animation that had a few laugh-out-loud moments but was a little too predictable and pat.

4. Henry's Crime (Malcolm Venville - 2010, dvd)
Quite enjoyable despite not really bringing anything new to the table, lobbing along at it's own pace (which may be a little slow for some) and ending completely predictably and tweely.

5. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Tomas Alfredson - 2011, tv)

Whilst the original tv series remains the best adaptation this is actually pretty darn good too imo.

6. Quills (Philip Kaufman - 2000, dvd)

How IMDb don't also categorise this as a comedy is quite beyond me. Despite losing itself just a little in an overabundance of absurdity on one or two occasions it's a film that surely would garner a little wider audience if it were designated that it contains plenty of laughs along the way.

More than welcome aboard HK, just don't expect such a flurry of activity as this all the time. There's no grand plan to watch a movie a day or even watch 3% of the total number of films Mark F does in a year - I just wanted to document what I watch without being tied to producing any more than a line or two on each one!

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Glad you like Tinker Tailor, one of my fav films from past 5 years. The TV series is even better, and the TV series of Smileys People.

Source material is quality, cast is very good - not always a shoo-in for a decent film I know but a pretty good base from which to start

Trouble with a capital "T"
January 1st:
1. Solaris (Steven Soderbergh - 2002, dvd)

Not yet seen the supposedly superior Tarkovsky version from the 70's, thought this was pretty effectively made and enjoyable though.
Most people either like one version of Solaris or the other, I liked both versions and both are very different too. Solaris (1972) is worth a watch, yes it's long, OK very long and with slow scenes...and yet it has a special something to it....I liked the 2002 version and though George Clooney was good in it.

'72 version is on my wishlist but price is still a little prohibitive, want to watch Stalker by Tarkovsky too so waiting for a dip in price on both individually or maybe a set that contains both. Long and slow doesn't phase me, neither in terms of viewing nor waiting for a deal to appear.

January 5th:
7. 2 Guns (Baltasar Kormákur - 2013, tv)
Enjoyable primarily for the interplay between the two leads for me, beyond that it's merely a passable action movie imo.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
loved Tinker, Tailor. . ., Quills

and with 2 Guns I liked it BECAUSE it didn't rely solely on action to make it worthwhile

and agree with Lincoln

great start, Chyp!!

This thread must have come from the Twilight Zone. I haven't seen it until now, but apparently it's been around 3 days. I don't believe that. So, the only explanation if the Twilight Zone.

January 7th:
8. The Babadook (Jennifer Kent - 2014, dvd)
Very well executed horror in the main with an excellent performance from Smith and a very strong debut from young Wiseman. It does dip a little in the closing stages but is still superior to many films with far bigger budgets.

I had that film in my hand the other day and was going to buy it, but I got a phone call and had to rush out. Went back a couple of days later and it was gone. Looks like I will, indeed, end up watching it on FilmFour or something.

January 8th:
9. Event Horizon (Paul W.S. Anderson - 1997, dvd)
Enjoyable sci-fi romp that just becomes a tad too ridiculous in the final stages for it's own good imo or it would rate higher.

10, Franklyn (Gerald McMorrow - 2008, tv)
Drama with fantasy elements that pieces together slowly and is perfectly watchable but ultimately left me feeling somewhat unfulfilled.

11. Heli (Amat Escalante - 2013, tv)

Mexican drama that is very slow and rather bleak but personally I found quite compelling.

Real glad that you're doing this, Chyp

I agree with you on Quills; it was absolutely hilarious at times.

Have you ever kept track of what you've watched for an entire year?

Do you have a goal in mind?

Trouble with a capital "T"
9. Event Horizon (Paul W.S. Anderson - 1997, dvd) +
Enjoyable sci-fi romp that just becomes a tad too ridiculous in the final stages for it's own good imo or it would rate higher.
That's the third film on your list that I've seen (also Solaris and Lincoln)....I have to agree! Event Horizon was fun, but like you say got ridiculous. Did you think the ship set was cool? I sure did, that was the best thing about it.

Have you ever kept track of what you've watched for an entire year?
I never have - this'll be the closest I've ever come to it but it still probably won't be a complete record as with my memory there will be bound to be times I forget to log and comment.

Do you have a goal in mind?
Nope, no goals at all. Imo they only inevitably lead to either disappointment or, for things like this, a feeling of 'having to watch' as opposed to 'wanting to watch' a movie sometimes.

Did you think the ship set was cool?
Did when I first saw it all those years ago and still do today. Part of the appeal of sci-fi set in space is to my inner child, the more fantastic a ship's design the better as far as that is concerned

I loved The Babadook. We watched it late night on holiday in France in a cottage in the middle of nowhere, then everyone went to bed and left me and our Chinese daughter in law to lock up in this rambling dark house. She knows ghosts exist apparently so just locking up was terrifying never mind the film

I loved The Babadook. We watched it late night on holiday in France in a cottage in the middle of nowhere, then everyone went to bed and left me and our Chinese daughter in law to lock up in this rambling dark house. She knows ghosts exist apparently so just locking up was terrifying never mind the film
Really is well done the way things switch around in terms of emotions imo.