The Thread Where I Post Stuff That I Just Happen To Really Like


The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by blibblobblib
Her hair was very very sexy Taccy yes. She looks almost the same as she does in that picture at the moment. Like hair colour wise. I feel it varies some what in gingerness over time. She had a cracking figure too and lovely legs. God i love her.
Lucky blibber!

And as for turning off when Ross is on, what is the matter with you man? Do you not like the floppy haired charm of Rossy?
A little of The Wossmeister goes a very long way with me, thesedays. He's a smart, naturally funny guy but his overexposure seems to have given him a head the size of a 12 foot raisin.

I recorded the first 'Ross In Asia' (or whatever it's called) from BBC3 earlier in the week. Ain't watched it...yet.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
I wached the Jonathon Ross show just because of you Blib, and yes I heard your scream!!!!!

As for Mr.Ross, I'm not a fan, he's on everything on the BBC, and in general I find his humour predictable and pretty poor.
Can we please have back Barry Norman on Film 2006.
Hey Pepe, would you say I have a plethora of presents?

Toga, toga, toga......

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Blibbleblibble
i just blurted out a "YAAAAAAAAY!!" to my utter horror.
Damn, i wish i'd caught that one

Originally Posted by Tacitus
I recorded the first 'Ross In Asia' (or whatever it's called) from BBC3 earlier in the week. Ain't watched it...yet.
I caught some of that - it was alwight. Could you do me a favour tho Tas, and tell me the name of the new-ish Omori (Ichi the Killer) film they feature - featuring flying arms and men in suits. Looked daft - but couldn't find it anywhere on imdb.
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Lets put a smile on that block
Enough Of This Wossy Bashing!! I Shant Listen No More. He Is My Friend And Looked Me Right In The Eye Before The Security Guards Put The Black Sack Over My Face.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

My home theater system which includes:
  • Kenwood Dolby Digital DTS 7.1 Dolby Surround Stereo Receiver
  • HDMI Phillips DVD Player
  • Infinity speakers 7.1
  • X-Box 360 (with HD-DVD coming soon)
  • Tivo DVR 200 Gig

The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by Golgot

I caught some of that - it was alwight. Could you do me a favour tho Tas, and tell me the name of the new-ish Omori (Ichi the Killer) film they feature - featuring flying arms and men in suits. Looked daft - but couldn't find it anywhere on imdb.
Whoops! Glad I caught this because I was clearing out the digibix's HD and wondered if I'd ever watch the show. I'll bung you a PM after I watch it.

5 Things I HATE (not gonna do 50)

1. People who leave LARGE print jobs in the printer for hours or days- especially the lazy woman who sits NEXT TO THE PRINTER in my office, ARRGGH
2. People who don't use their friggin' directional signals in traffic. Seriously it costs nothing!!!
3. People on the train whose headphones are too loud for ME standing 5 feet away
4. Music snobs
5. People who abuse animals

5 Things I LOVE

1. My fiance, and the genuine passion she has for life
2. My Fender American Deluxe V-Neck Stratocaster
3. My Dogs
4. Brewing my own beer, MMMmmmm
5. Writing a new song, and hearing the potential in it, and watching it develop