

I'm raul from Croatia, a small European country. I'm unemployed, 42, not uncommon here. First of, I'm in desperate need of a human touch, cause I don't have any friends, so I hope DESPERATELY I won't be ignored. Movies are a nice thing in my life, one of main interests. My fave is 2001, fave director would be a tough one for me, I guess Lean. Fave actor couldn't be easier, on the other hand, Alec Guiness.

So, that's it from me, hope for a lively chat!

Thanks, guys. This means SO MUCH to me! I won't tell you my life story, unless you're interested, it's FULL of PAIN. (I hope I won't get into trouble for this!). And TRULY, TRULY THANK YOU!!! Talk about fast ...2 welcomes in 5 mins! Is this place alive or what? I looked around and I like this forum BY FAR the most. btw, I LOVE De Niro!

hahaha! GOOD ONE, gbgoodies! We're gonna have to wait beyond the infinite while I reach THAT level of computer ability and wit! I haven't even edited my profile...I don't know how. I BEARELY registered!

First of, I'm in desperate need of a human touch, cause I don't have any friends, so I hope DESPERATELY I won't be ignored.

Monique says:

"Hello, Raul. I am Monique. Say... isn't there already a Raul here on this forum? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

Anyway... you can touch me. ANYTIME YOU WANT TO. That's what I was made for. Love to you."

Yes, hello, Raul. Thank you for that marvelous introduction, Gunslinger.

Raul, you need an avatar. I can make one for you. That's a picture that goes underneath your name. Anything you would like as your avatar?

Welcome to the board, Raul! I am one of the moderators here at Movie Forums. If you need help with anything at all, feel free to PM me. Again, welcome to MoFo land!

HI, Sexy Celebrity! I think there is, but I'm raul1. btw, does anyone like the Beatles here? Cause Love You Too is one of their songs...I think...Anyway I love John Lennon more than anything else. (And I'm NOT gay). I'm strait, in some senses, not all, i know there are a lot of loons out there, but I certainly won't do any rubbish here. I simply am not some sort of weirdoe...

I'd also like to know what is the extent of spamming here. How far can I go?

Can I at least ask if you're male or female, Sexy celebrity? Male?

i know there are a lot of loons out there, but I certainly won't do any rubbish here. I simply am not some sort of weirdoe...

I'd also like to know what is the extent of spamming here. How far can I go?
Thank you for the first part, and since you took the time to ask about spam, which I truly appreciate, go ahead and pm what it is to me, and I can let you know if and/or how you may advertise it.

I appologize for the double post. Sexy celebrity, didn't you have a Mel Gibson avatar, speaking of which? As for mine I'd like John Lennon, and once again THANKS! EVERYONE FOR EVERYTHING!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Howdy Raul! Now that you're here, you have to stick around and read some threads, learn about MoFo land (which is even smaller than Croatia)...and join in the fun and post!....Oh, one more thing:

HI, Sexy Celebrity! I think there is, but I'm raul1. btw, does anyone like the Beatles here? Cause Love You Too is one of their songs...I think...Anyway I love John Lennon more than anything else. (And I'm NOT gay). I'm strait, in some senses, not all, i know there are a lot of loons out there, but I certainly won't do any rubbish here. I simply am not some sort of weirdoe...
Alrighty. Well, yes, there's lots of John Lennon/Beatles lovers here. In fact, The Beatles recently won one of our "Song Tournaments."

I'd also like to know what is the extent of spamming here. How far can I go?
Well, I mean, I just made a game thread about an inflatable doll and a Jackie Stallone punching bag. You can go pretty far. Of course, this is apparently a "family friendly" website, so make sure everything stays within a PG-13 rating... even though some people think it should be below a G rating.

Can I at least ask if you're male or female, Sexy celebrity? Male?
I'm still waiting to find that out from the doctor. I've been waiting 30 years for a phone call. I'm starting to think he isn't gonna call........

Oh, really? Did the doctor call you? He must have got the wrong number.