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The People's Republic of Clogher
I've not been following any of the Mad Max stuff. It's Shadow of Mordor with cars, innit? Not that that's a bad thing.

Shame to see Alexa being subsumed by the Gamespot machine. The's pretty cool and knows her stuff, in fact I always thought she'd be a better fit for Gamespot's mad uncle, Giant Bomb. Danny O'Dyer and Mary Kish from Gamespot are practically GB ancillaries at this point and I'd love to see Alexa doing the same 'running with the fox and hunting with the hounds' type stuff.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

there's a frog in my snake oil
I've not been following any of the Mad Max stuff. It's Shadow of Mordor with cars, innit? Not that that's a bad thing.

Shame to see Alexa being subsumed by the Gamespot machine. The's pretty cool and knows her stuff, in fact I always thought she'd be a better fit for Gamespot's mad uncle, Giant Bomb. Danny O'Dyer and Mary Kish from Gamespot are practically GB ancillaries at this point and I'd love to see Alexa doing the same 'running with the fox and hunting with the hounds' type stuff.
Looking that way yeah . Driving combat seems pretty promising. Think it's gonna have to be the stand out thing to make it special. Maybe check out the convoy pursuit clip, it gets pretty close to having a Mad Max vibe, and looks like they're gonna be fairly epic affairs towards the end game.

I'm just hoping it's got copious HUD options. I can def see cruising that world in low-HUD, using the in-car view, being pretty sweet

Yeah she's funny at points too, and I'm sure she knows her stuff. It's not really the format to show it though. It just seems like it's a prerequisite of launch streams that every word uttered must be positive. Makes for some startlingly daft statements
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

The People's Republic of Clogher
She's a relatively recent hire there, came from Polygon I think and always seemed a bit too intellectual for Gamespot. Gotta take whatever job's offered in today's games media I guess.

I think GB have it right when it comes to promotions - They're friends with tons of developers and will happily post videos on their games but don't officially review them or have them in their GOTY discussions.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Yeah GB's approach is interesting. The sardonically long 'quick looks', the post-launch in-depth reviews, and the look-this-is-just-what-I'm-mad-about-right-now streams.

It was Kotaku's move to post-launch in-depth that made me spend more time there. Felt like they were doing something right if they were prepared to forgo the pre-launch scramble. (Although maybe they was just trying to get hits during the later lulls )

Still makes a lot of sense though to give a more fulsome reflection on the fully patched product. Now if only I could learn to wait until I've read em

The People's Republic of Clogher
I generally don't watch any pre-release stuff, especially if I figure I'm in line to buy the finished product. Heck, I watched the MGS 5 trailers for the first time this morning.

They're so overwrought that all I can do is smile. Pretty sure that my big problem with the game will be how Kojima chooses to tackle the Important War Stuff - Previous games skirted around the same thing but dressed up so much with ludicrous camp that he got away with having kinda poor writing skills when things got serious.

Ground Zeroes has a much darker tone, 200% too much Joan Baez and some disturbing narration but it's a short prequel so I'll not totally prejudge Phantom Pain on the back of it.

Dem trailers though...

Warning: Watching this 18 Rated YouTube video will inflict Maximum Kojima on you

Also, butts.

there's a frog in my snake oil
I've never played any MGSs, are they supposed to be totally tongue in cheek? Everything from the mechanics to the delivery seems like it doesn't take itself very seriously


Oo ok, I might be an eSports convert, now they're about sports it seems...

The final of this Rocket League series is a doozy. The undefeated favourites on the scene (Cosmic) pretty much blitz the first round, despite some cool saves from the opposition (Urban), but then things get tasty from the second round on (7mins in)...

Shame about the spectator cam interface being a great big disc that obscures the view. Imagine they'll change that if this catches on

The People's Republic of Clogher
Nope, MGS has always played everything straight but with loads of ludicrous little beats and flourishes which stopped things from becoming too heavy. The off-beat nature also helped Kojima because, try as he might, he'll never be that good a writer - The interminable factions, questionable sexual politics and bizarro plot shifts became kinda endearing.

I would put a spoiler warning here but, c'mon, the statute of limitations must be up on these old ass games now.

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
eurogamer had a chronological summary of the series. I've played "most" since the original NES and I can't make sense/ remember much of it.

I spite of that, it is what I would consider epic gaming. So many great boss battles and I've always enjoyed the gameplay mechanics. I have trouble keeping up with story bits (Game of Thrones) anyways, so it doesn't bother me.

I bought my 4 for this game. That said, it's been sitting on the floor unopened with its copy of Arkham Knight.

My strongest memory comes from the original NES version when you are captured in the beginning, then placed in a cell with all inventory stripped. In order to escape you had to punch a wall, but it never occured to me. I can still remember that day and how bad a mood I was in.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
After hour of gameplay I must say Alan Wake looks decant. Very atmospheric, good story and feel of need to survive, important stuff for you know...survival horror. But combat is meh, its new but clunky at the same time, now that's tricky as in these types of games it can be both good and bad thing. Story is developing nicely, very mysterious. Again, this is just one hour into the game, I'll "report" back after few more hours or after I finish it.
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
Oo ok, I might be an eSports convert, now they're about sports it seems...
I can watch anything if I know what's going on. The main problem is the stuff like LoL or DotA, where I have no clue what they are doing. Twitch may be testament to how big eSports are going to be. I would hedge that by what I see as the strong draw of the chat and community aspect.

That prize pool made me laugh for some reason.

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
Started Arkham Knight and it froze the first time . Took an internet search to figure out how to turn the system off.

It's alright so far, but the batmobile kinda makes it choppy. Definitely looks like it was developed as a last gen game. Gotta love that voice acting though. I can't see myself playing this after the first of the month.

Finished Shadow of Mordor a few days ago. Now getting started on the DLC's. Even if the lore isn't too true to the original work, I still enjoy time spent in Middle-earth.
[ J ] - [ S ] - [ F ]

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
Finished Shadow of Mordor a few days ago. Now getting started on the DLC's. Even if the lore isn't too true to the original work, I still enjoy time spent in Middle-earth.
What would be your review on Mordor?

Well, it's the only game other than FIFA and Call of Duty that I've played in a long time, so I can't compare it to anything recent. Also, I'm pretty much biased to anything Tolkien based. With that said, I think it's a great game. The story perhaps a little too short, but the freedom of open world play makes up for it with side missions and collectible challenges, if you're into that. It allows you to choose which direction of the story you wish to pursue, so there isn't really a set order. The graphics are good, but again I don't know what it's up against.

The best thing is probably the Nemesis system. I can see many games down the road implementing it in the future. I guess as a whole, the game kind of reminds me of Assassin's Creed. I haven't played an AC game for years now, so I don't know how similar they really are, but as soon as I started playing SoM I was instantly reminded of AC. I would say it deserved it's Game of the Year award, but I haven't played anything else to compare it with. I would definitely suggest you give it a try, especially if you're into games such as AC or the new Batman games. Oh, there are also people saying that the game isn't really suited for older generation consoles, that it should only really be played on the new ones.

The People's Republic of Clogher
What would be your review on Mordor?
The best example of Batman Arkham combat out there. The story is kinda irrelevant - I couldn't give two hoots about Tolkien's world (and what takes place here is of the 'inspired by' variety) at the best of times but what's on offer here is yer standard revenge plot - but the mechanics are sooo much fun.

Disclaimer: I got about 20 hours in and bailed on the game on the second map. Something shinier had taken my eye and the story was just too weak to keep me playing. I'll go back to the game eventually but it'll be a fresh save and not continuing where I left off.

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…

For me Metal Gear Solid (1998/2000) is the best. Only one which I played, too. Played PC version.
I can see that. I think I've said before, but this or FF VII were some of my first memorable "O $#@÷" moments.

How did they handle the Psycho Mantis mind reading part on PC?

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
What would be your review on Mordor?
Disclaimer: I got about 20 hours in and bailed on the game on the second map. Something shinier had taken my eye and the story was just too weak to keep me playing.

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
Arkham Knight tank mode should have been made into a multiplayer feature.

All these Metal Gear reviews rolling in. Great news everyone, apparently this is the least batshiz crazy one yet, with 80 different ways to complete each objective. Not a single bit of hyperbole.

Registered User

I bought this game the other day on Steam - looks like one of the hardest games ever. Anyone know of anything that looks harder than this? (Yes, 1 hit and you die).